Kinds Essays

  • Different Kinds Of Love In Great Expectations

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    In Great Expectations, there are many odd points of view of love and what love should mean. Pip’s love toward Estella is a yearning craze, and he is blinded by her fascinating beauty. On the other hand, Uncle Joe has a very respected love for Mrs. Joe, considering how harshly she treats him, Mrs. Joe doesn’t seem to love Joe at all. Biddy’s love for Pip seems true, until Pip leaves his home to become a gentleman. Estella also gets married to a man that loves her, Bently Drummle, but does not return

  • All Kinds Of Love by Carolyn Jaffe and Carol H. Ehrlich

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    the course of our lives we will experience the deterioration of a loved one due to illness or aging. This may cause us to make a choice of how and where we choose our loved one to die. Authors, Carolyn Jaffe and Carol H. Ehrlich, in their book All Kinds of Love, illustrate how the relationships between doctors, patients', family, friends, hospice volunteers, and hospice nurses all play an important role during he patients last days as they try to reach a "good death". In the book's foreword, Rabbi

  • East Meets the West in Two Kinds by Amy Tan

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    Amy Tan‘s ―Two Kinds‖ is a tale of a young Chinese girl‘s life as an adolescent and the influence that her mother has on her growing up. Coming from a first-generation immigrant Korean family, I can‘t help but completely relate to growing up around that type of ―support.‖ Although my parents were fairly westernized in their way of thinking, we had an aunt living with us whom we affectionately called the Tiger Aunt growing up. Having no natural children of her own, she treated my siblings and

  • Transformation to Womanhood in Two Kinds by Amy Tan

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    Transformation to Womanhood in Two Kinds For a lot of us growing up, our mothers have been an integral part of what made us who we are. They have been the one to forgive us when no one else could. They have been the one to comfort us when the world seemed to turn to evil. They have been the one to shelter us when the rain came pouring down. And most importantly, they have been the one to love us when we needed it the most. In "Two Kinds," by Amy Tan, Jing-mei is a young daughter of a Chinese immigrant

  • A Mother's Dream for her Daughter in Amy Tan's Two Kinds

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    A Mother's Dream for her Daughter in Amy Tan's Two Kinds Amy Tan's short story, "Two Kinds" begins with a brief introduction to one mother's interpretation of the American dream. The Chinese mother who lost her family in her native homeland now hopes to recapture part of her loss through her daughter. Those of us who are parents want what is best for our children. We strive to make our children's futures better. In some cases, when our own dreams have either been destroyed or not realized, we

  • Point of View in Amy Tan’s Short Story, Two Kinds

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    Point of View in Amy Tan’s Short Story, Two Kinds In her short story "Two Kinds," Amy Tan utilizes the daughter's point of view to share a mother's attempts to control her daughter's hopes and dreams, providing a further understanding of how their relationship sours. The daughter has grown into a young woman and is telling the story of her coming of age in a family that had emigrated from China. In particular, she tells that her mother's attempted parental guidance was dominated by foolish hopes

  • Mathematics: A New Kind of Portfolio Assessment

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    Mathematics: A New Kind of Portfolio Assessment I sat pondering in my classroom as I calculated my grades for my first six weeks of teaching. I began wondering as I looked over grades how accurate these grades were to the ability of my students. I began to wonder how the grades showed the growth from where some of my students started at the beginning of the year. Some of my students started below grade level to begin with and had made tremendous gains to function at the level they were functioning

  • Close Encounters Of The Third Kind Essay

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    In 1977 Steven Spielberg released “Close Encounters of the Third kind” giving each of us a theatrical taste of an encounter with an alien lifeform and spiraling the general population towards visiting Devils Tower in Wyoming. Yet with all the extra-terrestrial encounter movies that have came forth sense and tingled our senses on space exploration. Yet as time has passed “Close Encounters” has continued to be deemed a classic film in our society. In face in 2007 it was added to the Library of Congress’s

  • Film Review: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

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    Film Review: Close Encounters of the Third Kind Society & Entertainment Film Review What do you get when you combine aliens, a little bit of mystery, tasteful comedy, good acting, and award-winning direction? A wonderful film from one of the most celebrated directors of our time, Stephen Spielberg. "Close Encounters" places Richard Dreyfuss and Melinda Barro in roles of regular suburbanites who both believe to have seen a UFO. The plot thickens and the intrigue begins when these two determined

  • amy tan

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    Amy Tan’s “Two Kinds” is an autobiographical look into her childhood that shows the conflict between Tan and her mother, the difference between old and new cultures, the past and the present, and parents’ expectations vs. reality. Couples of opposing elements comprise the basis of the entire story; to another extent even the title itself, “Two Kinds,” shows the friction that Tan creates. The strongest argument that Tan suggest is that this may not only be a look into her own life, rather it may be

  • A Mothers dream

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    made us who we are. Mostly all good mothers want the best for their child and they are determine to do whatever it takes for them to get it. The central struggle in Amy Tan's story ‘‘Two Kinds'' is a battle of wills between the narrator, a young Chinese-American girl, and her mother, a Chinese immigrant. "Two Kinds'' is a coming-of-age story, in which the narrator, Jing-mei, struggles to forge her own sense of identity in the face of her strong-willed mother's dream that she become a "prodigy.''

