Malar rash Essays

  • Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Interventions and Treatment for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Interventions and Treatment for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Pain. Fatigue. Rashes. Depression. These are a few of the manifestations associated with systemic lupus erythematosus, an autoimmune disease that affects millions of people worldwide with eighty percent of them being women ages 15-45 (Tretheway, 2004). Systemic lupus erythematosus is a disease where the body literally attacks itself. For reasons that are not known, the body loses the ability to recognize

  • Lupus

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    DO you know what Lupus is? Or do you know anyone with Lupus? You’ll be surprised to know that over 1.5 million people are affected by Lupus and of every 170 people 9 out of 10 of them are women. Even though that Lupus can be dated back to the Greek physician Hippocrates many people are still blind to this disease. Lupus can affect you, your love ones and the people around you because, like many other autoimmune diseases Lupus does not discriminate. I’m surprised that not many people know what Lupus

  • Atopic Dermatitis

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    spends the night in the hospital with her six month old for observation. After an exhausting two days they return home. The mother begins to notice a tumid rash appearing on the child’s legs. Not knowing what to do or what was to be the cause she proceeds to take the child to doctor visits continuously to get relief from the irritation. The rash disappears for a moment after trying numerous treatments but then reappears. Tired and frustrated, the mother asks the child’s physician if she would refer

  • Chicken Pox With Works Cited

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    gican, meaning “to itch” (7). Before chickenpox was classified as a disease it was confused with other similar diseases such as smallpox, measles, German measles, and scarlet fever. They all had a typical rash, and they were known as acute exanthems or “a disease characterized by an eruption or rash, from the Latin and Greek word exanthema, meaning ‘to break out,’ or, originally, ‘to bloom.’” Many people were misdiagnosed due to the similarities between these diseases, and the fact that they can occur

  • Understanding Chicken Pox: Infection to Incubation

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    severe and can be life threatening. Almost all exposed children will develop a rash, described as "dewdrops on rosebuds", although some children have so few lesions that they may go unnoticed. Many children have a prodrome (sick period before the actual obvious illness appears) that included fever, malaise, headache, poor appetite, and mild abdominal pain. These symptoms may continue for 2-4 days after the rash first appears. Usually the vesicles start on the face and scalp, moving next to

  • Chicken Pox: Causes And Effects Of Chicken Pox

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    Other ways to recognise if it’s the chickenpox is that it causes a red, itchy skin rash like blisters that can appear anywhere on the body, it usually starts on the abdomen, back or face and then spreads everywhere else. They began like red bumps (pimples) and form blisters. The blisters fill with liquid and then burst leaving a crusty

  • Nanotechnology In Jack Foreman's Prey

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    The novel “Prey” by Michael Crichton, follows Jack Foreman as he uncovers the secrets and lies upon a new creation:nanotechnology. Jack, a stay at home dad, has to adjust to his new lifestyle. When he loses his job as a head of a programming team, he must take care of his three kids, Eric, Nicole and Amanda. While Jack stays at home, his wife, Julia, works at the company Xymos as the Vice President. Xymos technology was developing a form of nanotechnology, and they were making some great progress

  • Infant Eczema Essay

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    active eczema. The words dermatitis eczema and dermatitis mean the same, referring to a specific type of skin inflammation, which has potentially multiple distinct causes. More specifically, atopic eczema refers to a very characteristic itchy skin rash, which usually starts in infancy or childhood. It starts to affect different parts of the skin at different stages of Keywords: eczema, boil, dermatitis atopic, hay fever, emollient bath, dust mite, bacterial toxins, hard water The word ‘eczema’ is

  • Home Remedies for Chickenpox

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    virus. The common victims of chickenpox are children and it is a condition which occurs one or other times in childhood. Sometimes adults may do get it. It usually starts with a skin rash and gradually develops on the body and head. The rash appears on the second day after the person gets the infection. Finally the rash forms into blisters which then burst and scabs over. It is highly communicable and easily spreads through cough and sneezes. Pregnant women and people who have a suppressed immune system

