Pollan´s Theories and the Potato

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Pollan has a few positions regarding the nature that the potato satisfies and its connection to politics, production, and his own personal life. His view regarding the desire that the potato satisfies is compared with the idea of the sublime. Pollan states that the sublime is “mostly a kind of vacation in both a literal and moral sense” (184) and that nature itself is a counter to that. Agriculture can be described as a method of control of nature (in this case, particularly with genetics). Thus the potato (and its representative, the NewLeaf) are introduced as the manifestation of our desire to control. Pollan states that his personal reasons for growing the potato are not so much because he wants something out of them as much as it is an experiment to decide whether or not the NewLeaf potato is actually worth growing. In industry, Pollan states, there is a “long, complex and…largely invisible food chain that links us to the land.” Genetic crops are an integral part of this chain according to Pollan, as a large amount of the fields that grow crops are genetically modified.


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