Pittsburgh City-County Building Essays

  • Current Conditions In and Future Plans for the Strip District

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    from 11th Street to 33rd Street, The Strip as it is known from Pittsburgh was at one in the 1920’s the economic center of Pittsburgh and was home to such companies as U.S. Steel, The H.J. Heinz Company and Westinghouse. As the 21st century rolled into, the ghosts of past industry giants still remained, but the Strip District had changed into a Saturday destination to Pittsburghers and a tourist spot for those people visiting Pittsburgh. This paper will describe the ways the Strip District has changed

  • Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

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    Pittsburgh Pennsylvania “ The Big Little City,” also commonly know as the city of Pittsburgh, is one of the largest cites in the state of Pennsylvania. With over 144 square kilometers of land area, and approximately seven square kilometers of surface water (Pittsburgh Pennsylvania), the city of Pittsburgh is large by anyone’s standard. The city, which is located in western Pennsylvania, has a very diverse geography which sets it apart from many other cities in the United States. Pittsburgh and

  • Tale Of Two Cities Analysis

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    The Tale of Two Cities Bradford, PA, is a completely different world from Reading, PA, not only because they are located in different parts of the state but also because both have two completely different demographics and lifestyles. These two places have many differences that range from the revenue sources to the population’s recreational activities. Even with all these differences there are still a few basic similarities between these two places. In my personal experience, I have witnessed first-hand


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    story is one of suffering and redemption that no city, no community no region can claim to be more tragic and hopeful in its fight against pollution. A city founded in a river valley rich with resources; central access by water, rail and road; and integral to the key to the creation of a nation; Pittsburgh knew days when no vegetation grew from the soil and the sky was permanent midnight twenty four hours a day. That was life in the monikered “Smoke City” until citizens and businesses took fate into

  • Case on First US Ammendment and Clauses

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    person to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion. Everson v. Bd. of Educ., 330 U.S. 1, 15 (1947). The means that the Martin County Board cannot actively endorse any one particular religion over another and also cannot restrict any one particular religion. See Marsh v. Chambers, 463 U.S. 794, 795 (1983). It must remain religiously neutral. Id. at 795. The Martin County Board’s meeting practice of offering a prayer before its board meetings violates the Establishment Clause because they provided

  • The History And History Of The Allegheny Valley Trail

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    Biking from Franklin on the Allegheny Valley Trail, average travelers would assume that the path on which they were riding was nothing more than an ordinary trail in an ordinary town. Then around the five mile marker they would see the massive Belmar Bridge rising in the distance. Today the bridge serves as a reminder of our region’s rich history, harkening back to the days when oil wells dotted the landscape and railroads crisscrossed the countryside. At about the eight mile marker, a large rock

  • Why I Want To Be A Physician Assistant

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    When candidates are competing for an award, a job, or an honor, they often use the qualities of their character as evidence as to why they deserve it. I certainly understand and believe in the necessity of qualifications; however, I have also always believed that having a plan of what one will do with a certain honor is an integral part of deserving it. That is why this essay is not about my previous accomplishments. This essay is a declaration of my ideas to serve as a representative of Seton Hill

  • Argumentative Essay On Fracking

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    effects of hydraulic drilling. New York and Vermont have banned fracking statewide. Maryland has set a two year moratorium on fracking, so that more research can be done to show the impacts of fracking on the environment. Nationwide, many other cities and counties have banned fracking as well. All states should look into finding alternative sources of energy, instead of using devastating practices like fracking to extract non-renewable resources. Hydraulic fracturing is a technique that combines water

  • Essay On Administrative Assistant

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    Most of today’s businesses requires post high school education in order to obtain more than an entry level administrative assistant position. From my research on schools that offer a degree, diploma or certificate for administrative assistants, I chose to provide information on Bradford School, Kaplan University, and Penn Foster School. Bradford School, www.bradfordpittsburgh.edu, is a business school that offers a diploma program and a specialized associate degree program for those interested in

