Pulp and paper industry Essays

  • The Hisotry of the International Paper Company

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    International Paper Company is the world's largest pulp and paper company with manufacturing operations in North America, Europe, Latin America, Russia, Asia and North Africa. When it started out on January 31, 1898 in Albany, New York, it was through the merger of 17 pulp and paper mills ranging in size and technological advancement and capabilities. However, even then International Paper was a leader in the industry as the nation's largest producer of newsprint. It supplied sixty percent of

  • Paper Consumption and its Environmental Impacts in Indonesia

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    it also has many disadvantages such as people using the trees for furniture and cutting off the trees for making paper. Deforestation is happening because of the paper industry use the trees to produce the paper. Moreover, paper industry in Indonesia has commonly destroyed the environment. The demand for paper consumption has been increasing rapidly day by day. Because of the paper demand is increasing, it also makes many people start to cut off tress for business purposes w which means it could

  • Porter's Five Forces Model Of The Paper Industry

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    very interesting discoveries when applied to the pulp and paper industries. The model, as discussed in our textbook, attempts to evaluate how well an industry can generate profits by examination of intensity of rivalry, treat of new entrants into the industry, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers and bargaining power of suppliers (Parnell, 2014). While I know from personal experience that it is not easy to be profitable in the paper business, applying the model does provide some insight

  • The Process of Papermaking

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    world’s leading producer of paper until it was overtaken by China in 2009. The paper industry is dominated by North American, Northern European and East Asian countries. Paper is discovered by the Chinese 2000 years ago, it has been used ever since as a communication medium. Paper is always around with people and paper is actually documenting the world. It plays a vital role as a passport to knowledge, a storage medium, a persuasive tool and an entertaining art form. Paper is a sustainable resource

  • Paper Making Research Paper

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    SCH3U1-03 March 30, 2014 The Chemical Reactions Used To Create Paper The creation of paper has been around for many centuries. The first traces of paper creation were in China. In those times, they would use bark and vegetation. In today’s world, we use many complex chemical reactions to create paper. In general, there are six steps to create a perfect sheet of paper. After the completing all the steps, we use paper of a daily basis. We use paper for businesses, licenses, educational purposes, money and

  • Analysis of Adsorbable Organic Halogens Compounds

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    Committee for Standardization accepted the “Determination of adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX)” as European Standard. 2. Physicochemical constants of major AOX compounds in Paper Mill Industry 2.1. Chloromethanols The typical Chloromethanols appear in paper milling industry is dichloromethane and trichloromethane. 2.2. X-phenol compounds: 2.3. X-benzene compounds: 2.4. X-dibenzodioxin compounds: 2.5. Dibenzofurans: 3. Virulence of

  • Waterways In Vietnam Essay

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    local waterways. These discharges are often a main source of pollution for the surrounding environment. Industries that use large amounts of water for manufacturing processes have the potential to pollute waterways through the discharge of their waste into streams and rivers, or by run-off and seepage of stored wastes into nearby water sources (ICEM, 2007). Pulp and paper manufacturing is an industry which uses extensive amounts of water in its processes. As a result, substantial quantities of harmful

  • Effects of USA’s investments in Canada during the 1920s

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    could invest in Canada in order to get raw materials for its secondary industries. However, USA’s investments in 1920s brought more benefits to USA itself than to Canada. There are three major reasons for the statement. First, since branch plants were established, Canadian own businesses lost their opportunities. In addition, the ultimate purpose of USA’s investments in primary industries was to enhance USA’s secondary industries. Lastly, the skyrocketing growth of Canadian economy by the middle of

  • Glatfelter Plant Papermaking Process

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    specialty paper and engineering products. The company was started by Philip Glatfelter in 1864 and has expanded to annual revenue of 1.19 billion dollars. The company headquarters is located in York, Pennsylvania with papermaking plants and wood yard located throughout the United States. Glatfelter also has international operations in Germany, France, United Kingdom, Canada and the Philippines. The Chillicothe plant is a pulp and papermaking plant. Essentially it is two plants in one since pulp and papermaking

  • Essay On Environmental Science

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    our biosphere nutrient recycling. Biosphere includes producers, consumers, and decomposers. The producers are autotrophs by photosynthesis; the consumers are heterotrophs by producers, primary consumers and secondary consumers and... ... middle of paper ... ...s and moth-eaten sweaters that find their way to the dump. There are so many people always throw their clothes when they do not need it. In addition, there are many ways to recycle it like selling it to other countries, giving it to other

