Sanjay Gupta Essays

  • Analysis Of Why I Changed My Mind On Weed By Dr. Sanjay Gupta

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    that reach an audience and give them useful information is an internet article written by Dr. Sanjay Gupta titled "Why I Changed my Mind on Weed" and a video documentary made by comedian Doug Benson titled "Super High Me.” Dr. Gupta wrote the article for admitting that he was wrong about cannabis in the past and now finds it a helpful and useful drug. Doug Benson filmed this documentary

  • Isolation And Social Isolation

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    Social isolation is a topic often neglected by society, which only contributes to its increasingly detrimental effects on people. Isolation is not widely viewed as an important matter, but this is mostly due to the fact it is misunderstood and unnoticed in the eyes of public concern. This can be seen across time, genders, ages, races, etc.; loneliness is a powerful emotion that is individualized to each specific person. The complexity of loneliness takes a toll on those who struggle with it’s afflictions

  • Big Hits, Broken Dreams

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    After watching the film Big Hits, Broken Dreams and hearing all the great points that Dr. Sanjay Gupta made I am truly astonished by the things I have seen and heard. As every high school and college athlete knows, there are many great benefits to playing all sports. Whether you are looking for a “full ride” to college, or even a career in the professional league, there are many excellently successful roads for an athlete. With that said, I still believe safety comes first. No matter how much money

  • Trade: A Key Factor in Leading the Rise of Civilizations

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    Because of all these additional, positive aspects of trade, trade is one of the dominant, key factors to the peaks of civilizations such as the Ghana Empire in West Africa, the Tang dynasty in East Asia, the Holy Roman Empire in Western Europe, the Gupta Empire in India, and the Abbasid Empire in the Middle East. Ghana was the first of the three great trading empires to emerge in West Africa. It was founded as early as A.D. 750 by a group of people called the Soninke, although some scholars think

  • Political Organizations of Ancient India

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    such as the Magadha, Mauryan, Shakas, Indo-Greeks, Kushanas, and the Gupta ruled during the ancient times of India. The Magadha was an ancient kingdom of India, which is present day Bihar. Between the 6th century BCE and the 8th century CE, Magadha was the nucleus of several larger kingdoms or empires (Magadha). Many small kingdoms in India would naturally start by formation of small groups within a larger group. Chandra Gupta Maurya founded the Magadha kingdom. Followed by the Magadha, the first

  • Research Paper On Golden Age Of India

    543 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Gupta Empire (320-540 A.D.) Golden age of India Civilization based in Magadha Modern day Bihar Ganges River - North Champa River - East Vindhya River - South Son River - West The Gupta Empire supported Hindu religion and Vedic traditions Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Built many temples Made of stone, significant from earlier cultures Temples included sculptures of Hindu gods to show divine power The Vedic language rose which included the rising of Sanskrit Sanskrit ("refined") - The primary language

  • Compare And Contrast Gupta And Mauryan Empires

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    The Mauryan and Gupta dynasties were two significant empires that emerged in classical India. The Mauryan dynasty was formed in 322 B.C.E., when Chandragupta Maurya seized power along the Ganges River. Several centuries later, the Guptas established an extensive empire, beginning in 320 C.E. These prominent Indian dynasties were open to many outside influences resulting in a blend of cultures and prosperous commerce. Additionally, religious ideologies developed, education progressed, and social

  • The Influence of the Ancient Indian Civilization on the World

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    the many characteristics of Indian culture, such as gender roles, which remained untouched. After the fall of the Mauryan Empire, India began a new empire known as the Gupta Empire, which lasted until 550 CE. The Gupta Empire reigned over most of northern and central India. This new empire brought India into a golden age. The Gupta Dynasty brought more peace and prosperity than ever before because of the Silk Roads. Through 100 CE to 600 CE, India’s culture advanced with goods, ideas, and technologies

  • Gupta Empire Research Paper

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    The Gupta Empire The Gupta Empire was the most advanced empire to this date because of the . In my personal opinion The Gupta Empire opened doors for many other civilizations to grow stronger and become successful. For the Empire’s meaningful artwork, strong architecture, great inventions, respect for religion, jobs, and a well put together military we can assume this Empire held great meaning. To further our understanding of the Gupta Empire time period, we have to look more in depth into the

  • Gupta Empire Research Paper

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    India’s Golden Age The Gupta Empire existed from circa 320–535 C.E. and was located on the Indian Subcontinent, with the Ganges as the core area. The time period of the Gupta Empire is often referred to as India’s Golden Age, and a classical age, because during this time there were considerable inventions and discoveries in the elements that shaped the Hindu culture. This essay will analyse the different aspects that caused this Golden Age in India and the impacts these causes had on the neighbouring

  • Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper

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    but they do not work well for pain and create a tolerance problem, sustains Gupta (par. 27). Prescription drugs like these cause accidental overdoses; in contrast, there has never been any documented overdose of marijuana (par. 28). Gupta goes further by pointing out that researching marijuana effects is still a challenge because in most parts of the United States marijuana is illegal, even for research. Nevertheless, Gupta is hopeful that countries like Spain and Israel, who are leading studies on

  • Argumentative Essay: The Legalization Of Marijuana

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    People should stop arguing about the use of marijuana and how marijuana is bad, because people only like to research the cons instead of including the pros. Despite the fact that people believe everything they hear, they should look up more and try to see how good marijuana can be for them. Marijuana is good for their health, and it has helped to cure people who are very ill. Marijuana is less harmful than tobacco or alcohol, there has been studies proven that people have died over drinking other

  • Media's Importance Of Media In Modern Society

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    INTRODUCTION MEDIA’s Importance The word media comes from the word medium which signifies mode or carrier. Media primarily aims at addressing and addressing a large group of target audience. This word was initially used with respect to books and newspapers, mainly the print media. Over the years due to advancement of technology, media now covers many mediums such as television, movies, radio and the internet. The media’s role in this society is fundamentally a function of how this society chooses

  • You Disappearing Short Story

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    Social identity, a powerful driving force in human beings, develops early in life and strengthens throughout adulthood based on chosen roles. In the short story “You, Disappearing” by Alexandra Kleeman, the main character struggles to understand her former boyfriend’s need to maintain his social identity while struggling to find hers in a new reality. As things start to disappear in the apocalypse, her former boyfriend chooses the consistency and predictability of maintaining his position as an

  • Anti Vaccination Pros And Cons

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    Vaccination has been described as one of the top ten achievements of the 20th Century according to health and medical scholars, but Anti Vaccination protests were around since the start of this new form of medicine in early 1800’s in England. There are Pros and Cons in everything. Vaccinations cure diseases, saves lives, eradicates dangerous diseases that killed unmerciful back in time where medicine was not advanced, where people prayed on their knees for their loved ones to get better. But also

  • The Positive Effects of Marriage

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    Studies also show that married couples have better health such as lower incidence of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. A recent Tel Aviv University study, based on 10,000 people, suggests that happy marriages may help prevent fatal strokes in men (Gupta 1). Single men had a 64 percent higher risk of a fatal stroke than married men. Meanwhile Brigham Young University professor Julianne Holt-Lunstad found that men and women in happy marriages scored four points lower on 24-hour blood pressure than single

  • Austism and Vaccines

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    Every year, tens of thousands Americans die from the seasonal flu alone. This alarming statistic is what led the United States government to urge the country to vaccinate themselves, as well as their children every November, when the flu season is fast approaching. Though countless Americans do follow the government’s plea, many others insist that these vaccines distributed every year (as well as other year-long vaccines) contain an abnormally high amount of thimerosal, (a mercury-based chemical

  • Persuasive Speech: Marijuana Should Be Illegal

    624 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction I. There have been many arguments whether marijuana should be legalized or stay illegal. II. Here in Birmingham, Alabama and surrounding cities, there are many people who would agree with the fact of legalizing marijuana for at least medicals reason. III. I have personally dealt with feelings such as, nausea and vomiting and other materials in that ailment and many people have reported that there was great success with using medical marijuana to treat their symptoms. IV. Many people

  • Obamacare: The Healthcare Controversy

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    In my opinion, healthcare controversy has not improved. Ever since Trump mention repealing Obamacare, I think healthcare controversy has been at an all-time high. People are questioning his form of healthcare and are trying to figure out if his plan will ultimately do more harm than good. Healthcare is something that I believe people will never stop talking about though, it affects so many people’s lives and America as a whole. When it comes to something as important as healthcare, people want it

  • Community Music Essay

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    Music therapy gives another opportunity for the people to communicate, which might be easier for them than by using words. It allows the patients to express their feelings and this might give emotional support to them. On CNN, February 2011, Dr. Sanjay Gupta stated: “On this day, I was playing the patient. An intensive, exhaustive seven-hour schedule was presented, full of physical therapy, speech, recreational, occupational and my personal favourite: music therapy.” This quote shows how music therapy