Policy studies Essays

  • One Child Policy Case Study

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    (Gu, Roy 3rd para.). By 1986, when the one child policy had been in place for seven years, and ultrasound available for about six, the gender ratio was 1.109/1(Hull 69). The one child policy was implanted as a method of population control. At the time, China was country with a population that was quickly increasing, and the government was concerned that the population would overwhelm available resources. Consequently, they implanted the one child policy, which, except for a few exceptions, limited couples

  • Dividend Policy Case Study

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    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Dividend policy is one of the most crucially importance and the most debatable issues in the corporate finance and it still keeps on prominent place in both developed and emerging markets. In 2005, Brealey and Myers described that dividend policy as one of the top ten most difficult unsolved problems in financial economics. This description is consistent with a famous extract by Black (1976) who stated that “The harder we look at the dividend picture

  • Social Policy Case Study

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    Introduction Social policy, with a variety of definitions, has been part of academic debate among scholars. However, some scholars would emphasized that social policy is an instrument of government projected to promote welfare (Wilding, 2007; Dorwart, 1971). On the contrary, more pessimistically, Catherine Jones (1990) assumed that the objective of social policy is to regulate and manipulate people’s social conditions for governments. Jones noted that social policy as “the involvement of government

  • Gender Analysis and Foreign Relations, by Laura McEnaney

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    addition to the customary methodologies of the historian to enhance the historian’s studies. Gender analysis has inspired new investigations in the history of men and women and diplomacy, giving way to a new type of understanding of power in a historical context; however gender analysis “enters diplomatic history only through the aegis of culture.” This approach to the study and interpretation on the history of foreign policy looks deeper than the customary methodologies that historians typically use.

  • Best Practices Policy Making

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    scientists. This message not only suggests that policy makers widely accept the paradigm shift from (less adaptive and responsible) „traditional” to science-based policy making, but also creates new challenges for the scientists. The co-operation of policy and science is vital in making policy-data available, in performing analyses, in evolving new theories, and in developing assessments, since the outcomes of these processes can be deemed as policy-supporting evidence. Additional important sources

  • Examples Of Policy Analysis In Social Work

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    Policy Analysis is a complicated topic in the field of social work. It is used as a means to study and understand a policy in all of its dimensions. There are different dimensions of a policy analysis, but the purpose of the analysis determines which parts are to be taken into consideration. The policy itself can alter the policy analysis. I have created a program that deals with child welfare, and it will require me to complete a policy analysis. The policy that I have created includes a program

  • Admission Essay for Master of Public Administration Program

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    had a great chance to observe different kinds of people with various jobs and interests. This was the first time I learned how mutual interests bring people together. When I understood how public relations work naturally, it forced me strongly to study and comprehend the complex theory of politics. After finishing high school, I made up my mind to pursue a career in Political Science. For this reason, I was enrolled to Istanbul Bilgi University’s Political Science program. After having completed

  • The Politics of Policy Implementation in India

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    The majority of policy studies assume that, once a policy has been formulated, it will be implemented. This is not unreasonable, after all. The scholars who analyze policies and build models of the policy processes do base their work on the assumption that the policy will be implemented, exactly as it is. Furthermore, this assumption extends to another: that the desired results of the policy will be close, at least, to those expected by the policy makers. It should be noted that this assumption is

  • Child Protection Policy Case Study

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    Introduction A social policy refers to set of rules and regulations formulated to guide the society in improving people's welfare or well-being. Social policies in most cases affect the target group in the community. Moreover, these policies are beneficial to the community because they aim at improving the standards of living, providing security and enhancing health communal measures. On the other hand, the social policy makers concentrate more on the issues that affect the society. Consequently

  • School Uniforms Pros And Cons Essay

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    years throughout America. Should school policy makers force their students to wear uniforms that were once only required in private schools? That depends on who you speak to. Many who are in favor of uniform policies in a public school believe that it helps promote a positive learning environment in the school, it helps curve school violence due to gangs, and it helps children feel as though they belong. Despite all the positive attributes a school uniform policy may bring to a public school, there

