Solanaceae Essays

  • Irish Potato Famine

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    In the early 1800s life in Ireland wasn’t easy, Irish citizens got by day to day by farming and relying on the potato. The potato was their main source of food and money. With out the potato the Irish would have nothing. No one was prepared for what was about to happen in 1845, the beginning of the Great Irish Potato Famine. The Irish Potato Famine was the worst tragedy in the history of Ireland. The outcome of the famine would result in hundreds of thousands dead, an failure of the economy in

  • Atropa belladona: The Deadly Nightshade

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    family. Because it is so poisonous it was given the name Atropos, which is the Greek word for inflexible. Another meaning is that it refers to "one of three Fates who cut the thread of life."(2) Taxonomically, Atropa belladona is classified in the Solanaceae, a family that also includes the common potato, tobacco and chile pepper. This species probably came originally from southern Europe and Asia, but is today naturalized in many parts of the world. The plant itself stands between two and six feet

  • Tomato Allergy

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    Tomato allergy is a food allergy which is not common. However it becomes a real big problem to people who are allergic to tomatoes. The allergic reaction seems to be because of the skin, seeds and juice. This allergy falls in Type 1 Allergy also called contact allergy. The oral allergy to tomatoes can be also due to the cross-reactivity to grass pollens and Ryegrass. Since tomatoes and potatoes are close related plants, therefore there is a slight chance of being allergic to potatoes also. Ingesting

  • Pollan´s Theories and the Potato

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    Pollan has a few positions regarding the nature that the potato satisfies and its connection to politics, production, and his own personal life. His view regarding the desire that the potato satisfies is compared with the idea of the sublime. Pollan states that the sublime is “mostly a kind of vacation in both a literal and moral sense” (184) and that nature itself is a counter to that. Agriculture can be described as a method of control of nature (in this case, particularly with genetics). Thus

  • Atropine Research Paper

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    History and Significance Atropine has been in use for centuries, however its medicinal capability has not always been known. Atropine is found naturally in a few plants most notably the infamous Atropa Belladonna, or deadly night shade. As its name implies, deadly night shade is a poisonous plant of which atropine is one of the main poisons. Atropine was first isolated from jimson weed, a more common plant than deadly nightshade, by Greiger and Hesse in 1833. Atropine is extracted commercially from

  • Goji Berry Essay

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    The Himalayan Super Berry-Goji Berry: Research Paper and Prospectus What if you heard that simply consuming a handful of a tart little red berries could make you live a longer, lose weight and feel better? Like millions of other consumers you would probably jump at the idea. With these claims, its no wonder the new health craze in the Himalayan Superfruit, the Goji berry, has become prevalent in supermarkets across the globe. The health claims of the Goji berry are endless; from its anti-inflammatory

  • Who Is Dimmesdale's Death In The Scarlet Letter

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    After the death of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s character Dimmesdale from the book the Scarlet Letter, there have been many theories about the cause of his death. Some literary analyzers claim that his guilt was the cause of his death. Others say that Roger Chillingworth, a physician, poisoned him with Atropine and Scopolamine. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale’s guilt appears to be the cause of his death, but his symptoms point towards Atropine and Scopolamine poisoning.

  • Health Benefits Of Tomato: An Essay On Tomato

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    TOMATO Tomato is one of the most important vegetable crop grown throughout the world. Tomato belongs to the family solanaceae. Tomato is a red colour fruit but considered as a vegetable and grows in a summer. The Tomato is originated from South and Central America. The top producers of tomato throughout the world are China, India, U.S and Turkey. The top producers of tomato in India are Bihar, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal. Tomato considered

  • Essay On Macronutrient Of Nutrients

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    INTRODUCTION Nutrient are important for plant growth. These are also called essential elements and required for the plant to complete its life cycle. Nutrients are important for growth and development of crop, promotes vegetative and reproductive growth, provides protection against many devastating pathogens that is responsible for the yield loss in many economically important crop. Sixteen important nutrients are vital for plant growth. These are 1. Macronutrients: These nutrients are required in

  • Tomato Plant Essay

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    any other fruit and therefore it is classified as a vegetable for culinary purposes. Biological Family Tomatoes, ‘Aubergines’ (Eggplant), Capsicum Peppers, Capsicum ‘Anuum’ (hot pepper) and potatoes are grown in a similar way and belongs to the ‘Solanaceae’ (Nightshade family). Root system The root system of tomato plants, mainly depends on how it was grown from seed, it can have a taproot system or a large fibrous root system. Soil Can

  • Motion Sickness and The Use of Scopolamine

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    have identified specific actions of scopolamine, including its effect when used at sea, its effect on cognitive performance, and its effect on patients experiencing myocardial infraction. Scopolamine is an alkaloid drug derived from plants in the Solanaceae family. This family of plants are called nightshade plants, and some examples are henbane and jimson weed. The chemical formula of scopolamine is C17H21NO4. Brand names include Scopoderm and Transderm-V. The medication works as an antagonist at

