National Grid Essays

  • Great Western Railway Customer Service

    1316 Words  | 3 Pages

    Great Western Railway Phone Numbers Great Western Railway Customer Service 0345 700 0125 Great Western Railway Customer Service contact number is 0345 700 0125 and available from Monday to Sunday 6 am to 11 pm. Contact GWR customer service via online GWR email address form in case you prefer to write. Similarly, you can always send postal communication to GWR freepost address GWR CUSTOMER SUPPORT. GWR customer care support is available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year on social media accounts like

  • Layout Design

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    the components in a single row. Next is grid layout. As long as you can determine the rows and columns, you can use this layout. It is possible to use grid layout for most of the applications which you want to develop with a single panel. You can always use filler labels to occupy the empty spaces. So grid layout works fine in such cases. But if you want to have a very neat GUI with very good layout, you need to go for more than 1 panel. In that case, grid, flow, and border are all used together

  • Investigating Patterns in Grids of Different Sizes

    1348 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating Patterns in Grids of Different Sizes Introduction: For my coursework I will be investigating patterns in grids of different sizes. Within the grid each square has a number. E.g. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 For each boot (highlighted above) I will develop a formula to work out the total value of the numbers added up. The boot will consist of three numbers up

  • T-Totals Investigation

    2195 Words  | 5 Pages

    T-Totals Investigation Introduction If you look at the 9x9 grid with the T-shape, you can see that the total of the numbers added together is 37 because it is1+2+3+11+21 which equals 37. This is what we call the T-total (37) And T-number is the number at the bottom of the T-shape which in this case is 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

  • Investigating the Relationship Between T-totals and T-numbers

    701 Words  | 2 Pages

    relationship between T-totals and T-numbers. In my investigation I will also try and find out the relationships between the grid size and the transformations. The T-number is always the number at the bottom of the T shape and the T-total is always all the numbers inside the T shape added together. 1 2 3 10 11 12 19 20 21 [IMAGE] 9 By 9 Grid: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

  • Foucault and the Theories of Power and Identity

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    that works its way into our imaginations and serves to constrain how we act. For example in the setting of a workplace the power does not pass from the top down; instead it circulates through their organizational practices. Such practices act like a grid, provoking and inciting certain courses of action and denying others. Foucault considers this as no straightforward matter and believes that it rests on how far individuals interpret what is being laid down as 'obvious' or 'self evident', institutional

  • Opposite Corners

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    opposite corners in grids. I will start by investigating a 7x7 grid. Within this grid I will use 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6 and a 7x7 grid. I will do this to find whether I can find a pattern. I will do this by multiplying the two opposite corners together then subtracting them. I will try to find the patterns and do a formula that will work for all grid sizes and shapes. I will experiment shapes and sizes of all different grids. Prediction I predict that in a 7x7 grid all the opposite corners

  • Wall Decorations

    1354 Words  | 3 Pages

    what the artists did achieve stands nonetheless among the greatest art of the ancient world. The process by which these decorations were achieved is quite well understood. In some cases, though not all, draughtsmen laid out the representations using grids made by measuring rods and paint-covered strings snapped against the walls. The images and inscriptions were then applied in red paint outlines which were corrected as necessary in black. The care involved at this stage is seen in that sometimes errors

  • T-totals

    1209 Words  | 3 Pages

    T-totals Introduction For my T-totals maths coursework I will investigate the relationship between the T-total and T-number, the T-total and T-number and grid size and the T-shape in different positions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

  • Number Stairs: Totals and Positions

    2658 Words  | 6 Pages

    the formulas for 5 different size stairs on 3 different grid sizes, I will go on to investigate the relationship between all of the formulas. From this I will be able to discover the ultimate formula that will allow me to work out any stair size on any size grid and in any position. As any other formula I will need to predict and prove it, to check that it is correct. But I also need to investigate if there is anywhere on the grid that my formula will not work. Lastly I will write a conclusion

  • The Open Box Investigation

    734 Words  | 2 Pages

    volume decreases. At this point I will decrease the square cut out by 0.1cm until I reach the maximum volume. This will be done on several different grids until I see a pattern which I will then use to create a formula. I will record my results in a table for the different grids and record the peaks to try and establish a pattern. My initial grid size will be 12cm x 12cm and I will increase this as I continue my investigation. The volume will be calculated by multiplying the length by the

