Shootings Essays

  • School Shootings: The Consequences Of School Shootings

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    everyone wants answers to is why do school shootings even happen. There is no single, certain answer to these questions. By finding out why school shooting occur, preventing them will be much easier. 1st Sub-topic: Where and why 60% of school shootings in the US happen in small towns. Research on earlier shootings showed the attack is on a school because that is the center stage in a small town, where the shooter can affect the entire community. School shootings are far more frequent in America than

  • Similarities And Differences Of The Sandy Hook Shooting

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    two articles. I am also going to discuss how this shooting is a symbolic crime, how likely policy changes will be enacted and how unlikely they are to be enacted. First I am going to discuss he similarity between the two articles. These two articles have very few similarities. These two articles focus on ways to help society to prevent another incident like the Sandy Hook shooting. They came up with policies that can try to prevent another shooting to this degree to happen in a school again. They

  • School Shootings in America

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    shot by fellow classmate, 13 people dead and 23 wounded in a High School, Four girls and a teacher are shot to death and 10 people wounded during a false alarm in school…Those were the headlines of all newspapers at one time or another. High School shootings have been occurring throughout the United States. Why is it that a student would come into their school and open fire? Why is it that no one notices the signs before the incident? How is it possible that they were able to bring the firearm into the

  • Shooting an Elephant

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    In his essay, Shooting an Elephant, George Orwell illustrates his experiences as a British police officer, and reflects it to the nature of imperialism. He hates his job as a police officer in Moulmein because an “anti-European feeling was very bitter” due to British Empire’s dictatorship in Burma. Therefore, Orwell, a white man is being treated disrespectfully by the Burmese which allows him to hate his job and British Empire, the root of everything. However, the incident of shooting of an elephant

  • Shooting An Elephant

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    story Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell, Orwell describes three big problems, and messages that come with imperialism through a story about an elephant. Orwell sees these problems with imperialism. First he points out the hatred it brings upon innocent people. Secondly, he talks about peer pressure and its effects on people. Lastly, he talks about how cruel it was for the people being ruled and how selfish the people were that were ruling. Orwells first messages from the story Shooting an Elephant

  • Shooting An Elephant

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    The main gist of “Shooting an Elephant” feels like it is asking for an opinion on Orwell’s actions, whether him shooting the elephant was right or wrong. The main theme of the essay is based on the idea that many of our actions are influenced by other people , especially if we are insecure about what we are doing.This idea was expressed through the different literary features that he used including the use of tone, voice, mood and characterization. The tone of voice within Orwell’s essay

  • Shooting An Elephant

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    Meaning Behind Shooting An Elephant by George Orwell (An Analysis of three Messages from George Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant) George Orwell was the most important novelist of his century. Orwell wrote about the future of the future world. He predicted that things were going to go ad for the British colony because of imperialism. Shooting an Elephant, a personal narrative, was set in a town called Burma. Orwell explains his intense situation where he had to make a choice on shooting a raging elephant

  • School Shootings in America

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    The school shootings at Westside Middle School were orchestrated by two juveniles. On Monday, March 30, 1998 two boys ambushed students and teachers outside Westside Middle School in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Andrew Golden a youth of 11 years and Mitchell Johnson who was 13 years old were responsible for this hideous tragedy. Apparently, Mitchell Johnson hid in the woods while Andrew set off the fire alarm causing the students and teachers to run out of the building. Armed with three stolen rifles and

  • Shooting An Elephant

    525 Words  | 2 Pages

    In conclusion 'Shooting an Elephant' is a success because Orwell added a great tone, pace, and developed his main character in a way that was just right to get his message across. The message was that society will always find a way to judge people on the little things and pressures you into making actions that wouldn't be right to do. For example, the narrator did not want to shoot the elephant at all. At the end of the story he admits that he shot it because he didn't want to give out an image that

  • Shooting an Elephant

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    Later, Orwell spent the next twenty years as a writer; the essay “Shooting an Elephant,” set in the Burma of the 1920s and written in 1936, is one of his most famous works. In the early twentieth century, Burma was still a colony of Britain but anti-imperialism protests and social movements developed very fast, causing “great tension between Burmese, Indians and English, between civilians and police” (Meyers 56). Orwell’s essay “Shooting an Elephant” is based on this historical tension. In this essay

