Portrayal Essays

  • Portrayal of Masculinity in Art

    598 Words  | 2 Pages

    Portrayal of Masculinity in Art According to several versions of the Webster dictionaries, the word “masculinity” refers to the characteristics of being masculine, manly, male stereotypes, having or occurring in a stressed final syllable <masculine rhyme>, having the final chord occurring on a strong beat <masculine cadence>, of or forming the formal, active, or generative principle of the cosmos. The word “masculinity” overall reflects the stereotype of men being a strong force, in music chords

  • Portrayal of Utopia in The Tempest

    1667 Words  | 4 Pages

    Portrayal of Utopia in The Tempest In The Tempest, Shakespeare allows the audience to appreciate the possibilities of utopian society and whatever this may posses.  Being the good, and bad so that they can see that problems can arise in such a society. The Tempest can be thus seen as a window into the dimensions of utopian societies. While his characters take on the role of the leaders of the utopian societies, Shakespeare uses his creation to portray the social questions and beliefs of society

  • The Portrayal of Ancient Rulers

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    The Portrayal of Ancient Rulers Throughout history, the idea of what a ruler is has evolved. In ancient societies the style of leadership evolved from royal leadership to politically appointed emperors. Inheritance of a throne and kingship subsided after Alexander the Great’s world domination. Instead, leaders came to power through political and military prowess, and if their leadership was unsatisfactory they would usually be overthrown. With the evolution of leadership throughout ancient

  • Plato’s Portrayal of Socrates

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    Plato’s Portrayal of Socrates The portrayal of Socrates by his student Plato creates one of the most controversial characters of all time. There are few other personalities in history that have drawn criticism and praise from the furthest ends of each spectrum. Socrates has been called the inventor of reason and logic, and at the same time has been condemned as a corruptor and a flake. Perhaps he was all of these. Despite this disagreement, one is a certainty: Socrates had a very interesting

  • Portrayal of the Characters in Frankenstein

    1284 Words  | 3 Pages

    Portrayal of the Characters in Frankenstein In the novel Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, the characters have been portrayed effectively. Much of the interactions between characters, and characteristics of the characters have been based on events which have occurred in Shelley's own life, or they represent what she believes is important. For example, Victor is portrayed as having a strong passion for science, and a poor understanding of relationships. Elizabeth is shown as a stereotypical

  • Portrayals of John Anderton

    1111 Words  | 3 Pages

    Portrayals of John Anderton Imagine a world in which the thought of murder is a thing of the past; a world that has successfully abolished the system of jails and fines with the aid of gifted individuals that can predict the future (Dick 72). Such a crime free world exists in Philip K. Dick’s famous short story, The Minority Report. Using the adaptation made by screenwriters, Scott Frank and Jon Cohen, DreamWorks was able to release the film version of Dick’s short story in 2002. Furthermore

  • The Portrayal of Female Athletes in Film

    816 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Portrayal of Female Athletes in Film Portrayals and stories of women in sport and film are varied and unique to the woman, but some common threads can be found throughout these films. Understanding the culture of sport and how women are depicted as athletes in movies shows how society at large views women. The perseverance and strength of women athletes in unjust or unfair situations regarding their sport is a very important and all too common theme. Often in movies with women athletes,

  • Ernest Hemingway’s Portrayal of Masculinity

    1182 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ernest Hemingway’s Portrayal of Masculinity When thinking of masculinity in literature, one author has who has become synonymous with manliness comes to mind, Ernest Hemingway. Critics have spent countless hours studying his writing in order to gain insight into his world of manly delights, including his views on sex, war, and sport. His views can be seen through his characters, his themes and even his style of writing. The characters in Hemingway’s stories reveal much about how he feels

  • Portrayal of Native Americans in Film

    4584 Words  | 10 Pages

    invented people. The place they inhabited was not the Indies, and their culture varied from tribe to tribe. The Indian in film is also an invented population of people. No distinction between reality and the imagination are made in these movies. The portrayal of the Native American, and the Native American ways of life were displayed incorrectly in film, and warped the image of the Native American in the eyes of all Americans, especially their descendants. The movies studied vary, from those dealing

  • The Media Portrayal of Islam

    965 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Media Portrayal of Islam Islam is portrayed and is commonly accepted as the most violent and largest direct threat to the West. This is a generalization made by most of the West, but it is not particularly the West or the Islamic people’s fault. There is constant turmoil in Islamic countries in the Middle East and these conflicts are what make the news in the West. The only representation in the media that the Islamic nation gets is that of war. Though most Islamic people are not violent

