Huey P. Newton Essays

  • Huey P Newton and the Black Panther Party

    888 Words  | 2 Pages

    for this? Who procured the prowess to bring an uprise against an unjust regime?Huey P. Newton—the nonconformist who birthed a mutiny. The man behind the mafia.The founder of The Black Panther Party. Huey Percy Newton was born unto Armelia Johnson and Walter Newton on February 17, 1942 in Monroe, Louisiana. Realizing he would be a leader at birth, the couple decided to name him after former Governor of Louisiana Huey Long. Although he was the youngest of seven children, he undoubtedly possessed the

  • Huey P. Newton Enthroned-Iconic Image Of Black Power

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    Introduction: In the article Huey P. Newton Enthroned- Iconic Image of Black Power discusses Huey P. Newton and his image of being a black panther, and his involvement with the Black Power movement. Huey P. Newton is the founder of the Black Panthers of Self Defense. Black power and self -determination was a goal for the Black Panthers. Bobby Seale is the cofounder with Newton of the Black Panther Party in Oakland, California. Newtown and Seale were fellow collegians at Merritt Junior College in

  • The Black Panther Party

    817 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Panthers had made a huge difference in the civil rights movement. They were not just a Black KKK. They helped revolutionize the thought of African Americans in the U.S. The Black Panther had a huge background of history, goals, and beliefs. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, Ca 1966, founded the Panthers. They were originally as an African American self defense force and were highly influenced by Malcolm X’s ideas. They were named after Lowndes County Freedom Organization or LCFO. The Panthers

  • What Is Malcolm X's Legacy

    1925 Words  | 4 Pages

    Malcolm X was a major influence for many Black African Americans. He was an African-American Muslim minister and human rights activist who fought with dignity and self-respect to win equality for all oppressed minorities. Malcolm urges his followers to take control of their communities, livelihood, and culture. For many, he was a courageous advocate for the rights of black Americans. He was someone who sought to bring about positive social services. After his assassination, in 1965, many young black

  • The Black Power Movement

    2020 Words  | 5 Pages

    working so that a white man could sit down, was arrested for her public display of disobedience. This would begin the most notable and effective movement in the entire Civil Rights Movement. Dr.... ... middle of paper ... Lewis, Brittany (2012) The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975:. // Minnesota Spokesman- Recorder Vol. 78 Issue 29, p4 Martin, Michael (2011). “Buses Are a Coming. Oh Yeah!” Stanley Nelson on Freedom Riders." Black Camera 3.1 (2011): 96-122

  • The Black Panther Party For Self-Defense (BPP)

    1193 Words  | 3 Pages

    1960s the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (BPP) took the nation and the world by storm. Styled in their black berets, black clothing, and leather jackets members of the BPP organized the Black community for a revolution. In October of 1966, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale created the Black Panther Party Platform and Program What We Want, What We Believe a statement and doctrine which established the party as a politically revolutionary vehicle forever changing American history. Although in the

  • Black Panther Party

    2267 Words  | 5 Pages

    for all workers to forcefully take over means of production (Baggins, Brian). Mao was important to the Black Panthers because of his different stance on Marxism-Leninism when applied to Chinese peasants. The founders of the Black Panther Party, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale saw links between the Chinese peasants and the oppression of blacks in America and used Mao’s “little red book” as a guideline for social revolution (Baggins, Brian). The Party’s fight for redistribution of wealth and the establishment

  • The Black Panther Party Fought For Civil Rights

    990 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Black Panther Party grew its membership by appealing to the sense of hopelessness in black American people. Although widely known for violence, the Black Panther Party had goals to organize and service the black and oppressed communities. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale wrote an outline for the BPP, the Ten Point Program, which set the objective for members to follow. The BPP seemed to grow in membership for all the wrong reasons. Despite their reputation, the BPP did manage to successfully

  • Huey Newton Research Paper

    1583 Words  | 4 Pages

    What classifies Huey Newton as an agent of change? Previously learning what one perceives change to be, allows oneself to elucidate the genuine meaning of change. To refresh one’s memory, change can have numerous interpretations whether they are personal or national, each depending on one’s perspective. In order to evaluate Huey P. Newton as an agent of change; it is imperative to elaborate on his background, historical context, key events during his lifetime, overall message and theme he portrayed

  • The Black Panther Impact

    1296 Words  | 3 Pages

    1966, when “Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton took up arms and declared themselves apart of a global revolution against American imperialism” (Bloom). They wanted to empower the black people to stand up for themselves and defend themselves against the police and their unjust ways. The police were the oppressor’s that kept blacks down and kept blacks from gaining any self-rights. In the book “The Forbidden History of the Black Panther Party”, Bloom quoted from Huey P. Newton stating that “Because Black

