Lieutenant Governor of Virginia Essays

  • Biography Of Lawrence Douglas Wilder

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    become a decorated veteran serving in the Korean War, toxicologist, lawyer, politician and college professor. He has received many honors and awards during his more than 40 year career in public service. Lawrence Douglas Wilder was born in Richmond, Virginia on January 17, 1931. He was named after abolitionist Fredrick Douglas and poet Paul Lawrence. He was from a large family, being the second youngest of 8 children, with one brother and six sisters. His father, Robert was a salesman and supervisor

  • Ralph Northam Research Paper

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    Ralph Northam is the Virginia born son of Nancy B. Shearer, a nurse, and Wescott B. Northam, a commonwealth attorney judge and current lieutenant governor. Ralph was born September 13, 1959, in Nassawadox, Virginia and is the brother to Thomas Northam. He grew up on a farm in Onancock, where he learned to hunt and graduated from high school as salutatorian and was voted "Most Likely to Succeed." Ralph attended and graduated from the Virginia Military Institute in 1981 after receiving a bachelor's

  • Texas Governors Essay

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    Governors of Texas play major roles in all aspects of the powers of each branch within the government. Texas’ governors share the same responsibilities as other state governors but with only a few differences. The role of the governor is to head a public organization as a leader or chief by directing or controlling it. Texas governors, as well as other state governors, are limited with their powers of what they can control and what they can not by way of the statues dictated in their state constitutions

  • LGBT Interest Groups Lobbying Effects on Local and State Governments

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    effects of special interest group lobbying for and against same-sex marriage legalization impact local and state governments, as well as states’ constitutions. Special interest groups such as Freedom to Marry, Human Rights Campaign, and Equality Virginia, monitors state proposed legislation, and advocates within states on behalf of states’ gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. Gay advocacy interest groups argue for same-gender couples to have “access to the same marriage benefits and

  • George Washington

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    County, Virginia, on February 22, 1732. He is the son of the late Augustine Washington and Mary Ball Washington. Augustine was a tobacco farmer and a stock raiser. Washington spent most of his early childhood on the Ferry Farm in Fredricksburg, Virginia. He attended school up until his fifteenth year. Washington married Martha Dandridge on January 6,1759. Washington spent his early adult years as a farmer and as a surveyor until he was appointed adjutant for the southern district of Virginia by Lieutenant

  • Robert E. Lee 's Life and Achievements

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    still thought highly of by some people in the confederate states. To the North, Lee was a traitor and even lost his citizenship. Although he lost, Lee is still a giant face in history. Lee was born in Stratford, Virginia. Lee was the fourth child of General Henry Lee III, Governor of Virginia, and his mother, Anne Hill Carter, Lee was raised by his mother who taught him about authority, tolerance, and order. Lee was exposed to Christianity at an early age and devoted his life to god. In 1825, Lee was

  • Robert E Lee Research Paper

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    Robert E. Lee was a general during the civil war and was born in Stratford, Virginia in 1807. His father was a revolutionary war general Henry Lee. He graduated from the military academy at west point in 1829. He ranked second in his class. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in engineers. He became war general for the confederate army in 1861. He served in the mexican war under the command of general wool. He was ranked captain in chief engineer during the war. Lee was breveted three times

  • Sam Houston Research Paper

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    person, but you just don’t know anything about him or what he does? Well if that’s the case, you came to the right essay. This essay will tell you all about Sam Houston, how his life was, and what he did. When Sam Houston was born on March 2, 1793 in Virginia, he was about 3-5 pounds. Skip about 8 years, and Sam attended school at their family library. 5 years later, Sam Houston was wounded at the battle of HorseShoe Bend in 1812. As Sam Houston got older, he wanted to keep Texas away from the confederacy

  • The Hunt For Blackbeard Sparknotes

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    piracy. When he accepted the King's pardon he took two vessels with him. Edward took over Stede Bonnet’s ship, the Revenge, after Bonnet was grievously wounded. Edward who was now in charge of two ships continued on to attack shipping off of Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware. He then made his most famous capture when he seized La Concorde, a 250-ton large French slave ship. He mounted the ship with guns and renamed it Queen Anne's Revenge. Before long he had a fleet of three ships and 150 pirates some of

  • Robert E. Lee

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    the North, Robert E. Lee was a traitor to the United States and even lost his citizenship. Although he lost the war, Robert E. Lee is still a major face in history. Robert E. Lee was born in Stratford, Virginia. Robert was the fourth child of Major General Henry Lee III, Governor of Virginia, and of his mother, Anne Hill Carter who was an ancestor of Thomas Moore and King Robert II of Scotland through the Earls of Crawford.(Brasington Jr.,Larry) Robert was mainly brought up by his mother who

  • Tanacharison Research Paper

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    Stains As celebrities stand distinctively among the masses and cast out their halos of personality charm and strong suits of skilled abilities, the controversies about them are unavoidable shadows created from their fame. With the popularization of celebrity culture, information synchronization, and communication technology, their lives are publicly exposed and various forms of media (depending on eras) record their flaws. Tough information transmitted to audiences are frequently biased, evidences

  • Should the Government Ban Assault Weapons?