  • Portrayal of Man in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov

    1212 Words  | 3 Pages

    Portrayal of Man in The Brothers Karamazov Debauchery, dueling, infidelity, orgies, and even monastery life are all used to help Fyodor Dostoevesky define his characters in The Brothers Karamazov. At the beginning of the novel, the reader becomes filled with contempt for a few members of the Karamazov family, yet filled with admiration for others. The legitimate members of the Karamasov family each represent a separate aspect of human character, which is applicable to society. In some ways the

  • Portrayals of Prostitution in Jane Eyre

    2147 Words  | 5 Pages

    Portrayals of Prostitution in Jane Eyre Bronte paints many parallels between the characters in the novel and the trade of prostitution. One of the main characters that Bronte attributes poverty to is the character of Jane. Jane’s poverty is intrinsically important to the plot of the novel because Bronte uses Jane’s poverty to allow the reader to picture Jane as a virtuous woman, such as when Jane flees from Thornfield to escape the entrapment of Rochester. The reader is urged to feel sympathy

  • Portrayal of Asian Americans in the Media

    3279 Words  | 7 Pages

    assimilates, who must explain his or her prese... ... middle of paper ... ...ty in televised international athletic events. (1995). Retrieved December 9, 2004 from http://www.aafla.org/9arr/ResearchReports/ResearchReport4.htm Restrictive portrayals of asians in the media and how to balance them. (2004). Retrieved December 9, 2004 from http://www.manaa.org/articles/stereo.html Thoughts on William Hung’s Inspiration. (2004, April 28). Retrieved December 9, 2004 from http://modelminority

  • The Portrayal of Women in the Media

    3423 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Portrayal of Women in the Media Redbook magazine are devoted to selling products ranging from shoes to shampoo. The entire magazine only has only 210 pages. Approximately 6-8 min of every half hour television show is produced by ad agencies. Americans are bombarded with advertisements. We see them everyday in many different forms and through different mediums. Advertisers study America’s population through a systematic breakdown and analysis of our likes and dislikes in relation to our differences

  • Portrayal of Women in the Media

    3135 Words  | 7 Pages

    Portrayal of Women in the Media Gender is the psychological characteristics and social categories that are created by human culture. Doing gender is the concept that humans express their gender when they interact with one another. Messages about how a male or female is supposed to act come from many different places. Schools, parents, and friends can influence a person. Another major factor that influences millions of impressionable females and males is television. Not only does the television

  • Rewriting Canonical Portrayals of Women

    3362 Words  | 7 Pages

    Rewriting Canonical Portrayals of Women In her collection of short stories, Good Bones (O. W. Toad, 1992), Margaret Atwood (1939 - ) has included Gertrude Talks Back, a piece that rewrites the famous closet scene in Shakespeare´s Hamlet. The character of Hamlet´s mother has posed problems of interpretation to readers, critics and performers, past and present, and has been variously or simultaneosly appraised as a symbol of female wantonness, the object of Hamlet´s Oedipus complex, and an example

  • ESPN: Portrayal of Sports on Television

    847 Words  | 2 Pages

    ESPN: Portrayal of Sports on Television Sports have played a big in role throughout the history of television. Without the television, sport fans would not be able to tune into NFL games on Sunday and Monday nights. They wouldn’t be able to sit at home and watch every basketball game played during March Madness. The television has given everybody around the world a chance to watch some of the biggest and best sporting events that have ever taken place. However, for a long amount of time there

  • Portrayal of Utopia in The Tempest by William Shakespeare

    1231 Words  | 3 Pages

    Utopia in The Tempest In The Tempest, Shakespeare allows the audience to appreciate the possibilities of utopian society, the good, and bad, so that they can understand the problems that the pursuit of a utopian environment may cause. The Tempest is a window into the dimensions of utopian societies. Shakespeare's play portrays the good and the evil sides of the perfect life. While his characters take on the role of the leaders of the utopian societies, Shakespeare portrays the social questions

  • MTV's Portrayal of Women

    2317 Words  | 5 Pages

    MTV's Portrayal of Women I see the rattle and the hum of music television. Flash upon flash of sensory information lights the screen with sound bites, flashbulbs, sex and rock and roll. I am watching MTV in the semi-darkness of a friend's living room and it is easy for me to understand the attraction of this style of television. MTV is pure energy. It has vitality, powerful images, larger-than-life heroes, and the edginess that the best pop music always has. I find MTV strangely hypnotic

  • The Portrayal of Female Athletes Athletes in Film

    834 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Portrayal of Female Athletes in Film Images of women in sport, and the cultural ideals of women have moved somewhat synchronously through time. As notions of women's roles and perceptions of women change, so too did the portrayal of female athletes, and the acceptance of female athleticism into cultural norms. Likewise, as women began breaking the gender barriers in sport, the perceptions of women's roles changed and the change in portrayal and perception, led to increased acceptance of