  • Significant Identity In Short Story

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    reputation, their occupation, and their looks. At last, a few others identify themselves by their significant actions they have done. In some stories, characters try to find out who they really are. In the short stories ¨Fish Cheeks¨ by Amy Tan, ¨Two Kinds¨ by Amy Tan, and ¨Papa´s Parrot¨ by Cynthia Rylant,the characters learn about their identities through significant moments. First, the story ¨Fish Cheeks¨ shows a story of how a girl named Amy “finds herself” through a holiday dinner. Amy has a crush

  • George Herbert Mead: The Self, ''Me'' and ''I''

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    Some kinds of utterances which have an indicative grammatical form seem, for different reasons, to be unable to say something true of the world. Logical contradictions are only the prime example of something the author baptizes impossible descriptions. So-called performative contradictions (e.g., "I do not exist") make up another kind, but there are at least two more such kinds: negating affirmations and performatives which cannot be explained within the philosophy of language. Only philosophical

  • Article Analysis on Manners

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    didn’t reply but went back to the kitchen. That was a case that I witnessed in the restaurant next to my house. Therefore, when I read the article “Can I Get You Some Manners with That?” written by Christie Scotty, I can understand why Scotty feels kind of angry when the way others treat her depend on her jobs. I agree with her in part, but I believe not all people treat other that way. In the article, Christie Scotty believes that people treat others based on occupations. “I long ago realized my

  • Internet and Online Communities

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    complex network not limited to some specific area or region but extending over every part of earth. The Internet now is a form of communication to us. It has become not only a source of information and technology, but it also now houses other different kinds of things. e.g. communities(something we are going to discuss in this paper), educational institutions, online classes etc. In this paper we will look at different aspects of this technology (internet) and analyze some of its impact on our society

  • John Taggart Clark's Abstract Inquiry and the Patrolling of Black/White Borders through Linguistic Stylization

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    any of the students in the classroom. To consider every single student’s ethnicity could lead to the problem that teachers provide different kinds of information for different students. I am of the opinion that every student needs to be taught the same information, everything else would simply be unfair. Of course, different students understand different kinds of information better or harder, but that does not mean that it is right not to give each student the same opportunity of getting information

  • The Great Unknown: Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind

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    229-230). For example, Robert Wise’s The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) argues that fear of the unknown is a flaw in human nature and criticizes the social paranoia of post-war, 1940s America. Conversely, Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) views the human existence through more positive outlook, wherein society can overcome such fear; this optimism reflects the escapist beliefs of the 70s. When juxtaposed, the films’ themes demonstrate the evolution of the sci-fi genre by expressing

  • Two Kinds

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    American Dream. These immigrants pass down this dream and the hope of the American Dream to their children from generation to generation. Many parents want the best for their children, but that can result in many generational traumas. In the story “Two Kinds,” written by Amy Tan. The author shows the protagonist a young girl named Jing Mei who is pressured by her mother to become a child prodigy. After her mother saw a little girl playing the piano on the Ed Sullivan show, Jing Mei confronts her mother

  • War Is Not Kind

    530 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind”, by Stephen Crane is a touching poem that has a lot of universal themes that reflect in Civil War literature. This poem tries to tell that war is kind, but war is not kind at all. War is tragic moments in some people's lives. Some people have to sacrifice their lives for the people and their families. “Do not weep, babe, for war is kind./Because your father tumbled in the yellow trenches, /Raged at his breast, gulped and died”. To explain this quote, I am trying

  • Kinds Of Monsters

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    We are all monsters who are striving to fight in order to survive in this cruel world. The book entitled The Different Kinds of Monsters renders a peculiar and astounding storyline. This book was written and copyrighted by Seth Chambers and was published on August 14, 2017 by Robot and Dragon Press. The Different Kinds of Monsters will take you to the strange story of the protagonist named Dylan Armitage. The story began during the late Jurassic period with the birth of the firstborn Allosaurus