Sins Essays

  • Why Sin Is Sin

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    verbal retirement might be the word “sin”. As long as humans exist, the concept of sin will never retire because it definitely exists! None of us are perfect; we all sin whenever the opportunity presents itself. Sin affects all of us, both when we sin and when others sin. But what is sin? How does one go about defining it? According to certain dictionaries like Thesaurus, sin is defined as an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. Sin has been prevalent in humanity since

  • Sin Is Sin

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    first created perfect, sinless. Sin slithered into the world when Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Ever since then, we are born into a sinful world, with a sinful nature. How then do we live Christ-like lives, when we are born with a sinful name? So what is sin exactly? The way I think about it is anything that goes against what God wants from us. Obviously we are human and we are not perfect so we will make mistakes and get caught up in sin just because it’s a habit, but

  • Sin In Nathaniel Hawthorne's Theme Of Sin

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    Hawthorne’s Theme of Sin The goal of all religious people is to get to heaven. Heaven is the place of everlasting joy and happiness. The one drawback that can keep us from getting to that everlasting joy is sin. It is like the poem “The Sea Turtle”; the turtle is trying to get to the ocean, but the unclean birds are trying to divert him from his goal. The turtle represents human beings, the ocean is heaven, and the unclean birds are sin. The only thing keeping us from reaching our happiness is the

  • the consequences of sin

    990 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Consequences of Sin “The theme of the stories has been variously stated as the reality of sin, the occurrence of evil, the secret sin and hypocrisy of all persons, the hypocrisy of Puritanism, the results of doubt or disbelief, the devastating effects of moral skepticism, or the demoralizing effects of the discovery that all men are sinners and hypocrites” (McKeithan 93). Although “The Minister’s Black Veil” and “Young Goodman Brown” both deal with the obsession with sin, Nathaniel Hawthorne

  • The Sins of Cloning

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    The Sins of Cloning "See you in two years with your cloned child," says the doctor to his patient. Such a statement sounds so bizarre and futuristic, but scientists believe cloning "is no longer the realm of science fiction" (Virginia, Sirs). Its "just a matter of time before the first cloned [humans]" (Virginia, Sirs). Although this practice does not seem dangerous, cloning should be banned because it takes away the individual importance of human beings, is too risky, and also morally wrong

  • The Sins of the Father

    1955 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Sins of the Father What happens to children severely traumatized or neglected during the first years of life? This is an infinite topic, so the focus of this exploration will be limited to three personality disorders. The symptoms of these personality disorders are diagnosed in adulthood, but their roots lie in the first 4 years of life. Erikson's growth stages of trust vs. mistrust and autonomy vs. self-doubt will form the foundation for understanding. When a child is exposed to abusive

  • Sins and Redemption Essay

    1422 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sins are mistakes made in moments of weakness; everybody has weakness, thus everybody commits sins. These mistakes gone uncorrected leave guilt and regret, but because the nature of guilt is a feeling of responsibility for an action, it reflects the good in someone because at a subconscious level, they long for some form of redemption. The length at which two characters in The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, go to redeem themselves doesn’t necessarily show their “goodness”, but the level of guilt

  • Sin In The Scarlet Letter

    620 Words  | 2 Pages

    themselves."(p.116) Some walk secretly with this heavy sin in their heart, while others get shamed in public because their sin is displayed openly. Since these sins are all different, the consequences and the significance may also vary in importance. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth sins and all of the wrongdoings vary in significance. The story develops when Hester Prynne commits the sin of adultery. Even though Hester's mistake was driven

  • Sin and Redemption: Iredeemable

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    others. People don't know the consequences of sin in the afterlife. Many think that if a person sins then they are instantly foreordained to go to hell. Others think that there is no such thing as sinning. People are unsure of what will happen to them once they have committed a sin. No matter what sins you have face or committed, nothing is irredeemable. People are scared of the afterlife and they aren't sure if redemption is even possible once a sin is committed. For instance in the well written

  • Sin in The Scarlet Letter

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sin in The Scarlet Letter Since the dawn of time people have read, studied and enjoyed books in which the hero or heroes fall from grace. No matter who those heroes are- the human race in The Bible,the demon prince Lestat in Anne Rice's "Vampire Chronicles"or a certain Thane of Cawdor in "Macbeth"- sin plays a greatpart in all of their downfalls and subsequent ressurections.And the three main characters in Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter"-Dimmesdale, Chillingsworth, and Hester Prynne-