  • Shooting An Elephant

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    Just Be Yourself (Three Messages from Elephant and Sale) The author of Shooting an Elephant, George Orwell, included different types of irony in his text. Not only did he use verbal irony, which is saying something that contradicts with one means or believes, but he also used situational irony which occurs when something happens that contradicts the expectations of characters, readers, or audience. Doris Lessing, the author of No Witchcraft for Sale did the same thing as Orwell. Both of these authors

  • Shooting An Elephant

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    “The futility of the white man's dominion in the East” this is the main topic discussed by George Orwell in his book Shooting an elephant. In this case the two main characters within the story are the native Burmans and a white English man, being the English man a police officer. Both characters work with different characteristics in terms of how they relate with others and how they respond to others actions. This way, different situations were exposed to the characters in order to know their reactions

  • School Shootings in America

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    Family environment and the press are two major influences resulting in the recent tragic school shootings. As much as society continues to focus the killing rampages on factors such as television and music, what children are exposed to in reality contributes to the violence. The most recent school shooting in Michigan involved a six-year-old first grader who killed a classmate with a .22 caliber pistol. The news coverage had vanished after two or three days, and I was left wondering what had happened

  • School Shootings and Denial

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    goes: White people need to pull our heads out of our collective *ss. Two more white children are dead and thirteen are injured in Santee, California, and another "nice" community is scratching its blonde head, utterly perplexed at how another school shooting could happen. After all, as the Mayor of the town said in an interview with CNN: "We're a solid town, a good town, with good kids, a good church-going town ... an All-American town." Yeah, well maybe that's the problem. And days later, a teen girl

  • Shooting An Elephant

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    ”, the author’s character (who is based directly off of a young George Orwell), is a policeman in Burma who is sent to work there by the crumbling imperialistic government of Great Britain. His assignment is to supervise and essentially patrol the poverty stricken Burmese people, who vehemently resent British rule. While on duty one day, a giant elephant that has lost contact with its master goes on a mad rampage in a local market. In his fit of panic, he scares and endangers several of the

  • Media Violence and School Shootings

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    Another school shooting goes down and is preyed upon by the media for a gripping new story. Jonesboro, Arkansas, West Paducah, Kentucky, and Littleton, Colorado all have one thing in common. All these places are sites where school shootings have occurred. Why do school shootings happen and who is to blame when they do happen?. These are two questions that are still trying to be answered. Some people say that school shootings are due to the excess marketing of violence in movies, television, video

  • Drive-by Shootings on London's Streets

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    Drive-by Shootings on London's Streets Close your eyes and sit back in your recliner. Let the cool breeze refresh you as you relax in your hardwood floored den and sip your English tea. Now picture London. What kind of an image comes to mind? Perhaps the sophisticated languages of its inhabitants or just the aura of properness that encompasses typical visions of the great city of London. I am not writing to deny the eloquence of London, I am instead writing to challenge the notion of sophistication

  • Shooting An Elephant Imperialism

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    In “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell, Orwell comes across struggles with his conscience. Imperialism was a thought going through his head and was brought up throughout the story. The Burmese hated the Europeans and Orwell explains what they do to the targeted. Orwell also talks about why the Burmese should be mad at the Europeans. Another struggle he has was the shooting of the elephant and the events leading up to it. Although he had a hard time, Orwell manages to accept what he did and thinks

  • Analysis Of Shooting An Elephant

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    In “Shooting an Elephant,” from The Seagull Reader: Essays, George Orwell explains about his time as a police officer in Moulmein, Lower Burma when an elephant turned loose in the village. He knew that from the start he “had no intention of shooting the elephant” (246), but as he starts his search for the elephant, the Burmans tell him that the elephant trampled a person to death. As Orwell continues his quest to find the elephant, a crowd joins his side. Soon, he finds the elephant doing no harm

  • Conflict In Shooting An Elephant

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    Who Holds the Power? From the beginning of the narrative “Shooting An Elephant,” George Orwell creates a character with a diminished sense of self. The character narrates, “I was hated by large numbers of people -- the only time in my life that I have been important enough for this to happen to me” (Orwell, 58). All he wants is attention and it is evident that even negative attention is better than being ignored. He hates working for the British as a sub-divisional police officer in the town of