Marius Petipa Essays

  • Raymonda Analysis

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    Raymonda, originally performed by the Imperial Ballet of Russia in 1898, is a three act classical ballet choreographed by Marius Petipa. Set to the music of Alexander Glazunov, Raymonda tells the story of a Bride to be entertained in Act one before in act two an Eastern Prince arrives and fights for bridewith knight, act three: marriage. The rendition I witnessed was directed by Michail Jurowski and present day choreographer Sergei Vikharev. In Act One Scene One, large flood lights, illuminate onate

  • Notes On Chrysanthemum

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    SOLID START TO WRITING 2ND GRADE Lesson Title Cause & Effect #1 Grade Level Duration 2nd 90 Min. Standards RL.2.1, RL2.2, RL2.10 RI.2.1, RI2.4 RF2.4 SL2.1 L.2.4 W.2.3 Objectives Students will identify and describe explicit effects to causes in fiction. Students will recount sequence of events in fiction. Vocabulary & Comprehension Questions Question Vocab How did I identify the effects in the story Chrysanthemum? Cause and effect

  • Research Paper On Rosemary Hoyt

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    Rosemary Hoyt Rosemary Hoyt is a perfect representative of the Hollywood Golden Girl. She is a young, beautiful movie star, who was born in the United States, but educated in France. She began her adventure with film in Paris, where she lived with her mother Mrs. Elsie Speers. The first mention of Rosemary is to be encountered in the beginning of the novel upon her arrival in the South of France: “However, one’s eye moved on quickly to her daughter, who had magic in her pink palms and her cheeks

  • The History of the Nutcracker Ballet

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    this ballet was created and how no one believed in the story as a great ballet. Following the success of The Sleeping Beauty, Ivan Alexandrovitch Vsevolojsky, the director of the Imperial Theaters, wanted to make another ballet with choreographer Marius Petipa and composer Pete Ilyitch Tchaikovsky. Vsevolojsky suggested a story based on a book called Nussknacher und Mausekonig (The Nutcracker and the King of the Mice) by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffman. Hoffman’s story was first published in 1816. It was

  • The Triumph of Les Misérables

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    1832 Revolution. As Cosette matures, she falls in love with Marius, a young revolutionist. Despite the objections of Jean Valjean, Cosette continues to secretly visit Marius at night. During the revolution, Marius is injured badly and Jean Valjean, after finding a love note from Marius to Cosette, quickly comes to the rescue of the wounded gentleman. Eventually Jean Valjean and Marius' Grandfather consent to the wedding of Cosette and Marius. In this novel, "there is a point at which... ... middle

  • The Timeless Power of Les Miserables

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    characteristics of the characters in Les Miserables. Readers look for a hero that they relate with, so the hero who possesses admirable qualities as well as demeaning faults appeals to most people. The heroes of Les Miserables, Jean Valjean and Marius, both portray average men with flaws in their character. Jean Valjean, the main character, steals from a bishop who treated Valjean decently when other people only saw him as a convict. This single act makes Valjean appear ruthless, but later in

  • Pompey the Great

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    Rome on September 29, 106 bc, into a senatorial family; his father was Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo, he was in the consul in 89 bc. When Pompey was just 17 he fought, along with his father, on the side of Lucius Cornelius Sulla against the army of Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Cinna. In the year of 84 bc he had raised three legions defeat Marian army. Pompey later defeated Marian army. Then Pompey was sent to destroy the rest of the Marian army in Africa and Sicily. On his triumphant return to Rome

  • The Lost American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

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    characters search in vain for fulfillment in wasteful and trivial pursuits. Fitzgerald portrays the American Dream by as a pure fairy tale. Many critics question what Gatsby’s role is in this text is and how it applies to the American Dream. In Marius Bewley’s “Scott Fitzgerald’s Criticism of America,” the critic argues that Fitzgerald is able to “mythicize” Gatsby by never permitting him to “become soiled by the touch of realism” (Bewley 14). Bewley believes that Gatsby is “a creature of myth

  • Pompey

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    born on September 29, 106 BC. He was four years older than Julius Caesar. Pompey’s father was a rich Roman noble, who was elected to the consul in 89 BC. Pompey distinguished himself as a great leader early in his life. In the civil war between Gaius Marius and Lucius Sulla, Pompey sided with Sulla. Sulla, with the help of Pompey, made some vary impressive defeats in Africa and Sicily. In 79 BC Sulla resigned and died the next year. Two of his patrons, who had fought for him, Pompey and Marcus Crassus

  • Civil War on Pompey

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    struggles at the dawn of the first century B.C., it becomes apparent that the groundwork for Caesar’s Republic shattering revolt was lain down by Marius and Sulla. To be more specific, the stage was set by the class struggles between the Aristocracy, who demanded control of the Republic by virtue of tradition, and the masses, which demanded a voice. Marius made a major step in pushing the Republic towards constitutional upheaval when, in 107 B.C., he abolished the property requirements for military

