Plastic bottle Essays

  • The Pros And Cons Of Plastic Bottles

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    1947, plastic containers were first commercially used to hold liquids, but not until the 60’s were they consumed by the general public. At first, plastic was extremely cheap to make; however, in recent years the price to manufacture plastic has skyrocketed. In 2011 alone, over eleven billion dollars were exhausted in the fabrication of plastic water bottles. All this money fuels the creation of about fifty billion bottles worldwide. Sadly, Americans have become reliant on disposable plastic containers;

  • Persuasive Essay On Plastic Water Bottles

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    “More than 1 billion plastic water bottles end up in California’s landfills each year, taking 1,000 years to biodegrade and leaking toxic additives such as phthalates into the groundwater.”(Goodbye, Bottled Water) Most people in the U.S. don’t recycle their plastic water bottles. This is a big environmental problem. To reduce the amount of plastic water bottles getting into landfills, Americans need to drink tap water instead. Although, plastic water bottles can be useful in some situations and can

  • Persuasive Essay On Plastic Water Bottles

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    Water Bottle Persuasive Plastic water bottles have been the new trend in ECMS lately. But are they worth the costs? No not in my opinion. One time use plastic water bottles should not be allowed at ECMS. Plastic water bottles are unnecessarily expensive, negative to the environment, and not very healthy for our bodies. Why should we waste our money constantly buying water bottles when you could buy a reusable one that could last for years. In average, bottled water cost around $1.21 per gallon

  • Plastic Water Bottles Should Be Banned From Canada

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  • Plastic Bottle Essay

    3145 Words  | 7 Pages

    Pure water, better from a plastic bottle or from the tap? Zack Braasch CS220: English Composition February 15, 2014 THIS IS A DRAFT The notion that the water that is in the clear plastic bottle just purchased is pure; purer than the water flowing from the tap is the fundamental reason of choice, one over the other. Millions upon millions of people every day make that choice with a confidence anchored in the trust that the company name on the plastic bottle guarantees it. The choice

  • Essay On Plastic Water Bottles

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    There are many standards of making plastic water bottles as i will discuss below. The plastic bottle made must be from a suitable plastic material and must also be of a suitable length and strength in terms of its capacity. Another important standard for making plastic water bottles is having an organic solid also referred to as “Semisynthetic” as they have a unique characteristic of being malleable. The purpose is to allow the plastic water bottles to be molded into any desired shape. This also

  • Effects of Plastic Bottles On the Environment

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    convenient enough for everyday use and even tasting better to some, plastic bottles are a popular way of consuming beverages. They are convenient and to some people, can even taste better. However, the process of manufacturing and transporting the millions of bottles produced is detrimental to the environment. Continued use of plastic bottles could exponentially hurt the planet. Given all the negative effects that come from plastic, why are people still participating in this poisonous cycle? Some claim

  • The Human Footprint of Plastic Water bottles

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    Distribution: Plastic water bottles are considered one of the healthiest beverages you can find in any shop. But are they really all that healthy for the environment, or is there a fine line between a plastic bottled water drink and what’s best for everyone? Let’s take a look at bottled water from the very start to find out. To manufacture plastic bottles, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is used, and to produce PET, crude oil and natural gas is required. If one fills a plastic water bottle 1/4th full

  • Plastic Water Bottles Case Study

    1005 Words  | 3 Pages

    people, but to our environment as well. This product is well-known and used daily by millions of Americans: plastic water bottles. These single use bottles of water may be convenient, but at what risks? Every second, people in America use 1,500 plastic water bottles (Mangor & Taft, 2013). After they are empty, these bottles must go somewhere, but where? Less than 25% of plastic water bottles are recycled leaving 2 billion pounds per year to find a home other than reuse (Walsh & Massey, 2013). Many

  • Bottled Water vs. Tap Water

    565 Words  | 2 Pages

    Imagine drinking fresh clean water out of a plastic bottle, the clean taste of water as it refreshes you. Why would you buy water when you already have perfectly clean water coming right out of your faucet? You can save so much more money by drinking tap water. You’ll also be helping the planet decrease the amount of trash there is. It will also be less pollution in the air if you just drink tap water. I agree that the water inside of the plastic bottles are clean and fresh, but when stored in hot

