Legal history Essays

  • Common Law Burglary

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    Chapter Eleven 1.) Common Law burglary was considered breaking into someone else’s house at night with the intent of committing a crime. So for common law burglary to be a crime an intruder must enter the residence where you sleep at night with the intent on committing a crime such as stealing. Modern law has removed some of the stipulations from common law burglary; it is now a crime to break into any property at any time of the day. Also, in modern burglary partial and attempted entry is included

  • All Drugs Should be Legal for Personal Use

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    All Drugs Should be Legal for Personal Use The war on drugs is costing us over 100 billion dollars to fight each year, and we’re only fighting a monster which we are making bigger with each punch. It’s not drugs, but drug laws themselves that have created this monster. Drug use is part of human nature, but the unimaginable wealth involved leads to the corruption of the police, judges, and elected officials. There is no reason to have the government regulating what goes into an individual’s

  • Legal Development of Abortion

    1311 Words  | 3 Pages

    Legal Development of Abortion This essay traces the development of abortion law in English and American society up to the time of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Beginning with Biblical citations, the essay researches the Early Church Fathers on the issue; the American colonies; developments of the 1800's which caused change, and so on. Up to the time of the Protestant Reformation, the English society inherited its traditional anti-abortion law from the Church practice of 1500 years standing; which

  • KaZaA is Ethical and Legal

    2795 Words  | 6 Pages

    KaZaA is Ethical and Legal INTRODUCTION The Internet is undoubtedly one of the greatest innovations of the past hundred years. The Internet provides a means for people all over the world to share information readily and rapidly. Like all technological innovations, the Internet has provided a better means for information to be exchanged. The down side of this is that the Internet can be used to transmit illegal information more easily. KaZaA is an Australian company that offers a means

  • Social and Legal Definitions of Slavery Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

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    freedom makes his more tangible bonds all the more painful. Because he fought for this freedom long before being ranked among free Northerners, Douglass maintains, in his narrative for the white abolitionist movement, an inner independence of social and legal definitions of slavery and freedom.

  • The History of Steroids: The Legal and Illegal Usage of Steroids

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    paper ..., both in society and in sports.”(Monroe100) She argues that the legalization will actually benefit costs and their usage. “Also, making steroids legal would end the law-enforcement costs and efforts associated with steroid use.”(Monroe100) This may seem like the right solution but would it really help? Making it legal would only increase its usage and may encourage more people to abuse them. Those who oppose to this idea believe that it will increase the chances of violence and

  • Legalizing Prostitution On Campus Essay

    1254 Words  | 3 Pages

    Prostitution Should be Legal on College Campuses I am sure that there are some of you that are thinking, "Prostitution on college campuses, he can't be serious!?" but indeed I am. After all, how hard have you ever thought about the subject? Probably not much, if ever. I mean really, the most any typical guy usually thinks while walking across campus or at a party is geeze, I wish I could get to know her. Well, fortunately for you I am going to give you the low down as to why legalizing prostitution

  • Social and Legal Obstacles of Gay and Lesbian Parenting

    1675 Words  | 4 Pages

    Social and Legal Obstacles of Gay and Lesbian Parenting In the last decade there has been a rise in the number of lesbians and gay men forming their own families. Many do this through adoption, foster care, artificial insemination, and other means. Today, researchers have estimated that the number of children living with one gay or lesbian parent is six to fourteen million. Some have described this current period as a lesbian and gay “baby boom”. However, lesbian and gay parents face many social

  • Should Ecstasy be legal?

    1263 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Ecstasy”, a drug with many different opinions and views, is often viewed as a killer, which is a stretch of the truth. The drug is sometimes thought of as one of the worst things in the world, but also as the best. Health issues are a problem and there have been some deaths .The deaths though are no way near the number of alcohol or cigarette deaths. How could such a beautiful word be considered such a horrible thing . Ecstasy can kill, but you can die tomorrow by being hit by a car or getting shot

  • Drugs Should NOT be Legal

    1795 Words  | 4 Pages

    Drugs Should NOT be Legal Everyone agrees that something must be done about the tremendous physical and emotional health problems that drug abuse causes. Concern about the abuse of drugs is so widespread that recent polls indicate it to be one of the most serious problems in today's world, threatening the security and freedom of whole nations. Politicians, health experts and much of the general public feel that no issue is more important than drug abuse. America's other pressing social

  • Facebook: The End of Friendship As We Know It

    980 Words  | 2 Pages

    Facebook: It's The End of Friendship As We Know It (and I feel fine) Manjoo’s essay 'Is Facebook a Fad' provides extensive insight into various social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Based on statistics derived from Manjoo’s essay, we get to know that Facebook has over one billion active users and one half of them log into their accounts each day (Manjoo p.223). William Deresiewicz also eludes to this in his essay 'Faux Friendship'. As a result of so many people opting

  • Legal and Ethical Responsibilities.

