Rapid Essays

  • Rivers and Whitewater Rapids

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    One of the most notable is hydroelectric power, which often leads to a river being dammed. A dammed river creates a reliable location for adventure companies to establish whitewater rafting businesses that utilizes the flow of the river through rapids and scenic views to create a thrill for adventure seeking customers. A river or “stream, ribbons of water confined to channels, or troughs, cut into the land,” (Marshak, 2009) is formed from a drainage network or “the array of interconnecting streams”

  • Rapid Economic Growth In East Asian Countries

    525 Words  | 2 Pages

    Rapid Economic Growth In East Asian Countries Over the past decade, there has been rapid long-term economic growth for East Asian countries. These newly industrialising countries are experiencing growth rates in GDP per head at around 6% to 7% compared to the 2% to 3% for most industrial economies. If this growth continues, South Korea and Taiwan might take away America's distinction as the world's richest country. This rapid economic growth is a result of several economic and political factors

  • Insight to Rapid Prototyping Technologies

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    Chapter 1 1.0. Introduction Rapid prototyping is the realization of an idea into a physical object in order to provide a representative of a finished product using rapid prototyping technologies to allow for appraisal and design modifications. The First rapid prototyping machine was first made available to markets in late 1987 meaning it is a relatively recent development. Rapid prototyping began as an expensive tool for manufacturing a physical model for design engineers to use to visualize their

  • The Background Of Rapid Prototyping In The Manufacturing Industry

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    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Nowadays, companies have to face competition that become harder and severe especially in the manufacturing industries. All industries are continuously striving to establish the new goal in order to enhance their process organization and management efficiency. In this competition environment, industries have to identify the best solution to fulfill their customers demand and satisfaction. Near net shape technology is one of the most innovative concept represent

  • Bus Rapid Transit: A Sustainable Approach to Mass Transit

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    Bus Rapid Transit: A Sustainable Approach to Mass Transit Transportation accounts for about 25% of fossil fuel consumption. One way to decrease the negative environmental effects of burning fossil fuels (e.g. smog and global warming) is to improve mass transit. An efficient mass transit system speeds travel time, cuts travel costs, and makes service more reliable. Consequently, it discourages the use of private vehicles, reducing fossil fuel consumption and emissions. A type of mass transit

  • Rapid Application Development and Joint Application Development

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    software engineering process commonly referred to as a Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Several methodologies describing the framework that encompasses the subsets of the tasks or activities that occur during this procedure exist, including Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Joint Application Development (JAD). Understanding the differences and similarities between RAD and JAD methodologies can allow organizations such as sanofi to make more informed decisions as to when and which software

  • The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Case Study

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    Introduction The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) is one of the largest transit systems in the United States. It is the ninth largest system, transporting over 550,000 passengers daily. MARTA provides bus and rapid rail service to the most of the metropolitan area of Atlanta. The transit agency was established in 1971 with the passage of an authorizing referendum by voters in Fulton and DeKalb counties and the city of Atlanta. MARTA is a public authority that operates under

  • The Rapid Response Team

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    Identify the purpose of the rapid response team The rapid response team (RRT) main purpose is to save lives and decreases the risk for harm by providing care to patients before a respiratory or cardiac arrest occurs (Ignatavicius, 2013). All facilities have different protocols when it comes to activating the Rapid Response Team and Code Team. The rapid response team are on-site and always available, the rapid response team usually includes ICU nurses, intensivist, respiratory therapist, and a hospitalist

  • Nightmares

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    cycles. The first four of the stages is where there is non-rapid eye movement (NREM). As the fifth stage occurs, that is where rapid eyes moment (REM) happens. Nightmares almost always occur in the second half of a persons sleep and it is always followed with an awakening of the individual even if the person doesn’t remember waking up during the night. Nine times out of ten, when people’s brain can’t handle what is going on during the rapid eye movement stage, they wake up very panically and are also

  • Personal Narrative: Wyoming River Trips

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    Imagine traveling in an eight seater SUV with your seven member family and all that luggage for twenty-five hours to the great state of Wyoming. The joy in that vehicle was through the roof, let me tell you. Everyone was all smiles and sunshine all the time! Not. These trips are always dreaded until we arrive at our destination and then once again when we have to leave and go home. My warm, fuzzy feelings for my family were not at an all-time high. On our first day in Cody, Wyoming, my parents decided