  • water

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    of water can be the taste, health, and convenience. When drinking this water we never look at the effects of it. We do not always benefit from the plastic water bottle. We should consider the environment, and how it may be harming it. What is it that actually makes the water so good and worth buying? How much we can save from no longer using these bottles. An example of this can be seen in the New York Times, even though there are so many good benefits to water, we as Americans never really look at

  • Reusing Plastic Bottles Can Pose Serious Health Hazards

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    to dispose of waste in landfills. Every week we recycle our paper and plastics in order to reduce waste material. Many of use also reuse certain items over and over again – items such as plastic bags, paper, and water bottles. However, not many people realize that reusing some items without proper care can be hazardous to their health. An experiment with reused water bottles shows that bacteria will build up over time in bottles that are not frequently washed. This buildup of bacteria can be relatively

  • Water Bottles Persuasive Essay

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    drinks at least one bottle of water per day, there is 35,540,400 bottles of water to be discarded. How do we Canadians get rid of all the water bottles? Some Canadians dispose of them properly; while others dispose of them incorrectly As well as many Canadians also choose to reuse the water bottles, believing that is the best option. Reusing a water bottle is very unsafe because of the plastic. Reality is, drinking a disposable water bottle is the worst. Disposable water bottles cause a threat to all

  • Tap Water Ethos

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    that bottle water is purified has always been the best and how water bottle plastic is made and what the plastic contains when water is left inside the plastic water bottle for a long period during that time they found toxic chemicals inside the bottled water and by that time they convinced me. The most effective persuasion techniques that this documentary had some good, credible Logos, Ethos, Pathos but felt that they should of talk more about what's happening inside the factors in bottle water

  • The Pros And Cons Of Bottled Water

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    Bottled water can cause some serious health problems. Most people think what can a bottled water do to our health?. In the article, “Your plastic water bottle may actually be making you gain weight” Lizzy Hill explained that many of the plastic used to make plastic bottles may contain compounds called bisphenol A (BPA). A chemical compound has been shown to promote the formation and growth of fat cells. In one study, scientists extracted and isolated cells from the hips, thighs or abdomen of female

  • Persuasive Essay On Plastic Bottled Water

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    BAN PLASTIC BOTTLED WATER Did you know that, according to Peppard, “bottled water samples can contain phthalates, mold, microbes, benzene, trihalomethanes, even arsenic” ( This is an important problem because if you give this water to people that survived a hurricane they’re already suffering so now you could give them a deadly disease or poison them. Plastic water bottles should be banned in Waunakee. My first point is, according to Christiana Peppard “The plastic in the

  • Tap Water Research Paper

    767 Words  | 2 Pages

    comes in. By forgoing a superfluous plastic shell, tap water is able to be environmentally friendly and helps to conserve the planets limited resources. Tap water's many benefits raise the cost of using bottled water higher society than can afford. Flashy marketing has caused many people to believe that something special is contained within bottled waters fancy plastic shell. In fact, most of the time, bottled water is just pure tap water placed in a bottle and packaged a pure “spring water”

  • Analysis Of Johnson Bottled Water Go Away

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    that with environment and health. Johnson 's claim, reasons, evidence, ethos, logos, pathos, counterargument are very relevant for readers of The Shorthorn. Especially readers who prefer bottled water and are not serious about the recycling of those bottles are the target audience of this publication but it

  • Water Bottled Water Research Paper

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    All of the water bottle companies that we know and trust contain one secret: the ingredients inside of their water. Because there are no labels on the bottles explaining what exactly has been added to the water, people with certain diseases or people with bodies that can’t process the content of these altered waters can be seriously harmed. These companies are lying, which can also cause many problems to the people that consume their products. Nothing has been done to fight these lies because the

  • Persuasive Essay: The Dangers Of Drinking Bottled Water

    877 Words  | 2 Pages

    We spend billions of dollars every year on bottled water. In an article by Charles Fishman, Message In A Bottle he states, "[W]e spent more [money] on Poland Spring, Fiji Water, Evian, Aquafina, and Dasani than we spent on iPods or movie tickets," (Fishman). We spend all this money on bottled water when we can just fill a reusable one up with almost no cost at home or at a water fountain. Maybe because it’s just more convenient or there may have unsafe drinking water. We all have our reasons for