San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge Essays

  • The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

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    About eighty years ago, engineers were able to build a bridge on time and within budget with no problem; today, most of the projects take extra time and money to finish. What exactly happened between now and eighty years ago that caused such a drastic shift? It is clearly not the engineers nor the technology; in fact, those have only improved over time. Today, engineers are faced with much more than designing and building the infrastructure, as they were before. They compete with politicians for

  • Essay On Oakland

    851 Words  | 2 Pages

    Apartment Living in Oakland, CA Overview There’s a lot that could be said to convince you that renting apartments in Oakland would be one of the best decisions of your life. Maybe you’d be interested in the fact that Oakland is a smart city; it’s one of the top cities when counting residents with bachelor’s degrees. Maybe you’d be intrigued by the fact that Oakland is known for its ethnic diversity, as well as its sustainability practices. Many more facts could be spewed at you, and they’d all add

  • Little Brother Book Analysis

    1053 Words  | 3 Pages

    commonly known as Van, and Jose, live in San Francisco, California. These four students work to defend themselves against what they see as attacks by the government and schools on the Bill of Rights after a terrorist attack on the Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco, California. Little Brother portrays how surveillance has increased in San Francisco due to attacks and other illegal activities. As the story unfolds, surveillance increases in not only in San Francisco, but also throughout the entire world

  • Oakland, CA

    641 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Forgotten City This paper will discuss the many unique aspects of Oakland, California. Divided into five major parts, Oakland is a very diverse city. The five major parts include: Downtown Oakland which is located in the heart of the city, East Oakland which consists of the majority of the city, West Oakland, North Oakland, and the Oakland hills where the terrain is quite different from other parts of the city. While many may perceive the population to mainly consist of African Americans and

  • Alcatraz Description

    613 Words  | 2 Pages

    San Francisco is a very unique place.With a population of 725,000 its culture is unlike any other. The city has so many different experiences that you do not want to miss. If you ever plan to travel to San Francisco you should know about their attractions, transportation, and some of their interesting facts. San Francisco’s attractions are unlike any other. One of the most popular attraction is Alcatraz. This is different from any other attraction because it is a former federal prison. Most people

  • Sales and Sponsorship for the Golden State Warriors

    819 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hello Class, For this discussion, I have chosen the sports property of the Golden State Warriors. The Warriors play in the NBA within the Pacific Division and have a large local and regional fan base in the city of Oakland and state of California. Even though the Warriors have a large fan following, there are several ways of extending the Warriors brand reach beyond the basketball court with conventional sports minded consumers and non-sports fans. In order to accomplish this, the Warriors must

  • Cathedral Of Saint Benito Essay

    1272 Words  | 3 Pages

    of San Francisco. It also has various other stained glass windows and many of them also depict landmarks of San Francisco. People that visit the cathedral can observe and appreciate these works of art. By viewing the stained glass windows within Saint Benito, tourists can learn much of the city's history and can get a good understanding of the what San Francisco represents. Locals can also appreciate the stained glass windows as the windows represent the city that they live

  • Racism In San Francisco

    698 Words  | 2 Pages

    through your veins. I'm in San Francisco to execute some local triad boss, who got in over his head with the Boston mob. Its not a pretty job, but at least I can leave the frozen tundra of Massachusetts for the foggy grounds of the Zodiac Killer. I’m in San Francisco to end the rule of a Triad who had my boss’s son beaten to a pulp after one too many hands of blackjack. …or at least, I should say, I'm on my way to San Francisco. It has been three hours since I left Oakland for “The City” and I haven’t

  • The History of San Francisco Bay Area

    1590 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Bay Area is an interesting place with a unique geology and formation. The San Francisco Bay, also known as San Francisco Estuarine, consists of three bays, San Francisco Proper, San Pablo Bay, Carquinez Strait, and has a vast inland river delta. The river delta provides fresh water to the bays. The estuarine system provides food, safety, and shelter to many organisms and animals, including humans. (San Francisco Estuarine Wetlands) Along the bays lie major cities such as San Francisco, Oakland