  • Rapid Urbanization Essay

    959 Words  | 2 Pages

    threat of urbanization has been getting closer and closer. Since 2006, there has been a higher population living in Urban areas rather than rural, and this comes with many consequences such as deforestation, and more. So I ask, what are the effects of Rapid Urbanization to our Environment, Economy, and our health? In short; Urbanization is a population shift from rural to urban areas. During this process, large towns, and cities are formed which begin to become larger to allow a higher population to

  • The Nature of Dream Activity

    615 Words  | 2 Pages

    dreams. At the start of the 20th century Sigmund Freud proposed that a mental process quite different from that used in the waking state dominates the dreaming mind. He described this “primary process” as characterized by more primitive mechanisms, by rapid shifts in energy and emotions, and by a good deal of sexual and aggressive content derived from childhood. Research in recent years has clarified many of these aspects of dreaming, but what may be of greatest significan...

  • The Importance of a Flexible Economy

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    and the hunger for change causes people to drift (Sennett 22). The hunger for change, is described by Sennett as the desire for rapid returns or impatient capital (Sennett 22). The rapid return is ones expectation or wanting of more money as quick as possible. This urge for rapid returns causes people to seek out more profitable places of employment. This search for rapid returns requires people to be flexible in such a way as to be able to pack up and move and have no problems doing it. In a pure

  • Atropa belladona: The Deadly Nightshade

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    recommend that comphrey tea be taken to relieve the problem. However, after taking just such a concoction of the tea powder and water, one man became light-headed, agitated, confused and had problems urinating. His pupils became dilated, he had a rapid heartbeat and warm dry skin. After admitting himself to the hospital, the doctors concluded that his comphrey tea was "contaminated" by Atropa belladona.....the deadly nightshade.(11) This very poisonous plant acquired its name from Theophrastus

  • Kenya

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    of Nairobi and Mombassa. Kenya has one of the highest rates of population growth in the world. It is predicted that the population may reach 120 million by the year 2050. This rapid rate of increase is due to the high birth rate and the low death rate. More than half of the population is under the age of fifteen. The rapid population growth has placed great strains on health facilities and other social services, especially in rural areas. The main source of income for Kenya comes from agriculture

  • Scary Story

    990 Words  | 2 Pages

    Scary Story I looked up at the black sky. I hadn't intended to be out this late. The sun had set, and the empty road ahead had no streetlights. I knew I was in for a dark journey home. I had decided that by traveling through the forest would be the quickest way home. Minutes passed, yet it seemed like hours and days. The farther I traveled into the forest, the darker it seemed to get. I was very had to even take a breath due to the stifling air. The only sound familiar to me was the quickening

  • Hipparcos Mira Variable Stars

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    star is in the Infrared. The method being used O-C and fitting mean light curves. All mira variables pulsate undergoing rapid mass loss. In the conclusion we show that the magnitude has a positive correlation with the phase shift. I.Introduction Studies of Mira variables are of considerable importance in stellar astrophysics because they are pulsating stars undergoing rapid mass loss. During one cycle, which typically lasts from 200-500 days, these stars undergo significant changes in their

  • Melancholic Hamlet

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    when he suggests that his mother, in mourning his fathers death, is simply acting the part of a grief stricken widow, while he is a truly heart broken son. Another example from his first soliloquy of his melancholic state occurs when he discovers the rapid marriage of his mother and his uncle, where he finds himself both sad and mad at the fact that his mother could move on so quickly. Hamlet’s violent attitude can be blamed on the fact that his father was murdered and he wants revenge. An example of

  • Why Some UK Companies are Reluctant to Invest in Training and Development

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    Explain why some UK companies are reluctant to invest in training and development. Do you consider these reasons to be valid? The rapid development of technology and in other areas have led companies’ ability to replicate products more easily, and the rapidly expansion of the service sector has led the nature of consumers to demand high quality at the lowest prices. Both of these highlight the importance of gaining the competitive advantage through the labour force. A method through which

  • The Cambrian Explosion: Proof of ID?

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    scientific explanations for the Cambrian Explosion. I will give an account of the Cambrian Explosion, present the ID arguments relating to it, and give some scientific explanations of the event. The so called ‘Cambrian Explosion’ was a period of rapid diversification of animal life on earth. It took place approximately 550 million years ago (it bears mentioning that estimations of geological time this far back are fairly rough). There is some dispute over just how long the ‘explosion’ lasted.