  • Biography of Julius Caesar

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    most horrifying decades in the history of the city of Rome. The city was assaulted twice and captured by Roman armies, first in 87 BC by the leaders of the populares, his uncle Marius and Cinna. Cinna was killed the year that Caesar had married Cinna’s daughter Cornelia. The second attack upon the city was carried our by Marius’ enemy Sulla, leader of the optimates, in 82 BC on the latter’s return from the East. On each occasion the massacre of political opponents was followed by the confiscation of

  • Les Miserables, Theme (forgiveness, Self Sacrifice, And Courage)

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    example of this element is with Valjean. He lets Marius and Cosette marry, and for a while, he seems all right with that fact. Later on however, he goes to Marius, and confesses to his past. He tells Marius his whole story, and thinks it best if he never sees Cosette again. Marius agrees…but allows Valjean the occasional visit. Only at the end, does Marius realize what a good man Valjean is…and by then it was too late. Valjean dies shortly after Marius and Cosette visit him to ask him to come back and

  • Julius Caesar

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    Cornelius Cinna (Schlesinger 30). Cinna took power in 82bc when Rome’s leader at the time Gaius Marius died. Marius was married to Caesar’s Aunt Julia. Marius was killed in battle with one of his great enemies Sulla. Soon after this battle Sulla died also, but he still had many allies. Marius had let Caesar help him while he was leader by doing small jobs. Caesar gained much experience while helping out Marius. When Caesar was 25 he set sail for the island of Rhodes. But, on the way a band of pirates

  • Caesar

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    horrifying decades in the history of the city of Rome. The city was assaulted twice and captured by Roman armies, first in 87 BC by the leaders of the populares, his Uncle Marius and Cinna. Cinna was killed the year that Caesar had married Cinna’s daughter Cornelia. The second attack upon the city was carried out by Marius’ enemy Sulla, leader of the optimates, in 82 BC on Sulla’s return from the East. The confiscation of property resulted from the massacre of political opponents

  • Samson, Gregory, and the Herdsmen in Romeo and Juliet and Caius Marius

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    Samson, Gregory, and the Herdsmen in Romeo and Juliet and Caius Marius Throughout Shakespeare’s plays, there are minor characters that often occur for only one scene. These characters have a short dialogue which seems rather meaningless to the play; however, these dialogues usually foreshadow or summarize events and themes of the play. Although they have little effect on the movement of the play, they give insight into the underlying themes of the play. Comparing these minor characters and their

  • Comparing Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Otway’s History and Fall of Caius Marius

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    Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Otway’s History and Fall of Caius Marius William Shakespeare’s well-known play Romeo and Juliet addresses the ill-fated love of two young children from feuding households set in Verona. Over the centuries since the play was first published around 1595, many different versions have been produced and reproduced. While the basic story remains the same in these different renditions, certain aspects of the play are handled very differently. Thomas Otway wrote one

  • Charles Marius Barbeau’s Ethnography and the Canadian Folklore

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    Charles Marius Barbeau’s Ethnography and the Canadian Folklore Born on 5 March 1883, in Sainte-Marie-de-Bauce, Charles Marius Barbeau is widely seen as the first Canadian educated anthropologist. He graduated from Université Laval in Québec, from his studies of law, in 1907; he never practised law. Upon graduating, Marius was awarded – as the first French-Canadian recipient – the Cecil Rhodes scholarship which allowed him to study at Oxford University where he was introduced to the emerging

  • Nobility: A Roman Model

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    Press, n.d. Gelzer, Matthias. The Roman Nobility. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1969. Jaczynowska, Maria. "The Economic Differentiation of the Roman Nobility at the End of the Republic." Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte , 1962: 486-499. Marius, Gaius. "Selections From Sallust." In Classics In Translation Volume II: Latin Literature, by Paul MacKendrink and Herbert M. Howe, 89-91. Wiscon/sin: University of Wisconsin Press, n.d. Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Ancient World New Pauly, v.3.,

  • The Most Important Roles Of Family In Julius Caesar's Family Life

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    When many people think of Rome, they think of the famous Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar is well known for his many victories in Rome, as well as his interesting family life. Caesar was born into a well known family, so his family life and experiences were often well known throughout Rome. With that being said, one of the most important factors in the Roman society was family. Family has always been an important factor in my life, so it’s important to me to understand what family life was like in Rome

  • The Roman Military Reforms institued by Gaius Marius

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    The hypothesis of this report is that the military reforms instituted by Gaius Marius ultimately paved the way for the fall of the Roman Republic. The reforms instituted by Marius were designed as a way to strengthen the Republic by professionalizing the Roman military, but instead resulted in long term political consequences that contributed to the decline of the Republic and the creation of the Empire. In this report, the decline of the republic specifically refers to the loss of the Senate’s