• Dental Decease: Amelogenesis Imperfecta

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    to further investigate the enamel proteins in various types of amelogenesis imperfecta and to fully deduce if amelogenin was retained in the fully developed amelogenesis imperfect enamel. The primary Biochemical method used in this study was the SDS-Page Electrophoresis ... ... middle of paper ... ...ed C, J. W. (1992). Enamel Protein in the different type sof Amelogenesis Imperfecta. The chemistry and biology of mineralized Tissues , 441-450. C, W. (1989). Amelogenesis Imperfecta dentinogenesis

  • Protein Analysis Lab

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    Introduction The aim of this experiment is to separate the protein samples based on their molecular size using the SDS-PAGE technique and to detect EGFP protein by carrying out a western blot. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is a technique used in the lab for the separation of proteins by their molecular weight. SDS is a detergent used in PAGE because its main role is to break down the disulphide bonds which disrupts the tertiary structure of the proteins making

  • What are Proteins and What do They Do?

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    do? - Genetics Home Reference. Retrieved from Life Science Core at UCLA, Martin, L., Chen, K., Johnson, L., Foley, R., & Murotake, R. (2005). Analysis of Protein Size and Subunit Composition Using SDS- Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. Los Angeles, CA. Sadava, D. E. (2011). Life: The science of biology (9th ed.). Sunderland, Mass: Sinauer Associates. (2014). Proteins, Composition of Proteins, Classification of Proteins | Tutorvista

  • The Use of the Western Blot Analysis to Identify Four Unknown Species of Fish

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    Protein extractions from unidentified fish samples were separated according to the molecular weights by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Since some of these proteins are shared between fishes, phylogenetic evaluation was reached. Western blot analysis was used to identify four unknown species of aquatic animals via comparison of actin/myosin bands. According to the results of this assay, the best estimate is that the unidentified aquatic animals are specimens of salmon, tilapia, cod, and shrimp

  • Quality By Design Case Study

    990 Words  | 2 Pages Quality by Design As PharmaKonic Ltd utilises Quality by Design for the process development and scale up studies executed in the previous Upstream Process to maintain process continuity, this concept will be integrated into the production of the Quality Strategy and Quality Maintenance System. Quality by Design focuses on a risk based approach to ensuring process and product quality through an in depth understanding of product attributes and the overall process and product performance. This

  • Electrophoresis Essay

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    focusing is placed horizontally on an SDS gel , the electric field is applied and the protein macromolecules are separated acrodo with the isoelectric point and in terms of its molecular mass , providing a electrophoretogram that enables viewing and identification of many proteins at once . Two-dimensional electrophoresis or 2D This technique offers better resolution , or a higher level of detail at the end of which combines electrophoretogram isoelectric focusing and SDS gel electrophoresis . According

  • The Power of Sixteen Words Exposed in The Red Wheelbarrow

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    sixteen words. Numbers like that wouldn't normally be important in the consideration of a poem's merit, but "The Red Wheelbarrow" begs to be noticed for its length (or, rather, its lack of length) and for the arrangement of its sixteen words on the page. In fact, an interesting experiment would be to give a group of people the words that Williams uses and ask them to arrange the words into the structure of a poem. How many people would do as Williams does and end up with four almost perfectly congruent

  • Exposing the Role of Women in The Madwoman in the Attic

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    Passivity led to a belief that women were more spiritual than men, meant to contemplate rather than act. “It is just because women are defined as wholly passive, completely void of generative power that they become numinous to male artists,” they write on page 599. It was this celestial quality that separated them from earthly men capable of lives of action, and thus, capable of handling the pen. Lives without action, of course, were hardly worth recording, so the passive woman had no story to tell, no book

  • Free Yellow Wallpaper Essays: The Dead Paper

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    The Dead Paper of Gilman's Yellow Wallpaper This passage from The Yellow Wallpaper clarifies the position of the reader in the story. It brings into question, right on the first page, who the woman (and Gilman herself) is addressing and why. When she writes, "I would not say it to a living soul, of course, but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind," it is as if she is having an aside with the reader. If she were truly talking to dead paper, why would such a comment be required

  • Characterization in The Remains of the Day

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    the Day is a book that believes in defining its characters to remarkable detail. Even minor characters are brought to life, using a variety of methods; some subtle, others more overt. This essay will discuss the entire novel - just the first eight pages. Many novels would still only be setting the scene at this point but, with The Remains of the Day, many of the main characters have already been described in a fair amount of detail. Creating detailed and believable characters is usually a key factor