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Hospital

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    antibiotics but I was allergic to the ingredient, without knowing. Weeks went by and Winterfest was quickly approaching. The day of the Winterfest dance I woke up bright and early so I was ready for the day. As the Saturday went on I began to notice a rash like redness all over

  • Speech: Harms of Disposable Diapers

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    Speech: Harms of Disposable Diapers Title: The Harms of Disposable Diapers General Purpose: To Persuade Specific Purpose: To discourage the audience from using disposable diapers. Pattern of organization: Refutative I Introduction A) Survey says children. Would rather use disposable diapers. Nothing wrong with disposable. B) Well, in reality there are negative effects from using disposable diaper that can affect the environment and the health of you and your children. C) Do best for

  • Diaper Gap Analysis Paper

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    During the Spring 2017 semester, I completed the Practice with Organizations & Communities group project alongside 3 classmates for the Shippensburg Coalition Resource Center (SCRC). First I had to learn about the social issue the organization was targeting which was the diaper gap. During the research, I learned about the diaper gap which is no federal assistance that provides diapers for people in poverty. There are a lot of impacting factors that relate to the diaper gap which is the reason why

  • Hiv Case Study Essay

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    HIV Case Study 1. What is PJP? PJP is known as Pneumocytis jiroveci and is a fungus that infects the lungs. This fungus mainly infects those with an unsubstantial immune system, in this case, HIV is the cause of a weakened immune system that allowed Pneumocytis jiroveci to infect the lungs. PJP is found in the environment and was very rare before the AIDS epidemic. The common symptoms of PJP are fever, fast breathing pattern, trouble breathing with activity, and a dry cough. PJP can be life threatening

  • Informative Essay On Lupus Research Papers

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    of Lupus, the most common form of Lupus is called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. (S.L.E) This kind of Lupus causes internal inflammation to organs, joints, and tissue. Also, another type of Lupus is Discoid Lupus Erythematosus. (D.L.E) develops as a rash on the skin after being exposed to sunlight or fluorescent light. (“What You Should Know about Lupus,”n.d) The exact cause of Lupus is still unknown, on the other hand, researchers are certain that females are prone to be diagnosed with Lupus. Woman

  • Reynaud's Syndrome Essay

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    Treatment of Pain in Patients with Reynaud’s Syndrome Reynaud’s syndrome or the white fingers disease is a vessel abnormality that can lead to vessel spasm in the leg, arms and feet. The condition is caused by over activity of the smooth muscles located in the arterial walls. The condition was named after a Parisian Physician, Maurice Reynaud who discovered it in the latter half of the 19t century. The phenomenon is more pronounced in people less than 40 years old and is five times more frequent

  • Lupus Research Paper

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    Abstract Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect many different systems in your body. There are several types of lupus and each can affect the body’s systems differently by varying degrees. The bodily system most effect by lupus is the immune system. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means that the body’s immune system attacks its own bodily cells and tissues. This triggers a non-specific response resulting in inflammation and tissue damage. In a person who has lupus B-cells and T-cells

  • Systemic Lupus Consensus Essay

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    Patients must exhibit 4 for the following: “malar rash, discoid rash on the cheeks, photosensitivity to sunlight, painless mucocutaneous ulcers, nonerosive arthritis of at least two joints, renal dysfunction evidenced as proteinuria or cellular casts, positive serum ANA, neurologic disorder such as seizures

  • Lupus Essay

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    It may be difficult to tell the difference between SLE and DILE, because they both can cause a butterfly rash, that extends over the cheeks and on the bridge of the nose and tends to worsen in sunlight. Although DILE is caused by medications it can be just as severe as SLE, but easier to treat; stop taking the medication and the symptoms will cease a few days

  • Systemic Lupus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a fairly common disease identified as episodes of inflammation and damage to joints, tendons, and various organs. The most effected organs are the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, blood vessels, and skin. Lupus affects each individual differently and the effects could be mild to severe depending on the individual. SLE is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks the healthy cells and tissues in the body (Ohio State, 2009). The main cause of lupus