  • Sin and Redemption

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    period tend to have similar themes. Sin and redemption are the common themes that appear to be most redundant. This is shown mostly through the works entitled, The Crucible, The Minister’s Black Veil, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, and Redemption. First In The Crucible, Abbigail Williams and John Proctor commit lechery. Abbigail was only a teenage girl, while John was a married man with three children. Only John’s wife, Elizabeth ever knew of their sin, but when she came to know of it, she

  • Consequence Of Sin In The Crucible

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    Consequences of Sin: All your sins will come back to you. Often we underestimate the consequences to our actions and commit sin which results in being punished. No act of sin is justified or should go unnoticed without any form of comeuppance. Everyone is guilty of committing sinful actions and for this reason there will always be a negative impact, a price to pay and people will judge critically and harshly as part of the consequences of our sin. According to the ¨Witchcraft in Salem” written

  • Sin And The Catholic Church

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    Sin is something every devout Christian should try to avoid. However, in today's church structure there are many who have been convicted and stealing from time immemorial, the so-called "weeds". The pride of the eyes, the passion of this life, are the snares that make the world sinless and unknowable. If we believe and believe and understand clearly, let us examine what is the good, pure and pleasing will of the Lord.      We all know that there is a price to pay for the growth of trusting in the

  • sin city

    631 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sin City A beautiful woman stands on the balcony of a skyscraper looking out at the forest of massive buildings. A man exits the party and approaches her from behind. He lets her hear his footsteps. They have a small conversation, he offers her a cigarette, then shoots her. This is just the beginning. Sin City is comprised of four stories. The film begins and ends with the story of a hit man (Josh Hartnett). But Hartnett plays only a small role in the film. The main three tales are outlandishly

  • What is Sin?

    610 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is Sin? Adam and Eve, the two that started it all. These two names will remain as a reminder to us forever because of their actions. Genesis chapter two talks about how man was made perfect; flawless and in God’s favor. These two individuals change how mankind would be from that time on. Sin entered the world and things began to change. Before Adam and Eve’s decision there was no sin or death, because of their actions we now have to deal with both. This brings up the question of where

  • Original sin

    1597 Words  | 4 Pages

    discussing this very information for the doctrine of original sin. The doctrine of original sin mostly pertains to the Roman Catholic religion. I will be covering when, where, and why the doctrine was originated. Original sin is the theory that every man is born into sin because our mother and father have sinned. The definition given by the Catholic Encyclopedia is: “(1) the sin that Adam committed; (2) a consequence of this first sin, the hereditary stain with which we are born on account of our

  • The Doctrine Of Original Sin: The Origin Of Original Sin

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    This imaginary stain on the human condition is what the renowned Saint Augustine states is a product of original sin. The doctrine of original sin can be defined as the belief that “all of humanity is born with a built-in urge to do bad things… stemming from Adam and Eve's disobedience to God” (BBC). The traditional story as imprinted in the Christian Bible claims that original sin emerged in retaliation to Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit despite God’s clear commands, “but you must not eat

  • Grace And Sin

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    on grace have some valid points and yet they also have some invalid points. Augustine took a personal approach to grace and he believed in the massa damnata, which basically means that on the whole people are damned. He said before the original sin, you had a choice to be good or evil. Also, Augustine said that there is a double predestination, which means only some people are chosen before they are born if they are going to go to heaven. I don’t agree with this because it is basically saying

  • Sin of the Flesh in The Scarlet Letter

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    focus on the effects of sin in Puritan society. Hawthorne carried a heavy burden of truth hidden within the Puritan code, which has in turn created frenzy for his book since its publication in 1850. The age-old tale is of Hester Prynne a married woman in Boston, who is charged with adultery with an unknown partner. As punishment Hester must adorn a Scarlet A symbolizing her sin and shaping her existence. When one vigorously analyzes the overall theme of the novel, sin and its corollaries appear

  • The Scaffold of Sin in The Scarlet Letter

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    The Scaffold of Sin in The Scarlet Letter "This scaffold constituted a portion of a penal machine . . . . The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron" (Hawthorne 62-63). A scaffold's effect on the novel can be seen through an examination of the first, second, and third scaffold scenes.  These sections mark the beginning, middle, and end of the novel. The novel The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is constructed around