Ancient Times of Lipstick (Lipcolor) Have you ever been anxious to know about the history of Lip color and just exactly why lip color was a beauty kind of thing? Who all exactly wore it or discovered it? Lip color was made in many different types of values. Lip color was used to bring out your appearance among others. Ancient cosmetics were a status of men and women. Many hunters would use lip color to honor the gods while the teenagers were using it to please their opposite sex or to just look
Vanity, self esteem, and covering our imperfections are just a few of the reasons Americans are obsessed with cosmetics. The cosmetic industry has become a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States. Although cosmetics and treatments have changed over the centuries, the purpose remains the same- to improve and enhance our appearance. Cosmetics not only provide us with more beautiful features, flawless skin, and less wrinkles, they have become a part of who we are. The practice of makeup
Mascara is used to enhance the eyes. It could darken, thicken, and lengthen the eyelashes. It can be in the form of a liquid, cake, or cream. They contain the basic components of pigments, oils, waxes, and preservatives. The pigment for black mascara is carbon black. Brown mascaras use iron oxides. Some of them contain the pigment ultramarine blue. Specific oils such as mineral oil, linseed oil, castor oil, eucalyptus oil, lanolin, turpentine oil, and sesame oil is used. Paraffin wax, carnauba
“An estimated 1,282 tubes of lipstick and 2,055 jars of skin care products are sold every minute” (“Beauty in the mind and wallet of beholder,” Minnesota Daily Online, March 7, 2001). Everybody wants to own these products in order to look beautiful. But do cosmetics enhance your beauty? According to the Encarta dictionary, cosmetics can be defined as “beautifying substance: a preparation that is applied to the face or the body to make it more attractive, e.g. lipstick (often used in the plural)”
Toxics in Lipstick Lipstick is an essential to most women when it comes to appearance because it simply adds the extra visually appealing factor. Lipstick is also used to moisturize the lips, keeping them soft and reducing dryness. Little do most women know about the toxics in the cosmetic because then the cosmetic would be avoided by some if not most. According to, a teenager uses 15-25 cosmetics in a day. Lipstick is one of the cosmetics that have very harsh chemicals. The common ingredients
over-drawn lips topped with a bold, heavy lipstick is a make-up trend. As teenage girls scroll through social media platforms, such as Instagram, they see “Instagram models” and celebrities just a little older than themselves sporting this look. In turn, they want to try out this same look, but do not have the 50 dollars these models and celebrities typically spend on a tube of lipstick. When the average teenage girl sees the advertisement for Burt’s Bees lipstick, they are drawn to buy the product. Odds
Youth and Beauty America is a prosperous country. In fact, sociologists have discovered a uniquely American disease that they call “affluenza.” This term refers to the stress and related disorders that develop from Americans’ need to constantly spend money on material possessions and supposed self-improvement. It is not enough to just be comfortable, we must have it all and look perfect. We work ourselves ragged and neglect our families and relationships just so we can buy the latest television
Foundation is a thick skin tone colored makeup that is applied to a persons face, to blend in with that persons skin tone and cover up any flaws on the persons skin. Concealer, also known as a color corrector is a type of makeup that is used to cover up dark circles, age spots, huge pores, and any other blemishes that are visible on the skin. Foundation and concealer are used to cover up and blend out skin tone blemishes. The two types of makeup are sold in various types of colors and formations
Most women are or know at least one woman who is deathly afraid of being seen or leaving the house without makeup. Many won’t go anywhere, whether to the grocery store, the gym, or even the beach, without first putting on a little bit of mascara or lipstick. The word cosmetic means “skilled in adornment.” Kosmein means “arrange,” or “adorn.” Kosmos means “order:” It also means “to make for beauty, especially of the complexion, or beautifying,” it also means “done or made for the sake of appearance,”
Eyebrows were shaved off, teeth painted gold or black and henna dyes applied to stain hair and faces. Source: 1000 BCE: Grecians whitened their complexion with chalk or lead face powder and fashion crude lipstick out of ochre clays laced with red iron. EARLY COSMETICS 100 AD: In Rome, people put barley flour and butter on their pimples and sheep fat and blood on their fingernails for polish. In addition, mud baths came into vogue, and some Roman men dyed