  • The Black Panther Party

    1079 Words  | 3 Pages

    weapons. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, the founders of the Black Panthers, believed that the peaceful and non-violent campaign of Martin Luther King had failed, and had very little faith in the implementation of the “traditional” civil rights movement. Newton casually addresses his violent conducts, stating, “And people say, well Huey you're so violent. Why are you so violent Huey? …And I say, well hey, existence is violent; I exist, therefore I am violent in that way”(PBS). Huey P. Newton and Bobby

  • Black Panther Party

    2907 Words  | 6 Pages

    Panther Party's co-founder, Huey P. Newton were plastered on walls of college dorm rooms across the country. Wearing a black beret and a leather jacket, sitting on a wicker chair, a spear in one hand and a rifle in the other, the poster depicted Huey Newton as a symbol of his generation's anger and courage in the face of racism and classism. He is the man whose intellectual capacity and community leadership abilities helped to found the Black Panther Party (BPP). Newton played an instrumental role

  • The Movement that Revolutionized the Civil Rights: Black Panthers

    1327 Words  | 3 Pages

    Marc. "The Black Panther Movement." N.p., 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Wood, Adrian, and Nutan Rajguru. "'The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense.'" Socialist Alternative, n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2013. "Huey P. Newton." JayRysse Designs, n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2013. Panthers, Black. Shakin' It to the Streets. New York: Oxford UP, 1995. eLibrary. Web. 27 Sept. 2013.

  • Black Panther Party Research Paper

    2563 Words  | 6 Pages

    So as the party grew the leaders Huey and Bobby made a list of rules. From number 1; Any party member found doing narcotics will be expelled from the party, #2 no party member can have weed or drugs in his/her possession while doing party work. #3 no party member can be found drunk doing

  • What Lies Beneath

    2492 Words  | 5 Pages

    fight for their rights. The Black Panther Party For Self-Defense was one of these organizations, that flued the Civil Rights Movement. This organization, whose name was shortened to BPP, was founded in October 1966, in Oakland, California by Henry P. Newton and Bobby Seale. Eventually BPP had started spreading eastward through the black urban ghetto-colonies across the country. One city, in the middle of this racial evolution, was Richmond, California. Mrs. Dextra Christiansen and her family were white

  • The Black Panther Party

    1762 Words  | 4 Pages

    Panthers had established themselves as a force to be reckoned with. Their ideas, their agenda, their fight for equality for African Americans, put these outspoken youth on the map of American politics." (Haskins) Almost 40 years ago, in 1966, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale led a revolution that was driven in response to the oppression of black people. They sought to change that. Today, thanks to their fight for civil rights, extreme risks, and development of social needs, people around the world

  • The Black Panthers

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    for Self-Defense was a powerful militant group of African Americans that represented “Black Power” and self-protection. During the aftermath of the Malcolm X assassination, two student activists at Merritt Junior College in Oakland, CA, named Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, founded the Black Panther Party for Defense in October 1966. Although most of the media concentrations was on the leader of the Civil Rights movement throughout the 1960's, Martin Luther King, Jr., the Black Panthers opposed with

  • The Global Black Panther Party (BPP)

    2007 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Global Black Panther Introduction The Black Panther Party (BPP) was the radical group during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. Under the leadership of Dr. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, the Black Panther Party made their presence known wherever they went. With their militant and radical styles, the BPP was a group of people that most Americans were intimidated by. One of the main goals for the BPP was to stop police brutality from plaguing within the black community, and just like Civil

  • Black Panthers

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    Black Panther Party for Self Defense The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was founded in October 1966, in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. Armed with sincerity, the words of revolutionaries such as Mao Tse-Tung and Malcolm X, law books, and rifles, the Black Panther Party fed the hungry, protected the weak from racist police, and presented a Ten Point Platform and Program of Black political and social activism. Its "survival programs"-such as food giveaways, free health

  • Black Panther Party Ideology

    1938 Words  | 4 Pages

    finally decided to announce to the world that they were putting an end to police brutality and black genocide… Become members of the Black Panther Party for Self Defence, Sisters, ‘we got a good thing going.’” – Barbara Arthur ( Black Against Empire, p.96) The ideology of black masculinity and women’s roles at the beginning of the party’s establishment was shared by many, and is illustrated in the quotation during a recruitment pitch aimed at women. Barbara Arthur emphasised the appeal of an organisation