  • Potato Production Of Potato

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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) belongs to family Solanaceae and is one of the most important vegetable cum starch supplying crop having high production per unit area per unit time. Potato, an underground tuber occupies prime position among the cash crops in India. Potatoes are rich source of vitamins, especially C and B and also minerals. Tubers contain 70-80% water, 20.6% carbohydrate, 2.1% protein, 0.3% fat, 1.1% crude fibre and 0.9% ash (Banu et al., 2007). It also contains good amount of essential

  • Lithium

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    In 1817, an aging Swedish chemist was pouring over his work on a late afternoon in Stockholm, Sweden. He was analyzing a strange ore named Petalite that had been procured from an island off the coast of Sweden called Utö. The ore Petalite (which is now recognized to be LiAl(Si2O5)2) had been discovered by a Brazilian scientist, José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva towards the end of the 18th century on a visit to Sweden. This Swedish scientist, Johann August Arfvedson, detected traces of an unknown

  • Smoking on College Campuses

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    Smoking should be banned from college campus, except where there is a designated smoking area away from others on the campus! Smoking is the use of tobacco or nicotine. Tobacco is made up of more than 70 plant species within the genus nicotiana of the solanaceae family. (“Tobacco”) Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 different chemicals and at least 69 are a cause of cancer! (“Secondhand”) Tobacco use is the most preventable cause for disease, disability, and death! (“Department”) Smoking causes more

  • Let's Discuss Sweden's Psychedelic Culture

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    also known as the king of Sweden Amanita (Amanita regalis), is common in many parts of the country. In addition, the liberty cap (Psilocybe semilanceata) can be found growing on meadows and lawns. When it comes to plants, species belonging to the Solanaceae family, commonly known as nightshades, may be encountered in the wild. The plant encyclopedia Den nordiska floran (lit. “the Nordic flora”) lists henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), Jimson weed (Datura stramonium) and belladona (Atropa belladonna). Hemp

  • Potatoes Periodic Table

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    The Periodic Table of… Potatoes? I’m Czechoslovakian but I joke that my family is Irish--we rely heavily on potatoes, whether they be mashed, fried, casserole-d, scalloped, or in my soup. Americans discuss potatoes like they’re native to countries like Ireland and states like Idaho, hence my wisecrack one-liner. However, potatoes have a longer, more complicated history than Idaho’s Potato Museum or the Irish Potato Famine. The Incas first cultivated potatoes around 8,000 to 5,000 B.C.--they held

  • A Study Of Spices And Condiments In Manipur Valley

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    “A Study of Spices and Condiments with their uses especially found in Manipur Valley” Dr Banaraj Haobam1, Th Inaocha Devi2, M Kheroda Devi3 1. HoD,Department of Biotechnology,K.P.College,Hiyangthang. 2. Department of Biotechnology,K.P.College,Hiyangthang. 3. Department of Biotechnology,K.P.College,Hiyangthang. Abstracts: - The present field survey revealed that an extensive study of spices and condiments in four districts of Manipur Valley. Species of the four districts were found in different

  • Tobacco Use Of Tobacco

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    ingredients Nicotine. Nicotine is a naturally occurring organic compound, referred to as an alkaloid, found in the leaves of Nicotiana tabacum and is know to be one of the most addictive alkaloids next to morphine. Nicotiana tabacum belongs to the Solanaceae family, Nicotiana genus, and N. tabacum species. Tobacco’s earliest uses were for religious purposes, as an entheogen, several medical applications, and most importantly trade by the Native Americans who lived throughout the America’s in the 16rh

  • Micropropagation Method For Tomato Plant

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    As discussed by Taylor (1986), tomato is a type of plant from the family of Solanaceae. There are many tomato species around the world. The tomato is not easy to plant in Malaysia and it is also very important as a food for the citizen. This tomato plant is easy to cultivate in area which is in moderate temperature and firstly came from the place which is in dry west coast of tropical South America (Cooper, 1972). According to Picken, Stewart, and Klapwijk (1986), there are several techniques for

  • The Genus Datura: From Research Subject to Powerful Hallucinogen

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    of contrasts - from smelly weeds to lovely ornamentals." This paper will attempt to provide an overview of this varied genus, with specific attention being given to Datura stramonium, most common in North America. Datura belongs to the family Solanaceae, the nightshades, which Includes some 2,400 species in total (Siegel 1989:36). Other plants with narcotic properties in this family are mandrake (Mandrogora), belladonna (Atropa), henbane (Hyoscyamus), and tobacco (Nicotiana). Appropriately called