  • How to Write a Personal Narrative Essay

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    how the past or a memory’s significance affects the present or even the future. We all have stories to tell. But facing a blank page is intimidating. Knowing where to begin becomes a real dilemma. A good place to start is with the word I. Write I was, I saw, I did, I went, I cried, I screamed, I took for granted. I is an empowering word. Once you write it on the page it empowers you to tell your story. That’s exactly what you are going to do next. Tell the story. Get it all out. Don’t worry about

  • David Wiesner's Wordless Picture Books

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    David Wiesner's Wordless Picture Books David Wiesner is a very artistic author.  His love for art is portrayed through his style of work.  When flipping through the pages of his books, the reader is immediately drawn to the pictures.  A particular style the Wiesner is known for is wordless picture books.  A wordless picture book is exactly what it says; it is a book containing only pictures.  "A wordless picture book is a very personal experience for the reader" (  A child

  • T-Totals Investigation

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    Contents Title Page and Aim Page 1 Contents Page 2 9×9 Grid Investigation Page 3 8×8 Grid Investigation Page 5 7×7 Grid Investigation Page 7 6×6 Grid Investigation Page 9 5×5 Grid Investigation Page 11 9×9 Grid Investigation 180º Rotated T-shape Page 13 8×8 Grid Investigation 180º Rotated T-shape Page 15 7×7 Grid Investigation 180º Rotated T-shape Page 18 6×6 Grid Investigation 180º Rotated T-shape Page 20 5×5 Grid Investigation 180º Rotated T-shape Page 22 9×9 Grid

  • Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War by Nathaniel Philbrick

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    What I didn't realize, until I was quite a ways through the book, there are pages and pages of notes in the back of the book. These notes take you chapter by chapter and tell you where Philbrick found the information he writes about in that particular chapter. He lists previous books, manuscripts, journals and personal writings that have survived all of these years. Besides the notes, his bibliography is twenty-three pages long! The man did his research, and I am glad he did. Nathaniel Philbrick

  • Socrates

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    he wouldn’t deny them to save his own life. A lesser man left in his shoes would have done anything to stop the fate that he faced. Socrates practiced what he preached through and through and for the most part only taught good morals. The next four pages consist of the life of Socrates, his contributions to the world, his family life, appearance, events leading to his death and his death. You should see how strict the Greek government was. Most of all this paper should teach you what kind of a person

  • raising a child with a disability

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    Raising a Child with a Disability: Journal Entry #2: Summary: This article mainly examines ways in which parents can deal properly with the news of being told that their child has a disability. There are a few stories in the article which emphasize the way the parents felt when they found out about their child’s disability. In most cases, the parents felt shattered, overwhelmed and completely shocked. The article explained that parents have an expectation of having that “perfect” child and when

  • Piping Plover

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    lives along the Atlantic coast in Canada and the United States (Piping Plover Page). Piping plovers are sometimes found in Alberta as well (ES: Piping Plover). People used to hunt this bird for sport, or for it’s feathers, which was a leading cause of its dramatic decline in population (Piping Plover Page). Piping plovers always return to the spot in which they were born, and find females to breed with (Piping Plover Page). They woo the female, and mate with her, producing eggs. Many efforts are being

  • Censoring the Pages of Knowledge

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    Censoring the Pages of Knowledge Imagine a world where you could not read or own any books. How would you feel if you had someone burn your house because you have books hidden within the walls? One of the most prevalent themes in Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451 is the idea of censorship. In Bradbury's fictional world, owning books is illegal. A fireman's job is not putting out fires like one may assume. In Fahrenheit 451, a fireman has the job of starting fires. Firefighters start fires in

  • The Kate Moss Effect

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    Effect seemed to be the most realistic, and straight forward. So let’s get back to that good old feeling of sifting through the many discouraging pages of a modern day fashion magazine. The Kate Moss Effect is a study based around the simple everyday activity of viewing a publication crammed with aptness. Basically, women were gathered to look at pages bubbling with models who were virtually flawless and their reactions to this exposure were then observed. To be exact, researchers divided 91

  • Designing a Leaflet

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    of the content of the shop’s selling items, prices, opening and closing hours. Form of Output: · Hand made leaflet on an A4 sized page, which will be photo copied many times and be posted off to companies, businesses, and near by houses. The leaflet will contain pictures of sandwiches and various drinks Information to be output: · On the first page I will have the Lancre lunch box logo. · Opening hours · Closing hours · Shop name · Location · Map with Location clearly