Museum collections Essays

  • Collections in a Museum

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    ’ Introduction Collections play a crucial role in fulfilling a museum’s mission and purpose. A museum’s collection is defined by its collection policy past and present which in turn helps to shape the museum’s goals and direction. As stewards of collections, museums are expected to maintain the highest professional standards legally and ethically. The development of written policies are necessary to govern the management of collections and to establish the museum's collections related activities

  • Comparison between the Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Frick Collection

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    mecca for art, particularly with museums. Two of these major institutions are The Frick Collection and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Each museum provides a glimpse of creativity from the past, all while remaining interesting in exhibiting the works of various styles and periods. While the two museums have similar goals in their Mission Statements, the differences in space, structure, and curating art philosophies differentiates them. In 1870, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was founded by a group of

  • Isabella Gardner Museum Heist: A Clever Ruse

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    The Isabella Gardner Museum Heist: A Clever Ruse On March 18th, 1990 in the early morning hours in Boston, MA, two men dressed like police officers their way into the Isabella Gardner Museum. In a matter of 81 minutes, while inside the building, they managed to pull off one of the biggest (approx. 500 MIL) and as of yet, unsolved art heists in the history of the United States. There have been many theories and suspects over the past 25 years, but there is one major theory that has not been in the

  • Visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Viewing the Asian Art Collections

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    Visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Viewing the Asian Art Collections The Metropolitan Museum of Art has one of the finest Asian art collections that has enlightened and strengthened my understanding in my personal art experience. The Museum itself is an artistic architectural structure that graces the entire block on 82nd Street in Manhattan. Entering inside, I sensed myself going back into an era, into a past where people traded ideas and learned from each other. It is a past, where

  • The National Football Museum and Sporting Heritage

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    This paper will discuss the National Football Museum as a case study for sport heritage, now located at the Urbis building in Manchester city centre; originally found in Preston, but moved to Manchester city centre in 2012. The topics related too in this paper, are the types of heritage and identity represented by the museum, since the National Football Museum was founded to preserve, conserve and interpret numerous significant collections of football memorabilia and collectables from the sport of

  • Met Acquisitions Policy Paper

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    the act of acquiring or receiving new objects to add to a museum’s existing collection. These objects can be obtained through various means, for instance they may be purchased, received as gifts or bequests, gained through processes of exchange or through archaeological fieldwork. Essentially, for an object to be acquired by a museum, title or legal ownership to that object must transfer from its current owner to the museum. An ‘acquisitions policy’ is a formal document that defines an institution’s

  • Collection of Poems by Various Authors

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    Collection of Poems by Various Authors Poet Biography, Edgar Allan Poe The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe Mamie by Carl Sandburg Explication, Mamie by Carl Sandburg Two Strangers Breakfast by Carl Sandburg Mag by Carl Sandburg Explications of Two Strangers Breakfast and Mag by Carl Sandburg Reasons Why by Langston Hughes Explication of Reasons Why by Langston Hughes The Faces of Our Youth by Franklin Delano Roosevelt Enjoyment, Explication, The Faces of Our Youth by Franklin

  • Ray Carver's collection Where I'm Calling From

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    Ray Carver's collection "Where I'm Calling From" After reading more than a dozen of Ray Carver’s short stories from his collection Where I'm Calling From, I have to ask the question, "Where was Carver calling from?" On the surface, his stories seem very simple. They are about people with average jobs such as hotel managers, waitresses, salesmen, and secretaries, who live unsophisticated, mediocre lives. Below the surface, however, there is always more to be discovered if the reader is willing

  • Internship Reflection

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    An internship is a formal program to provide practical experience for beginners in an occupation or profession. By this point in my internship I am more than half way through it and taking on more and more responsibilities and positions as I go along. After a minor break from researching, I researched for three more hours on the Victorian memorabilia project. I found out companies who made postcards and when the Sanborn map company emerged. Once I was done I wanted to prepare more for physical

  • The Narrator In A Rose For Emily By Faulkner

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    published in a national magazine. In the introduction of the essay I´m going to stablish the context in which we can find A Rose for Emily. It is a short story included in the collection called the Village, collection that also includes several works like DRY SEPTEMBER, HAIR OR THE EVENING SUN. The works in this collection have three things in common, the community, which as we are going to see a very important character as a whole, the solitude of human beings which in the case of Miss Emily is

