Table of Contents Introduction 3 E-business Architecture 4 Business goals 5 Networked applications 5 Information/Database 7 Foundation Technologies 8 Bibliography 10 Introduction What's e-business? It is the transformation of every business process through using the internet and associated technologies. In this transformation, each part of the business becomes a part of an intrinsic network, which enables employees, suppliers and customers of a given enterprise to conduct their
Client/Server Architecture and Attributes The client/server software architecture is a versatile, message-based and modular infrastructure that is intended to improve usability, flexibility, interoperability, and scalability as compared to centralized, mainframe, time sharing computing. A client is defined as a requester of services and a server is defined as the provider of services. A single machine can be both a client and a server depending on the software configuration. This technology description
Chapter 4 Previously we have discussed the detail study of the system that analysis the requirements . While the requirements specification activity is entirely in the problem domain, design is the first step in moving from the problem domain toward the solution domain. Design is essentially the bridge between requirements specification and the final solution for satisfying the requirements[]. In this chapter we will produce a model that represent the system which can be used later to build the
during the peak seasons. Their operational strengths and capabilities are: • They hire a good workforce during the peak seasons to help process and pack gifts ordered by a large number of customers for delivery. • During the peak time if and when the middleware pauses, the expert IT team members somehow help patch things together and ensure that all the deliveries are made on time. • They have a strong core transaction processing infrastructure for meeting operational needs of a company this size. • They
information from them via a common user interface The main goal of EAI should be to move towards achieving a “Zero Latency Enterprise” situation or an enterprise API. (Gartner Group report Sept 1999) The traditional way this has been approached is via middleware, which when deployed can connect applications and systems together, but can be unaware of other similar transactions taking place with in the same IT environment. This approach can give rise to problems or restrictions actually caused by the integration
other problems. IBM is soon going to be marketing middleware that will help enhance these aspects of the business. The middleware will allow a business to manage their product information that exists over a variety of systems. The software will allow for product attributes and locations to be more accurately shared. Many companies still give out inaccurate information about their products because of insufficient technology. This middleware will help solve this business problem allowing businesses
Pervasive Computing Introduction: Pervasive computing is the trend towards increasingly ubiquitous (another name for the movement is ubiquitous computing), connected computing devices in the environment, a trend being brought about by a convergence of advanced electronic - and particularly, wireless - technologies and the Internet. Pervasive computing devices are not personal computers as we tend to think of them, but very tiny - even invisible - devices, either mobile or embedded in almost
server where all GIS vector data is stored and indexed. The aerial photo service provider is a RDMS based server. High resolution aerial photos are stored in RDMS as pyramid images that can accelerate data distribution at different scales. ArcSDE, a middleware that can facilitate data management, data transfer, and data interaction in one RDMS or among RDMSs, is used to help the data communication between the database servers and map servers. In order to enhance the efficiency, an image cache server
E-commerce and Security Abstract This project will look at e-Commerce, concentrating on security measures of an online auction site, eBay. Security on the Internet is a concern for any online business in today's society. We will discuss online services, how businesses on the Internet conduct their transactions and shipping. With eBay we will be looking at their operation procedures while concentrating on Firewalls, Transparent Cryptographic File and Public Key Infrastructure as possible solutions
4. Security Security is a very critical issue in many systems, especially distributed systems. This is because the system is distributed across a network over many devices, and so there may be more ways for outsiders to access the system who do not have permission to do such. A security breach is considered to be any time an unsafe state is reached within the system. An unsafe state is one in which data can be illegally intercepted, interrupted, modified, or fabricated. Since a distributed system
Enterprise architecture can be used in a diverse number of ways. It can be used to describe a certain business practice in an organization and the aspects or elements of that specific business practice under description. The environment under which companies or business organizations operate in is always in constant change. This means that the managers should always introduce new enterprise solutions, which can directly contribute to the linkage to the measures of improvement of business practices
Sortino in 1981 is that the companies point of sale system was severely lagging behind. In 2011, The company struggled with major surges in customer periods, for example, Valentine's day and Christmas Eve this occurred because of VTB's intricate middleware system. The issue may have happened because instead of revamping it's system during down periods the company attempted to do patch work jobs over time. This is quite alarming because a major retailer would not have these types of issues with the
In this section, we present the service discovery scenarios to evaluate and compare the current web services technology with our proposed framework for semantic web services using existing telecommunication industry data. The evaluated results are based on prototype implementation, using sample data of a leading telecommunication operator in Pakistan, which has its distributed computer centres in nine different cities of Pakistan (name is not cited for privacy conditions). We performed a typical
SCADA system's network are well constructed and follow the strict infrastructure and for bulk power network it uses the IP based technologies. This SCADA network architecture consists data models, application layer and middleware and transport function for transmission. The middleware operates to ensure performance. Number of home consumers and industrial consumers are increasing day by day. So in that case cost of transmission lines are increasing means economical loss for any state. So smart grid
Distributed Software Engineering Distributed systems are grouping of computers linked through a network that uses software to coordinate their resources to complete a given task. The majority of computer systems in use today are distributed systems. There are limited uses for a singular software application running on an unconnected individual hardware device. A perfect distributed system would appear to be a single unit. However, this ideal system is not practical in real world application due
the access control middleware. When a service sends a request for the privacy data, the privacy access control middleware will be invoked and enforced by the location constraints. It will make the decision based on the purposes, recipients, obligations, retentions and other components of the core RBAC model, to grant or reject the access request, and send obligations and retention in the response. The entire mechanism is depicted in the Fig.9. Fig.9 Privacy Access Control Middleware with Location Constraints
Introduction: I will be discovering what Robot Operating System is. The advantages and disadvantages of ROS. I will be looking for companies that using ROS for their products. Robots that use ROS and what I took from this research. Robot Operating System(ROS) is an operating system made for robots. According to Gnration Robots Blog, ROS is developed and maintained by a Californian company, Willow Garage, formed in 2006 by Scott Hassan, one of Google’s first employees who was involved in the development
set out to find the best companies we could to integrate the AWV, provide interoperability across all EMRs, and include seamless integration into the chronic care management side of the equation” (7). The Zoeticx’s system is designed to be the middleware between the different EHR. In the Good Samaritan system, it allowed interoperability between departments, and other Good Samaritan facilities. This ensured that referrals and laboratory data went to the right place in a timely manner. With the
As is mentioned in [10] and [24], Social Learning is usually introduced as a learning technique in environments where more than two agents act autonomously, where each one has its own information about and knowledge about the world and the other agents. Manly Social learning, like reinforcement learning, was developed using some traits of human behavior, i.e. the ability of humans to learn from environments that are rich in people, interactions and lots of unknown information. For a game agent,
1. You are working as a database architect for your organization. An application programmer that uses your database has a performance problem. The application she is writing has a looping structure that fires off a SQL statement for each looping iteration. In each SQL statement, only the WHERE statement is altered. What would be your recommendation to her? If the database in question supports batch processing, the looping structure could instead be used to build a batch of SQL statements