Organ of Corti Essays

  • Outer Hair Cell Function

    1123 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Organ of Corti houses both inner and outer hair cells located on the medial and lateral sides of the tunnel of Corti, which is composed of pillar cells. For humans, there is one row of inner hair cells inside each cochlea numbering approximately 3,500. As for outer hair cells, there are three to five rows and are approximately 12,500 in each cochlea. The inner and outer hair cells are different in their structures, which indicates that their functions will most likely differ as well. Outer hair

  • Membranous Labyrinth Of The Central Nervous System

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    The human ears are sensory organs that consist of the auditory system and the vestibular system. “It divides anatomically and functionally into three areas. The external ear, the middle ear, and the outer ear.” These regions are involved in hearing, but only the inner ear is deals with balance. The Vestibular System is responsible for our balance. It encompasses the semicircular canal system, three semicircular and the vestibule that detect rotational movements and sends it to the central nervous

  • The Ear and How It Works

    1041 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Ear and How It Hears The ear is one of the most important organs of the body. Not only does it serve to keep the body balanced, but most importantly it give us the ability to hear. When a noise is made it makes a sound wave. When the sound wave makes it to the ear it makes its way through the three sections of the ear. The ear is able to pick up sound waves and transfer them into nerve impulses that can be read by the brain. Background: A sound wave is pressure variations in air. Sound waves

  • Skeletal Muscle Contraction Case Study

    1043 Words  | 3 Pages

    1) What is the role of calcium ions during contraction of a skeletal muscle? Calcium is an important element for live. Calcium is found in the bones of animals and humans. In muscle contraction is produce as a result of Calcium ions , Ca2+, It comes from rapid release from the cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum which cause a chemical reaction between ATP and the myofilaments. Another important function of Calcium ions occurs during the state of resting muscle. During the state of resting

  • The Ear And Hearing Loss

    1116 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Ear and Hearing Loss The ear is the organ of hearing and balance in vertebrates. The ear converts sound waves in the air, to nerve impulses which are sent to the brain, where the brain interprets them as sounds instead of vibrations. The innermost part of the ear maintains equilibrium or balance. The vestibular apparatus contains semicircular canals which in turn balance you. Any movement by the head, and this apparatus sends a signal to the brain so that your reflex action is to move your

  • Brain and Mind Behavior, An Outline

    576 Words  | 2 Pages

    medulla---left side functions of the body is controlled by the right side of the brain and the right side of the body is controlled by the left side of the brain. iii. Pain Receptors- • Located on any nerve endings in the body (i.e. skin, muscles, joints, organs, etc.) • C fibers are afferent nerves which means they send signals to the spinal cord and brain • C fibers are thin and unmyelinated • Alpha fibers are thicker and myelinated which allows quicker connection with spinal cord(i.e. direct contact

  • The Importance Of Hearing

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    transmits auditory information to the brain, where it is interpreted. The ear is organsied into three parts; 1-the outer ear, 2-the middle ear, and 3-the inner ear. These threee sections allow sound waves to pass through the hair cells in the organ of the corti, where detectionof sounds of different frequencies occurs and information is passed to the brain. The eustachian tube equalises the pressure on either side of the eardrum. The energy transformations that occur during the path of a soundwave

  • ear

    1395 Words  | 3 Pages

    The ear is an organ of the body that is used for hearing and balance. It is connected to the brain by the auditory nerve and is composed of three divisions, the external ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The greater part of which is enclosed within the temporal bone. The ear is looked upon as a miniature receiver, amplifier and signal-processing system. The structure of the outer ear catching sound waves as they move into the external auditory canal. The sound waves then hit the eardrum and

  • Noise Pollution

    5693 Words  | 12 Pages

    Noise Pollution Abstract No one on earth can escape the sounds of noise- an unwanted, disturbing sound that causes a nuisance in the eye of the beholder. Noise is a disturbance to the human environment that is escalating at such a high rate that it will become a major threat to the quality of human lives. In the past thirty years, noise in all areas, especially in urban areas, have been increasing rapidly. There are numerous effects on the human environment due to the increase in noise pollution

  • Loud Music from Night Clubs and Hearing Damage

    1699 Words  | 4 Pages

    free field threshold curve elevated by 80 dB. Temporary threshold shift (TTS) can be easily predicted. TTS can be seen as a slow trend of the start of a permanent hearing damage(Dobrucki, Kin, & Kruk, 2013). Exposure to loud noise damages the Organ of Corti within the cochlea and subsequently leads to an elevation of thresholds. There are two types of damage. An immediate permanent hearing loss can be the result of a very short exposure to an extremely loud noise more than 140 dB. This sound energy

  • Synaptopathy Research Paper

    1213 Words  | 3 Pages

    and BDNF equally promote neurite growth whereas, NT-3 is also involved promoting synapse formation in vitro. I intend to study the SGN regenerative effect of intracochlear perfusion of NT-3 on noise exposed mouse. Similarly, CNTF is found in the organ of corti and it was found that CNTF expression goes down in deafened rats at about the same time as SGNs start to die. It was show in retinal ganglion cells that CNTF can promote regeneration. This shows that apart from neuronal survival CNTF could also

  • Femur Bones Essay

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    1.Introduction Bones are rigid organs that help remain internal structure of vertebrates and the femur is the largest bone in human. Femurs can withstand approximately ten times body weight in static but we can easily break them in dynamic situations. There are many types of bone fractures, but still can be classified roughly by the force directions and causes. Transverse fracture: a fracture at a right angle to the bone's axis. Oblique fracture: a fracture in which the break has a curved or Comminuted

  • Ototoxic Medication to Treat Hearing Loss

    1918 Words  | 4 Pages

    Dornelles, 2009; Munro & Blount, 2009; Schreiber, Agrup, Haskard & Luxon, 2010). The MDR-TB medication is ototoxic therefore the medication causes functional impairment and cellular generation to the tissues of the inner ear, and especially of the end-organs and neurons of the cochlear and vestibular divisions of the eight cranial nerve (Munro & Blount, 2009; Schreiber, Agrup, Haskard & Luxon, 2010). The damages to these structures affects auditory and balance system which results to hearing loss, tinnitus

  • The Sociological Impact of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology

    2224 Words  | 5 Pages

    I elected to do my term paper on the sociological impact of nanotechnology and biotechnology (commonly called “bionics”) because of the vast potential for advances in medicine, space exploration and technology. These are but a few of the areas which will surely be affected by the development of new and never before imagined processes and engineered materials which have the power to change the way every aspect of one’s life is lived. I will generally focus on the Structural-Functional and Social-Conflict

  • Perception of Sound

    2031 Words  | 5 Pages

    Hearing allows us to do our everyday activities and improves our lives. It enables us to communicate, socialize, and interact in our environment. Good hearing also helps to keep us safe, warning us of dangers or alerting us to someone else’s distress. Hearing is necessary for us to be able to participate in life more fully. Our hearing provides us with a huge source of information; some of it is known to us and some we don’t even notice but when combined, this information gives us the opportunity

  • Music And Music-Induced Hearing Loss

    1652 Words  | 4 Pages

    in industrialized countries.” (Strasser, Chiu, Irle, & Wagener, 2008). One reason listening to loud music for an extended period of time puts people at risk for hearing loss is because it causes damage to and even loss of the hair cells in the Organ of Corti that essentially are responsible for the sensation of hearing (Zhao, Manchaiah, French, & Price, 2010). These hair cells will regenerate after some damage b... ... middle of paper ... ...(2009). Music venues and hearing loss: Opportunities