  • The Eye and Poem to my Husband from my Father's Daughter

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    Sharon Olds. They are both taken from her collection “The Dead and the Living” and are entitled “The Eye” and “Poem to My Husband from my Fathers Daughter.” Olds is a contemporary writer who expertly maneuvers her work through modern life. In this particular collection, written in 1983, she takes us on an explorative journey through both the past and present of family life. I will explore the role of the family in both these poems and how, through the collection, a realization and acceptance is reached

  • Kurt Cobain: Collection Of Personal Accounts From Family Relatives

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    Kurt Cobain: Collection of Personal Accounts From Family Relatives I would like to share some of the memories and perceptions I have concerning this unique, rare and original human being called Kurt Cobain. I knew Kurt during his teen-age years in the period from about 1979 to 1984. I was in my mid-30s and living in and near Montesano. My sister married Kurt's dad, Don, and also lived in Montesano. My grandfather comprehended the intelligence and individuality in Kurt at a time when Kurt was being

  • Essay On Natural History Museums

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    History Museums Funding for natural history museums and their work is very important; without natural history museums, the public would lack education about biology and the importance of it. There are natural history museums located all across the world and in some of the most well known cities. Some of these cities include New York City, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and London. Natural history museums have many different exhibits that serve various purposes (Funding, n.d.). The collections that

  • Boca Raton Museum Feasibility Study

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    The Boca Raton Museum of Art and its mission requires the proper care of its collection. The museum will adhere to the highest standards of conservation towards its collections. A safe and appropriate environment is created in the building to preserve our collections for many generations to come. The purpose of the Conservation Policy to ensure that the Boca Raton Museum of Art fulfills it’s to duties to care and preserve collections and items on loan. Insurance The museum carries a blanket

  • Digital Engagement

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    public. As stated by the executive director of Delaware Art Museum, "The goal of museum education, is pleasure through enlightenment" (Vergo, 1989). It is clear that the implementation of digital engagement encourages the general public to experience, enhances their enjoyment and be motivated to learn more. The digital engagement certainly breaks the boundaries of how knowledge traditionally defined, it changes the scope

  • Mcmaster University Art Gallery Analysis

    515 Words  | 2 Pages

    This museum was originally called McMaster University Art Gallery and began its formation shortly after McMaster University opened in Toronto in 1887 as an art collection from former presidents and faculty began to accumulate (Wikipedia, 2015). McMaster University Art Gallery was officially established in 1967. This museum opened on June 11th 1994 (McMaster Museum of Art, 2014). It contains roughly 6000 works showcasing the narration of art in a variety of media from prehistoric time to the present

  • Popular Education

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    Across the nation, thousands of people visit museums every day. While all of these thirty-five thousand and counting institutions can claim the same ancestry, their current forms are decidedly different. With “museum” being a polysemous word with many fluctuating connotations, substantial flexibility is allowed in terms of what exactly an individual museum will choose as their focus. In spite of this, museums are being placed under a growing pressure from the evolving society in relation to the

  • Smithsonian National Museum Of Natural History

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    Museums are marvelous institutes that allow the public access to historical information, however, this mean that people need to have the ability to be mobile and have transportation to the building. The creation of virtual museums has the ability to let some travel around the world without leaving the comfort of their home. As long as someone has the ability to access the internet, one might never need to actually travel to a museum. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (SNMNH) web

  • Mable Ringling Museum Report

    997 Words  | 2 Pages

    To begin my adventure into our culture, I chose to visit the Ringling Museum in Sarasota. My grandmother took my mother and aunt to visit this museum when they were in high school, so it seemed fitting. Since I have never been to a real museum, I decided this would be an excellent first trip. Stemming from my research, I am anticipating multiple beautiful pieces of art from several different time periods due to the fact that John and Mable were serious art collectors. I am extremely excited to witness

  • Database Report

    2500 Words  | 5 Pages

    Database Report Introduction A database contains a collection of information organised in such a way that a computer program can quickly select pieces of data. You can think of a database as an electronic filing system. A field is a single piece of information; a record is one complete set of fields; and a file is a collection of records. For example, a telephone book is analogous to a file. It contains a list of records, each of which To access information from a database, you need