  • School Decision Making Case Study

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    & Cheng, 2002; Gaziel, 2009; Somech & Bogler, 2002; Wan, 2005; Zajda, 2006). Teachers ' cooperation in decision making would urge them to see how these were arranged and outlined. The contribution may elevate teachers ' dedication to these school policies and expand their motivation to implement them also (Smylie & Tuermer, 1992). This dedication got for the most part from teachers ' obligation regarding those decisions for their support as decision creators. The decisions made by teachers could be

  • Global Health Policy Case Study

    1085 Words  | 3 Pages

    Does the influence of funding on global health policy priorities matter? The impact of the ongoing global financial crisis The global financial crisis (GFC), which began in 2008, prompted valid concerns that a financial crisis would result in a significant decline in donor aid and international efforts to address global health issues. (4) In previous financial crises, there had been a decline in donor commitments for official development assistance (ODA). This was observed in the current GFC along

  • The UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)

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    1 Introduction The UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) (UN General Assembly 2003) is the first international attempt to establish a standard of anti-corruption policy in order to reduce problems related to corruption (Hechler et al. 2011) like an adverse impact on economic growth (Mauro 2004). In spite the fact that the approach of UNCAC is based on large empirical evidence about the causes of corruption (Judge, McNatt, and Xu 2011) corruption remains in some countries a persistent problem (Hechler

  • Persuasive Speech On School Uniforms

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    From the arguments above, it was apparent that school uniforms significantly improve students’ behaviors that make me believe that school uniforms should be made mandatory for all public schools. Most importantly, the adoption of school uniform policies will lead to increased school safety, discipline, and students’ learning by giving them the sense of their identity .Consequently, there will be less discrimination and hatred cause by bully among students. In conclusion, mandatory school uniforms

  • Potential Limits to Corporate Power in America

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    group or class had power in America, but only influence". In other words, the upper class are more noticeable and accesible because they share a commmon viewpoint on issues on important new foreign and domestic policies. This leads to the corporate rich who developed to institute the policies they favor like, the Collective power that pursue common goals in community or nation and Distributive power that is the ability of a group or social class within a community or nation to be successful in conflict

  • The Extinction of Fin Whale

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    Animals are a blessing of God. They are seen in different type, shapes and weights in their own category. In marine animals, there are mostly mammals which are found to be in large number. Fin whale is among those mammals that are found in marine life. This type of whale is found in all types of oceans and is a suborder to baleen whales. Fin whale is a very heavy whale. Its weight is estimated to be around 74-75 tones. The weight is not only the only characteristic but its length is also very interesting

  • Should Bureaucracy Be Involved In Decision Making Essay

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    should be the ones who decide the public policy, since they are decision makers, but once the policy is made by the elected officials then the policy implementations. Furthermore, administrations are the responsibility of the bureaucrat with whatever they do. In practice, the bureaucrat is involved in implementation and formulation, in which they have the expertise and the knowledge on the subject. The question then is should bureaucrats be involved in policy formulation? This is structural and difficult

  • The Rise of Elder Abuse

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    edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login. aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=60268165&site=ehost-live&scope=site Mature Market Institute. (2011). The MetLife Study of Elder Financial Abuse: Crimes of Occasion, Desperation and Predation Against America’s Elders. Retrieved December 9, 2013 from https://www.metlife.com/assets/cao/mmi/publications/studies/2011/mmi-elder-financial-abuse.pdf

  • Thompson’s Four Hypothesis of Organisational Change

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    organisations. The case study evolved reveals that the hypothesis of organisational change to adopt participatory approach to ensure bureaucracy’s survival is not applicable in GSDA case. The organisation is not facing any threats of cuts in the size of bureaucracy due to any financial crisis in Government. While the first hypothesis is not applicable, others are discussed in detail as they find relevance with the case study. 6.1. Conditionality of Donor Agency The case study derives that the hypothesis

  • Does a Minority Government Hinder a Governing Party?

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    government is also in control of the Civil Service machine (Akash, et al. 2010, 218). By keeping these powers, the governing power still maintains a large amount of power within parliament and it does not hinder policy making or legislative processes. However, a minority government does slow down policy making and legislative processes because there is a greater demand for negoti... ... middle of paper ... ... reflect well on the government and could even lead to a future majority government. Lastly