North American Electric Reliability Corporation Essays

  • The Great Blackout of 1965

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    Great Blackout of 1965. Although it occurred forty nine years ago, the Great Blackout of 1965 has had a major impact on how electricity operation systems work today, and has led to the formation of reliability councils such as the National Electric Reliability Council, now North American Electric Reliability Council, or NERC. Also, this large scale power failure has inspired many film writers to dramatize the Great Blackout. Background The blackout originated in an area around the Ontario- New York border

  • cyber security

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    The Congress. As a result, the framework still need more work and the companies are ought to keep shaping its content and improving the best practice. Overall the companies should care about the new standards because the business depends on the reliability of the infrastructure, and cyber intrusions have accrued repeatedly, so securing the connectivity between business systems and industrial control system within the companies networks should be a priority. Also, with a minor mistake injuries and

  • cyber security

    1899 Words  | 4 Pages

    Energy Industry - Cyber-Attacks And Regulations For many industries relying solely on NIST framework is not enough. The framework is not meant to replace their existing processes of handling cyber threats, however, by using the framework as a base, they can find the gaps in the most important infrastructure and figure out a way to harden and improve its security. For example, the energy industry is one of the most important industries and it has critical role in keeping the country safe. Therefore

  • CyberSecurity and the Threat to National Security

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    It is difficult to define cyberculture because its boundaries are uncertain and applications to certain circumstances can often be disputed. The common threads of defining cyberculture is a culture which has evolved and continues to evolve from the use of computer networks and the internet and is guided by social and cultural movements reflective of advancements in scientific and technological information. It is not a unified culture but rather a culture that exists in cyberspace and is a compilation

  • Operation Strategy Of Toyota

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    produces a large range of vehicles which are highly regarded for their quality, engineering, and value; their designs set global standards for safety, reliability and ease of maintenance. The Company Philosophy "Do the right thing for the company, its employees, the customer and the society as a whole." Origins The story of Toyota Motor Corporation began in September 1933 when Toyoda Automatic Loom created a new division devoted to the production of automobiles under the direction of the founder's

  • Power Dispatcher

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    advantages and disadvantage involve in this career path. Despite the disadvantages, the career of a Power Dispatcher suits my personality, lifestyle and career goals. According to “the Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance,” to ensure reliability of service to customers a Power Dispatcher must perform shift work. However, shift work is one of the most negative aspects of a Power Dispatcher’s career. Medical scholar Fritz points out that the work performed during the night shift was blamed

  • General Motors Supply Chain

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    foreign competition. General Motors Corporation (GM) which had been the leading car and truck manufacturer had been experiencing declining market share and facing stiff competition from both U.S manufacturers and foreign imports such as the Asian auto producers that included Toyota, Honda and Nissan. The main reason for increased foreign competition was that foreign cars were more fuel efficient, smaller, less expensive, and often more reliable than their American counterparts. In an effort to eliminate

  • Human Resources Management In Nigeria Essay

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    International human resources management is the process of overseeing persons who are working across international borders by international organisations. This department consists of managing people working internationally but also manages the expatriates. Definition of management according to Taylor (1903), is knowing exactly what you want people to do and then seeing that they do it in the most efficient and cheapest way. In reference to Griffin (1997) managing has the responsibility of successfully

  • Impact of Information Systems on the Automobile Industry

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    1. INTRODUCTION Today, Information systems have come a long way in creating new services and provided solutions and a better chance for certain issues facing automobile industry. Automobile Industries have taken advantage of this to bring into more desirable and excellent operations, improve value to their products and to their customers, as well as enable new business standard, style and image. In this research paper, we will explore the use of Information Systems in vehicles, the arrangement

  • Mcdonald's Corporation: An Analysis Of Mcdonalds

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    MCDONALDS-INTRODUCTION Headquartered in the United States Of America, the McDonald's Corporation is the world's largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. It is serving around 68 million customers daily in 119 countries across 35,000outlets. The company began in 1940 as a barbeque restaurant operated by Richard and Maurice McDonald. In 1948, they reorganized their business as a hamburger stand using production line principles. Businessman Ray Kroc joined the company as a franchise agent in

  • Mahindra Case Study

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    the second largest in the world, the Indian highways are getting overpopulated. Traffic management and road sense also need attention. COMPANY PROFILE Mahindra & Mahindra Limited (M&M) is an Indian multinational automobile manufacturing corporation headquartered in Mumbai. It is one of the largest vehicles manufacturers by production in India and the largest seller of tractors across the world. It is a part of Mahindra Group, an Indian Conglomerate. It was ranked as the 10th most trusted