  • T-Totals and T-Numbers

    1878 Words  | 4 Pages

    this T. On a 9x9 grid a T would look like this: [IMAGE] From this we can see that if: T number = n 1 = a 2 = b 3 = c 11 = d 20 = n [IMAGE] a = n-19 From this we can see that the T-Total b = n-18 will equal: c = n-17 d = n-9 1 + 2 + 3 + 11 + 20 = 37 e = n Using the algebraic formula for each of the numbers we can see that: T-Total = (n-19) + (n-18) + (n-17) + (n-9) + (n) = 5n-63 We can see that if we apply this formula to a 9x9 grid we can find the

  • Step-Stair Investigation

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    on the grid. Secondly I was asked to investigate the relationship further between the stair totals and the other step stairs on other number grids. The number grid below has two examples of 3-step stairs. I will use Algebra as a way to find the relationship between the stair total and the position of the stair on the grid. I will use arithmetic and algebra to investigate the relationships between the grid and the stair further. The variables used will be: Position of stair on grid = X

  • Number Grid Coursework

    3201 Words  | 7 Pages

    Number Grid Coursework My task is to investigate a 2x2 box on a 100 square I will take a 2x2 square on a 100 square grid and multiply the two corners together. I will then look at the relationship between the two results, by finding the difference. Test 1 ====== 54 55 54 x 65= 3510 64 65 55 x 64= 3520 3520-3510= 10 DIFFERENCE = 10 Test 2 ====== 5 6 5 x 16= 80 15 16 6 x 15= 90 90-80= 10 DIFFERENCE = 10 Test 3 ====== 18 19 18 x 29= 522 28

  • Chuck Close

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    was intended to project an aura of anonymity, allowing viewers to approach the work without preconceived ideas about the sitter.Close’s working method is extremely labor-intensive. He begins by dividing his source photograph into a grid and creating a corresponding grid on the canvas. He then meticulously transcribes the image onto the canvas square by square, proceeding from the top left to the bottom right. Some of the largest canvases contain thousands of squares; Close completes all of his paintings

  • Cyber-Physical Systems Are We Ready?

    1756 Words  | 4 Pages

    revolution in wireless communication systems. They would be pervasively present from something as small as a sensor sensing the electrical charge in a chip to radars tracking the storms, and system monitoring and maintaining the heath of Electric Grids at national level. They are different from existing embedded systems, by direct interaction with the physical world and complexly networked nature. An embedded systems are characterized by the presence of microcontroller, actuators and embedded code running

  • MicroGrids and Distributed Generation: The Future of Energy

    1130 Words  | 3 Pages

    Group (MEG) is: “A Microgrid is a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid. A Microgrid can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island-mode.” [DOE12] Microgrids can be considered as the building blocks of the Smartgrid, or even as an alternative path to what is nowadays starting to be known as a Supergrid. Additionally

  • T-Totals Investigation

    6491 Words  | 13 Pages

    positions on the grid. First I am going to use 9×9 grid then go on to smaller sizes like 8×8 7×7 6×6 5×5 to investigate whether the size of grid affects the T-total and T-number. This can be done by rotating it and then use vectors to find out if there is any relationship if it is translated. Mr. Zaman Contents Title Page and Aim Page 1 Contents Page 2 9×9 Grid Investigation Page 3 8×8 Grid Investigation Page 5 7×7 Grid Investigation Page 7 6×6 Grid Investigation Page

  • Number Grid Essay

    3752 Words  | 8 Pages

    Investigating The Answer When The Products Of Opposite Corners on Number Grids Are Subtracted Introduction The purpose of this investigation is to explore the answer when the products of opposite corners on number grids are subtracted and to discover a formula, which will give the answer in all cases. I hope to learn some aspects of mathematics that I previously did not know. The product is when two numbers are multiplied together. There is one main rule: the product

  • Stair Shape on a 10x10 Number Grid

    987 Words  | 2 Pages

    Stair Shape on a 10x10 Number Grid Introduction For this investigation I will be investigating the relationship between no. total and stair no. on a 10x10 number grid. I will also be comparing results when the stairs are moved around the grid, finding patterns that may occur. Method A diagram of the stair shape is shown below. There are three numbers on the bottom layer, two on the second and one on the top, starting from left. The stair no. will be identified by the number in the