  • Essay About Homeless People

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    Growing up in the inner city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I’ve experienced my fair share of homeless people on the streets. It is of no surprise to me that this is a common trend in most major cities across the country. Moving to San Diego I didn’t expect that the streets would be completely free from homelessness but the magnitude of this glaringly evident issue was more than I could ever imagine. I was faced with an overwhelming reality of a city filled with shopping carts full of few belongings

  • West Virginia and Washington State

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    abundant natural beauty with cosmopolitan flair. From the peaks of the Cascade Mountains to the emerald lowlands of Puget Sound to Seattle's eclectic port-city charm, the state of Washington offers a vibrant mix of urban and rural settings. LoopNet puts the vast northwest within your reach. The easternmost portion of Washington houses Spokane, a city of a quarter of a million residents that's only a few minutes from the Idaho border. Spokane is close enough to the Cascades to make it an attractive

  • Swot Analysis Of Impact Lupkin

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    of me searching for a new coffee shop recently. One quick Google search provided me with The Standpipe Coffee House located in the up and coming downtown district. When I walked in I instantly felt like I was in a quaint coffee house in New York City. The service was friendly and quick and locals milled about relaxing with some fresh brew. I felt a distinct feeling that day as I meandered my way to the coffee house that something big was about to happen to this area. You could feel a bit of

  • Democracy and Transportation in America

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    advisable also asks what makes a good transportation network. Both transportation systems are valid, but unique features of American cities and culture made automobiles the better choice. Conspiracies of the powerful in the USA pale compared to the tyranny of the majority. Regardless of economic or social considerations, public demand made the key decisions in building the American transportation network. A transportation network must be judged for its cost-effectiveness. The American Association

  • Sports Stadiums: Turning Public Money into Private Profit

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    new stadiums these stadiums benefit a single corporation.  A sport construction boom has started, these new stadiums cost a minimum of $200 million to build, but usually cost much more.  New stadiums  have been built, or are underway, in New York, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Seattle, Tampa, Washington DC, St. Louis, Jacksonville, and Oakland.  This competitive trend replaces old stadiums with high tech flashy stadiums used exclusively for one sport. These stadiums are unnecessary, and

  • The Clean Air Act vs. Pollution

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    of polluted air has raised eyebrows whether it was scientists, government officials, or the general public the complaint of not pollutants in the air was a major health issue since the being of time. The reports of nineteen deaths in 1948, in the city of Denora, Pennsylvania was an eyeopener to the Washington groups, just because they were suppose to regulate industrial emissions made up of a combination of combustion products and thermal inversion these people still died.(Fleming and Knorr , 2009)

  • Changes to the Bill of Rights

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    Changes to the Bill of Rights How many rights do you have? You should check, because it might not be as many today as it was a few years ago, or even a few months ago. Some people I talk to are not concerned that police will execute a search warrant without knocking or that they set up roadblocks and stop and interrogate innocent citizens. They do not regard these as great infringements on their rights. But when you put current events together, there is information that may be surprising to

  • Affirmative Action in the United States

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    Affirmative Action in the United States Affirmative Action in the United States consists of the active efforts that take into account race, sex and national origin for the purpose of remedying and preventing discrimination. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the federal government requires certain businesses and educational institutions that receive federal funds to develop affirmative action programs. Such policies are enforced and monitored by both The Office of Federal Contract Compliance

  • lena horne

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    integration and raising money for civil rights causes. By the end of the century, she could look back at a life that was never short on conflict, but that could be seen ultimately as a triumph. Lena Mary Calhoun Horne was born June 30, 1917, in the New York City borough of Brooklyn. Both sides of her family claimed a mixture of African-Americans, Native Americans, and Caucasians, and both were part of what black leader W.E.B. DuBois called "the talented tenth," the upper stratum of the American black population

  • Swot Analysis Of Foundry Industry

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    alloys. The volume of foundry production in the world is more than 80 millions. Casting is used to produce an average of 40%(by weight) of stock for machine parts, but in some areas of machine building, such casting appliance are tool manufacture, the percentage of castings is 80 percent. Appliance building in castings consumes about 70 percent of all cast stock, the metallurgical industry uses 20 percent, and 10 percent of cast stock is used in hygienic engineering. Cast parts are used in metal