Japanese New Wave Essays

  • The Relationship Between Women and Film

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    The Relationship Between Women and Film The research topic I investigated was ‘the representation of women in Japanese action/thriller films and, Hollywood action/thriller films focusing on the Asian genre, are different’. When starting my research, I wanted to prove that due to Eastern/Western ideological differences in society, cinema produced reflects the culture. For example, the target audience of a country influences how films are produced in order to appeal to the specific audience

  • Daimler Chrysler Merger

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    Daimler Chrysler Merger Daimler Chrysler is the result of merging Daimler-Benz and the Chrysler Corporation in late 1998. The merger was to be one of the largest on record, and the beginning of a new wave of mergers sweeping through the automotive industry. Although the companies were manufacturing generally similar products, the differences between those products could not be wider. Chrysler was known for a product line consisting of mini-vans, light duty trucks, and four-wheel drive off-road

  • Social Difference In To Kill A Mockingbird

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    evolution that no one could have predicted. Aspects such as racism, social class and individual perception have differed drastically and now represent a modern open-minded world. The multiculturism boost our country and our world has known has brought a new wave of cultural, racial and social differences. The world has changed for the better and communities as well as individuals are now more open to differences in others. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, the subject of social differences is the main

  • Saturday Night and Rome,the Open City

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    fields. •     Saturday night and Sunday morning •     Rome Open City The most significant film of the 1960s British new wave in cinema, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning was in many ways the most influential of the group, with its powerful anti-establishment stance, unblushing treatment of sex and working class protagonist: Arthur Seaton was something new in British cinema. While other films of the period have dated somewhat, most of Reisz’s ground-breaking film looks as fresh and powerful

  • Symbolism and Allusion in Maya Angelou's My Arkansas

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    Maya Angelou's "My Arkansas" "There is a deep brooding/ in Arkansas." Arkansas is stuck in the past, its memories of hatred and crime from ante-bellum days hindering the progression towards Civil Rights. Maya Angelou's poem of the struggle to a new wave of equality uses both general symbolism and historical allusion to make its theme clear to the reader. The poem uses general symbolism in nature, in time, and historical allusion to make the theme clear in a concise but vibrant poem. The general

  • Life of Blondie

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    commercially successful band to emerge from the much-vaunted punk/new wave movement of the late '70s. The group was formed in New York City in August 1974 by singer Deborah Harry (b. July 1, 1945, Miami), formerly of Wind in the Willows, and guitarist Chris Stein (b. January 5, 1950, Brooklyn) out of the remnants of Harry's previous group, the Stilettos. The lineup fluctuated over the next year. Drummer Clement Burke (b. November 24, 1955, New York) joined in May 1975. Bassist Gary Valentine joined in August

  • Hitchcocks North By Northwest: The Birth of the Modern Action Film

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    was an exciting year in the history of filmmaking. An extraordinary conjunction of talent throughout the globe existed. In France, Truffaut, Godard, Chabrol, Rohmer, Rivette, and Resnais all directed their first films, thus establishing the French New Wave. In Italy, Fellini created the elegant La Dolce Vita, and Antonioni gave us L’avventura. Most importantly, though, in America, famed British director Alfred Hitchcock gave us the classic thriller North by Northwest, the father of the modern action

  • Vegetarianism

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    the data is not hard to collect. Also, with the new wave of vegetarianism and veganism making its way through society, research on it was plentiful. Most of the books in the library tended to be older books, but they did briefly go into vegetarianism in certain sections. As is shown through various graffiti art on the sidewalks, such as "VEGAN POWER XXX," to the food in the dorms (signs stating the vegan or vegetarian nature of the food), this is a new heath and moral concern with people, but especially

  • Competency-Based Education and Training.