  • The San Francisco Golden Gate Exhibition 1939-1940

    2091 Words  | 5 Pages

    The San Francisco Golden Gate Exhibition 1939-1940 In 1939, the city of San Francisco hosted an international exhibition, named the Golden Gate Fair in honor of the construction by the city of the world's two largest suspension bridges, the Golden Gate and San Francisco-Oakland, which spanned the San Francisco Bay. With all the skill that could be mustered by American engineers, an island was constructed amidst the Pacific waters, becoming the largest ever manmade island. Christened Treasure Island

  • San Francisco Descriptive Essay

    750 Words  | 2 Pages

    “The City by the Bay,” and “The Fog City” all describe the lovely San Francisco. San Francisco is a famous city located in Northern California and has many attractions that bring tourists from all around the world to this beautiful destination each year. San Francisco is known for the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, Pier 39, and much more! It is the fourth most populated city in California, with more than eight hundred thousand residents. Built on forty-three hills, San Francisco covers over forty-six

  • Description and Analysis of Monorails

    819 Words  | 2 Pages

    for its entire 20-mile length. Note the blue line on the opposite bank, which indicates the path of a passenger monorail system between the City of Long Beach and Los Angeles Union Station, and extending along the river to Warner Center in the West San Fernando Valley, a continuous fifty miles from Long Beach

  • Alcatraz

    1230 Words  | 3 Pages

    As the cold waters rush into the San Francisco Bay, they crash up against an island standing in the strait. This rock is hidden by the fog and isolated by the chilling waters of the Pacific that flow in and out every day. It has a gloom that hangs about its rocky face most know it as Alcatraz but the men who experienced this island, referred to her as “The Rock”. To the men confined there, it is not only the ultimate in isolation but the most ironic because they are there in the midst of the activity

  • Why Are Polar Bears Threatened

    648 Words  | 2 Pages

    Why are these polar bears threatened? These polar bears are threatened because of global warming. They depend on the sea ice for their hunting grounds, and this ice is melting away. Plus bears have to make a longer and more hazardous journey to get to the remaining ice. Other Causes of Extinction In addition to habitat destruction, other human-caused problems are also threatening many species. These include issues associated with climate change, pollution, and over-population. Global Warming Another

  • The Unusual Car Pool Summary

    1262 Words  | 3 Pages

    Almost everyone has experienced the dread and joy of having romantic feelings for another person; the butterflies that swirl around their stomach, their heightened heartbeat, and the all too familiar fight or flight instinct; even for those who feel platonic attraction to others still feel this way. However, these nerves shake off once one of the two people take the leap of faith towards the other, whether it be saying ‘hello’ or confessing how they really feel. Unfortunately for most people, they

  • Volcanoes

    3854 Words  | 8 Pages

    this to happen'. KT 39; Costs; economic and human. · Total economic damage of around $10 billion. · 42 died in Oakland, 60 miles from the epicentre. 400 injuries from the Cypress structure. · 59 water mains burst, but 100+ gas mains were ruptured. · 10 000 were left homeless, 62 died.· The Nimitz highway, and Cypress structure, and sections of the Bay Bridge collapsed, due to structural failure. They were subject to ten times the amount of force for which they were designed

  • Essay On The Black Panther Party

    1553 Words  | 4 Pages

    black beret. This image is formed through the thousands of posters and t-shirts once worn as a form of propaganda. The Black Panther Party may have been seen as a prominently male organization, but to everyone’s surprise it was two-thirds female. In Oakland, California during October in 1966, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. This revolutionary national organization aimed to challenge police brutality, poverty, and racial injustice. It devised a ten-point platform

  • Traffic Control: The Need For Change

    3732 Words  | 8 Pages

    Traffic Control: The Need For Change As the population of the United States dramatically increases and the number of vehicles on the nation's roads and highways skyrockets, new methods of traffic control and organization have become necessary, by utilizing new methods of transportation or by revising the current system. In the past 15 years, the number of vehicles on American roads has increased 41.9%, the number of licensed drivers has increased 29.3%, but the size of the general population

  • The Benefits Of Telecommuting

    1553 Words  | 4 Pages

    Studies show that telecommuting is gaining popularity with many U.S. employers as they realize the cost benefits offered by telecommuting programs. According to a study conducted by The Dieringer Research Group of WorldatWork (2006), the number of Americans telecommuting at least one day per month has grown by 10 percent in recent years, rising from 26.1 million in 2005 to 28.7 million in 2006, with roughly 20 percent of the workforce engaging in some type of telecommuting work. Predictions are