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    Should the Government Ban Assault Weapons? Over the last decade or so, the United States of America has been shaken by an epidemic of terrifying mass shootings, devastating slayings of unexpecting victims, and unnerving annihilations of the innocent. There is no specific target, no explicitly sought-out group, nor definite individual. From a classroom of first-graders, to a crowded movie theatre, to a U.S. Naval yard, the location seems at most, random, other than that it is almost always a public

  • The Roles Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition

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    had a special impact in American History. From planning to contributing, they all helped with the success of the expedition. On April 13, 1743, in Shadwell, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson was born. His father, Peter Jefferson, was very successful as a farmer and surveyor. His mother, Jane Randolph, came from a very well known family in Virginia. As a young boy, Jefferson enjoyed reading books and playing the violin. At age nine, he attended a local private school. The school, ran by the Reverend William

  • James Monroe Research Paper

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    James Monroe was born on April 28,1758 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, at this time Virginia was a British colony. He was the oldest son of five children, one sister and three brothers. They were the children of Elizabeth Jones Monroe and Spence Monroe. Spence Monroe was a farmer and a carpenter. When James was eleven he started to attend Campbelltown Academy. In 1774 when James Monroe was sixteen Spence Monroe died and James was left to manage the family property. James Monroe attended the college

  • George Washington: The Founding Father

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    president. He has made very important decisions that still influence our country today. George Washington was born on February 22th, 1732 in Virginia. He grew up as a country boy and loved his family. At the age of 17 he became a surveyor and had made a good reputation for himself as a responsible man. At the age of 20 he was assigned by the governor to send be a messenger

  • George Washington

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    of America. On February 22, 1732 one of the greatest leaders of this nation was born, George Washington. Child of Augustine and Mary Washington, he was their first born son as well as the oldest of six children. He was born in Westmorland County, Virginia and later moved to Mount Vernon where he spent most of his life. As he grew older, he gained useful characteristics that were not common for the time. These traits included learning morals, respectful manners and body language. Washington’s older

  • James B Hunt

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    prosperous lineage. The Hunt family settled in NC during the eighteenth century. Nearly two hundred years before James Hunt was born in Greensboro, NC. James Hunt’s direct paternal ancestor Henry Hunt had migrated to the North Carolina colony from Virginia in 1742, bringing African slaves to harvest the tobacco on his 150 acre farm in Edgecombe county (Grimsley). Henry hunt owned around 450 acres of land by 1747, which he left to his wife, Agnes. His son John settled in Granville County taking care

  • How Thomas Jefferson Influenced a Nation

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    legacy, Thomas has influenced us word after word, and he stills has an effect on many influences still today. Thomas Jefferson, a Virginian, was the author of the American Declaration of Independence, an active participant in the Revolution, Governor of Virginia, member of Congress, Minister to France, Secretary of State under President Washington, and president of the United States. He was a polymath who wrote on and was knowledgeable about science, architecture, music, agriculture, law, education

  • Onandogas And Cayugas Summary

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    In “Onandogas and Cayugas: Iroquois Chiefs Address the Governors of New York and Virginia,” the Lieutenant Governor of New York recorded the statements and requests made by the Iroquois leaders. This document is therefore a primary source, as Colden was witnessing this first hand. Colden wrote this to show the colonist’s and the governor of Virginia about how the Iroquois were willing to negotiate with them. The Iroquois knew that the colonies were expanding very quickly and that they would soon

  • George Rogers Clark

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    Indiana who became apart of the United States of America because of his great leadership and bravery in military campaigns at Kaskaskia, Illinois and Vincennes, Indiana during the Revolutionary War. George Rogers Clark was born in Albermale County, Virginia on November 19, 1752 to John and Ann Rogers Clark. The Clark family consisted of six boys and four girls living on a four hundred acre plantation. George Rogers Clark was not even the most famous person in his family, his younger brother William