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    complex contemporary world (Harris et al. 1995). Popular in the United States in the 1970s in the performance-based vocational teacher education movement, competency approaches are riding a new wave in the 1990s with the National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) system in England and Wales (begun in 1986), New Zealand's National Qualifications Framework, the competency standards endorsed by Australia's National Training Board (NTB), and the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS)

  • The Influence and Role of the Islamic Tradition in Turkey

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    became ghazis, ?warriors for the faith.?? Fighting the Byzantines, they began to conquer the lands of Anatolia in the name of Islam.? The Ottomans, one of the Turkish clans, became the dominant leaders of this new land and united the scattered Turkish tribes.? By the 12th century, a new wave of Turkish immigrants who followe... ... middle of paper ... .... Path: Kandil. 11 Brosnahan 12 Scarf row mars Turkey anniversary. Oct. 29 2003. Web. Dec. 10 2013. 13 Other articles of interest:

  • Immigration Policy in the United States

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    and like the beginning of the 20th century the United States finds itself in the throes of a period of mass immigration. More then one million immigrants enter the Unites States, both legally and illegally every single year. Many argue that this new wave of mass immigration may help sustain the success that our nation is having in regard to the way of living that many American have come accustomed to and yet others believe that although our nation was created by immigrants it is time to "shut down"

  • Gender Bias In Language

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    themselves. That is to say that the words that people choose to use in conversation denote the bias that they harbor within their own existence. There are words in the English language that are existing or have existed (some of them have changed with the new wave of "political correctness" coming about) that have inherently been sexually biased against women. For example, the person who investigates reported complaints (as from consumers or students), reports findings, and helps to achieve equitable settlements

  • The Pros and Cons of the Industrial Revolution

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    The Pros and Cons of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a period in history when mankind found innovative and efficient ways of producing goods, manufacturing services and creating new methods of transportation. This not only revolutionized the way the market system functioned, but also changed the way people perceived their status in society and what they required as basic necessities. However, the price that humanity was forced to pay for the emergence of the Industrial

  • Peyton Place

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    In 1956, a woman from middle class Manchester, New Hampshire wrote a book that shocked the nation. At 32 years old, Grace Metalious wrote the blockbuster novel Peyton Place. It transformed the publishing industry and made the author one of the most talked about people in the nation. Metalious wrote about incest, abortion, sex, rape, adultery, repression, lust, and the secrets of small town New England, things that were never discussed before in conservative America. She interpreted incest, wife beating

  • Designing a Butterfly Garden for the Blind

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    Designing a Garden for the Blind Nature is so beautiful. It is unfair that due to uncontrollable circumstances, some people are unable to fully enjoy it. That is up until now. With the new wave of handicap focused services such as restaurants for the blind, even the blind can experience life the way it should be experienced, which is why I have designed a garden for the blind, or Jardin de la Nuit(Garden of the Night). I will begin explaining my design by describing the path that has been chosen

  • Dada Surrealism

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    brought rise to new and exciting art forms. These were types of writings, paintings and, documentaries that no one had ever seen before. From expressionism to Dadaism types of work ranged by all means of the artist. About the 1920's a new wave of art would soon be seen worlds over. This art form introduced psychology in a new way to look at the conscious and subconscious minds. From the beginning Dadaism and surrealism showed true signs of influence from psychology. Each using new ideas of the conscious

  • The Power of Internet Feedback

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    difference that makes the difference, whether your customers deal repeatedly with one representative of your company or with a different person each time they call, whether you do business face-to-face or electronically. Internet feedback is the new wave as far as getting feedback from customers, "A company can't create advocates without a true understanding of customer preferences. Not surprisingly, much of the innovation and groundbreaking techniques for "listening" to customers is coming from

  • Sports Nutritional Market Executive Summary

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    from energy drinks and nutritional bars to diet products and nutritional supplements, and each day new products are being introduced into the market. With nutrition and taste being two of the most important aspects of the product, creating and maintaining products in this category is simplified. This has become one of the most exciting new markets not only because it is the beginning of a new wave of a product category but because the market and consumer base is large and ready to be tapped into

  • Human Development: Nature vs. Nurture

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    empiricists and the internalists took over the argument. They fought through letters explaining there point of views and denouncing the others. This leads to Pavlov coming up with the idea of behaviorism in the early 1900‘s. Behaviorism became the new wave of Psychology and influenced a lean towards the nurture side. It was not effectively argued against until 1928 when Watson published his book. This opened up the floodgates for environmental influences studies. Soon the idea of nurture was the popular

  • Working Class Realism in British Cinema

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    acknowledged as a break of determination to tackle certain social and real issues. This was presented as a “New Wave” within British film and offered an opposition to the original procedures and approaches to British Cinema. “Working class realism” an analytical piece by John Hill, reveals to us how, coinciding with the 'new Britain' that was stabilizing and evolving after the war, was a 'New wave' of British social problem films. They were acknowledged for the fact that they were 'realist' films