Kardashian Kandi Gloss Ad Unlike your former ordinary and typical lipstick products, the Kardashian Kandi Gloss was not only designed for style but flavor as well. This new gloss gives your lips an exquisite and luxurious image; while at the same time giving you a little dash of sugar. This Kardashian Kandi Gloss is leaves you with an undesirable frosted finish touch. The Kandi Gloss is the sprinkles to your ice cream; last to go on, yet, the finest part. Just as the sprinkles highlight the dull
Skincare products are sort of general category of cosmetics which are used to enhance the appearance origin in health of skin. They are made up from mixtures of chemical compounds and some being derived from natural sources (organic) and synthetically. Skincare products included facial cleanser, moisturizer, toner, anti-aging cream, whitening cream, acne cream, serum, facial scrub and exfoliation skin gel. Nowadays, organic or natural skincare products becoming trend and get high in demand among
Nail Polish Remover Pen Have you ever gotten nail polish in the crease of your finger and finger nail that you just can’t seem to get the polish removed? The Precise Nail Polish Corrector is just the answer. This pen can come in handy for many people including nail salons, cosmetic schools, cosmetic salons, and everyday men and women who use nail polish. This product gives the consumer that extra precise cleanup, when nail polish gets in the not so easy to reach spots. Painting nails just got easier
Are Women Slaves to Beauty? What does it take to feel beautiful? Perhaps a little bit of time, make-up, and a breathtaking dress; or at least that's what we have been programmed to believe. Without a doubt, all of the magazines, advertisements, and make-up beauty tips have influenced women’s beliefs about what it means to be beautiful. An artificial image of beauty has been imposed on each and every woman in our culture. I would like to begin with the fact that women have always been
In the makeup world, there is a huge misconception that the most expensive products are the better their quality. When higher price tags are plastered on high-end products, people automatically assume that the product is of quality without doing any research. Just as they would look upon drugstore makeup and assume that because the price tag on their products is lower, that product is not of quality. Although high-end makeup is more effective than drugstore makeup, drugstore makeup is more affordable
The makeup industry would not be the same without lipsticks. Lipsticks can be used as an everyday natural look to a dramatic look, they vary in sizes and colors. Throughout the majority of the European dark and middle ages, people saw any type of makeup as unhealthy as well as the medical community. According to them, it “Prevented natural blood circulation to the face,” besides this, it was “un-religious” by the Christian church. Lipsticks not created from natural things such as fruits, vegetables
Top 10 Lipstick Brands In Delhi And India 2016 A woman should be both classy and fabulous. Make-up is no less than an art and hence today makeup is taken as a profession. Celebrities have their personal make-up staff and they are tagged as make-up artists. Lipstick is one thing that when chosen correctly creates magic. We want it all when it comes to beauty products for the lips: color, shine, quality, and an affordable price. Today in 2016, we have more than 100 brands of lipsticks including international
Lipstick is a “crayon like oil-based cosmetic used in coloring the lips, usually in a tubular container” ( However, lipstick to me is a beauty product that brought me out of my shell. Most people do not understand how a beauty product could have made me who I am because I used to be a shy little girl, who would never talk to anybody but family. However, when I was finally allowed to wear lipstick, it gave me that push to open up and show myself to the world. Lipstick has become my
LIPSTICK (1976) A lipstick model was raped by the music instructor of her younger sister. The music instructor won the case against the lipstick model stating that it was consensual. After a few months he did the same thing to her younger sister, his student, and the lipstick model killed the music instructor. The story of my movie differs with this as this story gives the impression that there may be consent from both parties and it was done again to the lipstick models younger sister while in
is also famous for his theory of the cultural myth that subconsciously produces meaning in the most basic parts of our lives. Combining Barthes definition’, its lustful visual and charming slogan, a vintage cosmetic advertisement for Crushed Rose lipstick allures its consumers by producing myths regarding instant beauty and perfection with the purchase and application. It is vital to understand what Barthes means by myth. In short, myth is a type of speech chosen by history; a type of communication