    1482 Words  | 3 Pages

    Legal and Ethical Responsibilities. Direct Discrimination :- something like putting in the job advertisement “women need not apply”. Indirect Discrimination :- saying there’s a height limit such as a 6’4”. This will limit who can apply for the job. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 makes sex discrimination unlawful in employment, vocational training, education, the provision and sale of goods, facilities and services and premises. In employment and vocational

  • Affirmative Action and College Admissions: A Legal and Ethical Analysis

    3614 Words  | 8 Pages

    Affirmative Action and College Admissions: A Legal and Ethical Analysis I. Introduction The institution of public education has been one of the most controversial establishments in the United States since its inception. More specifically, equality in the conditions and the opportunities it provides has been sought as one of its major goals. There is little doubt that minority ethnic groups have struggled to achieve educational equality, just as they have struggled for equality in other aspects

  • Virtual Child Pornography Should be Legal

    589 Words  | 2 Pages

    Virtual Child Pornography Should be Legal This nation has several issues over which most people's minds freeze up, with the disastrous drug war probably leading the list. I don't share a feeling of squeamishness and horror when it comes to drugs: What I don't want, I don't take, it's that simple. And I don't spend time fretting that my neighbors might be toking, or snorting, in the privacy of their homes. Child pornography is something else; it pushes all kinds of emotional hot-buttons

  • The Legal and Ethical Issues of Online Gaming

    3198 Words  | 7 Pages

    Abstract:  This paper describes the new market growing around online gamers: professional gamers, wagered tournaments, and buying and selling virtual items. After outlining and describing several prime examples, the paper then discusses the legal and ethical ramifications of the virtual world having monetary value.  It shows that despite the positive effects of drawing more people into the gaming community, playing games for money compromise what many consider to be the purity of the gaming experience

  • Euthanasia Should be Legal

    1102 Words  | 3 Pages

    Euthanasia Should be Legal Euthanasia is the intentional causing of a painless death. Euthanasia should be legal in every state. It is already legal in some areas and if put to a vote in every state, it most likely would become legal. Every state resident should be given the opportunity to vote on the issue. It should also the right of a competent patient to decide his own life, or death. If it is within an individual's rights to commit suicide it should be legal to ask for help if needed.

  • Natural Crimes and Legal Crimes

    1071 Words  | 3 Pages

    Natural Crimes and Legal Crimes Crime is an act in violation of a law, unlawful activity, an unjust, senseless, a disgraceful act or condition. A natural crime is an act that is harmful to the society in which one lives. Natural crimes are crimes in any society at any age, and whether or not the crimes are committed by people who are in authority or not. Crimes are forms of unloving behavior that cannot and should not be overlooked. Any natural crime against an individual is a crime against the

  • E-commerce – the legal considerations

    1343 Words  | 3 Pages

    E-commerce – the legal considerations ===================================== There are lots of legal considerations and I've tried to include some of the main ones. Although e-commerce can mean a lot of things, here I've related it to actually selling items on a website (although a lot of the legal considerations would need to be considered even if you were not selling on the web. Data protection considerations ============================== The Data Protection Act lays down lots of

  • Ethics/Legal/IEP Essay

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    Ethics/Legal/IEP Essay In the treatment of those individuals labeled as disabled, be it physically, mentally, or a combination thereof, we are faced with many challenging ethical questions. The first and foremost of these is, what is ultimately, “the right thing to do.” While we may or may not agree on the answer to this question, as well as those that follow, many advances have been made in our society to deal with disabled individuals in the most humane and ethical way possible. What is the

  • A Critique of Thomas B. Stoddard’s Gay Marriages: Make Them Legal

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    Thomas B. Stoddard’s “Gay Marriages: Make Them Legal” is a successfully written argument with some minor flaws in technique. Stoddard uses this article to present his major claim, or central thesis, on the reasons gay marriage should be legalized. He presents his argument using minor claims. In a lecture on February 2, 2005, James McFadden stated a minor claim is the secondary claim in an argument. Stoddard uses minor claims in his discussion of homosexual people being denied their rights by