Fernando “Nando” Seler Parrado Dolgay, or simply Nando Parrado, was a key survivor in the 1972 Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 crash in the Andes; he acted as a leader, a savior, a loyal son and a devoted brother. Nando belonged to a family of five that included his father Seler, mother Eugenia and sisters Graciela and Susanna, also known as Susy. This cordial, loving family lived in luminous Montevideo, Uruguay and Nando played for the Stella Maris College Alumni team, the Old Christians. In addition
John Wade, from In the Lake of the Woods, and Nando Parrado in Miracle in the Andes, seem to have completely opposite outlooks on their past, current situation, and futures. John Wade is utterly trapped by his past, while Nando Parrado seems to use his past as a slingshot into his future. However, these seemingly very different viewpoints can be validated and confirmed using Freud’s opinions in the following ways: Freud would diagnose John Wade with neurotic behavior as a consequence of his surroundings
We are never truly prepared for a catastrophic event but we spend plenty of time worrying about what we are going to do in one situation or another. We as human beings, much like animals, are hard-wired with survival skills; though sometimes our brains don’t always choose the right response. There are different tendencies the human brain leans toward in a life-threatening event or situation. Situational awareness and normalcy bias are two main tendencies that are displayed in disasters or extreme
An extreme environment takes strength, both emotional and physical, but even so the odds are not in a survivor's favor. With that said, there are those who rise to the occasion. Nando Parrado and his crew, from "I Will Survive", and Aron Ralston , from "127 Hours", are evidence. Nando and his crew had survived a plane crash, and continued to survive in the bitter, cold Andes for 72 days. While, Aron survived a 800 boulder crushing his arm, trapping him in an isolated slot canyon, alone, and without
Fernando Seler Parrado was born December 9, 1949. He was born in Montevideo, Uruguay. His parents were Seler and Eugenia Parrado. Fernando’s nickname was Nando. He was the second of three children, with an older sister, Graciela, and a younger sister, Susana, or Susy. Nando graduated from Stella Maris College and he played for their alumni rugby team, Old Christians Club. After graduating, he decided to enroll in a university. He decided to enroll in an agricultural school, but his father
What is a proper behavior? Human history is mostly about the Agricultural Revolution and the beginnings of a collective civilization. “Barbaric” is a term that has come to define this period of history. With modern people coming to see themselves as better and more civilized than our origins, the return to a life similar to what used to be normal is an interesting idea that has been both explored in popular literature and in real life. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding and “The 1972 Andes Flight
was flying to Chile, they crashed in the Andes mountains. Some of the people in the plane died off impact and others survived the crash. Nando Parrado the man who led the expeditions showed many leadership qualities, he showed sacrifice, commitment, and confidence throughout the 70 days he was in the mountains. One of the first things we find out about Nando is that he is the rugby team captain, so we already know that many of the other players respect and look up to him, he was elected as leader
As Nando Parrado, Roberto Cansado and Carlitos Páez climbed the mountain to find help, they struggled. These men were faced with something they had never done before, and faced several false summits that deterred them on the way up. Once on top, these three could see that their hopes of seeing the green hills of Chile were not true, and that they would need to go further to find help. Carlitos returned to the rest of the survivors after giving his supply of food to Nando and Roberto
hardship the passengers had to come up with ways to stay alive and help one another with complete cooperation. Their was one person who initially stepped up as a leader during the panic Nando Parrado. Another person who became a leader in assisting the survival of the people was Roberto Canessa a good friend of Nando. The the whole ordeal all the passenger made key points in order for the survival of the group. Three key decisions involved food and drink, looking for and creating supplies and tools
in their head. How they use the information to improve their situation, is up to them. In Brad Osborne’s documentary, I Am Alive: Surviving the Andes Plane Crash, he retells the story of a plane crash in the Andes Mountain range from Nando Parrado perspective. Nando Parrado’s mother and sister all joined him with his rugby team on a flight to Chile for a game. But on Friday, the 13 of October 1972 their pilot had miscalculated and crashed landed in the Andes Mountain range. They were never prepared
cooperation was a necessity. The one instance that stands out was on the last expedition when Roberto Canessa and Nando Parrado set off for civilization. For ten days the two boys walked the endless chain of snow covered mountains until they finally found a Chilean peasant. During these crucial days it was only their minds of steel and endless cooperation that got them through. Parrado and Canessa were the one’s who saved their friends in the Andes. The setting in ALIVE gave you a real sense
On this plane there was 45 people in total including the rugby team. When they crashed 12 died when they hit impact and 5 died the next morning from major injuries and from the cold. One of the main characters that had a role in this rescue was Nando Parrado. He showed a lot of courage but making a 10 day hike to civilization to get help for himself and the others. He made many sacrifices by making this hike he could've died, starved or much worse by freezing to death but he took initiative for himself
needed to survive. In the book, the perspective is from Nando Parrado, one of the survivors
one lifts or how fast one runs but knowing where one’s mind is at all times. In the book Miracle in the Andes Nando, the author of the story survives 72 days in the unforgiving Andes mountains. This was not easy he had to keep his mind straight and know that others relied on him. He shows this when he says “Even here, even as we suffer, life is still worth living....” (Parrado). Like Nando, a survivor always has their mind straight in times of panic and chaos. A survivor needs to keep their head straight
Eventually Fernando Parrado and Roberto Canessa got their chance and took a 10-day trek across the mountain range, eventually being found by a Chilean herdsman. The movie has stunning visuals, owed to the crew filming on site in the mountains, including the actual crash site