  • Recycling Paper in teh United Arab Emirates

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    materials, such as waste paper that can be converts into new paper goods (n.d). There are many types of recycling, for example, there are glass, paper, metal, plastics, textiles and electronics recycling (Evans , 2011). This research will focus on recycling papers in the United Arab Emirates, the benefits or recycling and its effect on the environment, the difficulties of recycling, the process of recycling paper, and the finals products of recycling. The difficulties of recycling paper: Recycling is such

  • Water Is an Irreplaceable Natural Resource

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    water pollutants, heavy metals and synthetic organic compounds cause majority of water pollution. Industries like paper and pulp, tanneries, textiles and coke ovens, pha... ... middle of paper ... ...e industries, textile industries are considered as one of the major sources of wastewater in ASEAN countries. Dyes are also used in industries such as rubber, paper & pulp, dye & dye intermediate industries, pharmaceutical, tannery, food technology, hair coloring, plastic, cosmetic etc. There are more

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Plastics

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    There is a simple choice that many of us individuals have to make on a daily or weekly basis. Imagine yourself at the supermarket when you are faced with that same old choice: paper or plastic? Which one do you choose and why? And furthermore, which one should you choosing? Many os us don’t stop to think of such a simple decision being so impactful on the environment, but recently there has been a lot of attention regarding the packaging that we choose to use. Environmentalists, commercial businesses

  • Characterization of Cypress Wood for Pulp Production

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    Wood samples from Cupressus arizonica, Cupressus lusitanica, and Cupressus sempervirens were evaluated in terms of chemical, anatomical and pulp features in order to consider as raw-material for pulp production. Two 17-year-old trees per species were harvested and wood samples taken at two stem height levels (ground level and 2 m from the ground). Extractives and Klason lignin content were determined in the different wood samples. Wall thickness and tracheid diameter were determined for earlywood

  • Commercial Papermaking

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    Commercial Papermaking Paper in 20th-century civilization, is one of our most important industrial products. Books, magazines, and newspapers are printed on paper. Data from computers are usually printed on paper. Education, government and industry could not operate without printing and writing on paper. Paperboard (used in packaging), and absorbent papers (tissue and towelling) are other widely used paper products. Paper is made from cellulose fibbers, which are found in all plant cell

  • Atlantic Packaging Products Case Study

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    compare recycled corrugated vs virgin paper products which proves that virgin paper reduces the number of mature trees that are harvested and in turn positively affects environmental factors like water usage and brings a change in the packaging waste from landfills. Packaging products which are 100% corrugated, compared to virgin fiber paper, saves more than 4 billion gallons of water per year (Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd, 2016). North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada is

  • Environment Essay: Alternative Fuels are the Solution to Environmental Problems

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    topic in today's society. Some of the subtopics that are going to be discussed are going to be those related to the way technology is changing, what industries are doing to help prevent further pollution, some of the methods used in paper recycling, and some discussion of renewable energy sources. For the most part, this section of the research paper, unlike the other sections, is going to attempt to discuss some of the ways the public has been dealing with, and are finding new ways to deal with environmental

  • Environmental Problems In Dhak The Environmental Environment Of Dhaka

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    POLLUTION Noise pollution is also major cause of environmental problem of Dhaka.according to WHO(world health organization) 60db of sound can make a man deaf temporarily and 100 db can cause complete deafness. Main causes of noise pollution are;industries, vehicles,construction works and Indiscriminate use of loudspeaker.Present noise level of Dhaka is from 60 to 100 db and if this situation continues 50% of people will lose 30 db of hearing

  • Deforestation

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    planet and on its climate are as yet unknown. Only concerted conservation efforts by all parties, both the owners of the forests and the consumers of the developed world can prevent the long-term loss of this irreplaceable biome... ... middle of paper ... ... Cambridge, The Press Syndicate Publishers, 1984. Joy Tivy and Greg O' Hare, Human Impact On The Ecosystem, England, Oliver & Boyd Publishers, 1981. Robert Prosser, Human Systems and The Environment, Edinburgh, Thomas Nelson and Sons

  • Pectinase Ceasure

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    Water bath ( able to control temperature) • 4x small beakers • 4x test tubes • 1x test tube rack • 4 pieces of filter paper • 1x filter funnel • 1x 10ml measuring cylinder • Thermometer • Marker pen • Stop watch Experiment 2 • 20ml Pectinase solution • 20ml of distilled water • 2x 10ml syringe • 2x 5ml syringe • 5x Test tubes • 5x 20ml Beakers • 5x Funnels • 5x Sheets of filter paper • 1x Pietry dish • 1x Sharp knife • 1x Greater • 1x Test tube Rack • 1x Measuring cylinder • 1x Digital scale • 1x Stop