Hoax Essays

  • Nietzsche: Exposing the Christianity Hoax

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    Nietzsche: Exposing the Christianity Hoax For thousands of years the Bible has represented the foundation for one of the largest religions in existence, Christianity. “The Book” affects millions of people’s lives. The creation of morals makes the biggest impacts on individuals and society. Morals are hinted at throughout “The Book”, but are clearly stated in Matthew’s gospel. These morals are written in a series called the Beatitudes. Through morals, laws are created and society is given guidelines

  • The Beatles and the Paul McCartney Hoax

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    covers and the lyrics of the Beatles' songs, the story seems to make sense. Some of the lyrics have to be a twisted in order to make sense in the prank, but after an explanation, the clues are perfectly coherent. For thirty-one years, the "Paul Death Hoax" has intrigued a horde of Beatles' fans and fanatics alike. While it's difficult to point to an absolute point of origination, there is no evidence whatsoever that the Beatles themselves had anything to do with the story, although many claim that the

  • The Lunar Landing Hoax Theory - Evidence Pro and Con

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    The Lunar Landing Hoax Theory - Evidence Pro and Con A cash reward of $100,000 was offered to anyone who could prove, with conclusive physical evidence, the existence of the moon. This reward still remains unclaimed ("The Moon-The Real Truth"). After all, how does one know for sure the moon even exists? Even if it does exist, how does one prove it? That's what NASA set out to do in the late 1960's. On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong planted the first human footprints in the lunar soil. The United

  • Exposing the Hoax of www.DHMO.org

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    website www.DHMO.org. Although most of the information available on the website has merit, it was created as a hoax to bring light to the subject of information literacy in todays’ society. My evaluation of the website will prove that the website masks itself as a reputable source of information, but by researching the website itself, it becomes evident that it is in fact nothing more than a hoax. According to the criteria for evaluating a website set forth by the University of California Berkeley, the

  • The Occult in A Tale of the Ragged Mountains

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    The Occult in A Tale of the Ragged Mountains In his collection of criticism on Poe's stories, Thompson discusses the use of the occult in "A Tale of the Ragged Mountains." He begins the article by explaining that this story might be the product of Poe's "fascination with, but detached attitudes toward, the pseudoscientific occultism of his age." He gives us some technical terms for the techniques that Poe uses in this story: "metempsychosis" is the transmigration of souls, and is the word that

  • Media Bias: A Brief Note On Fake News And Social Media

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    Fake news is a kind of yellow news coverage that comprises of deliberately portrayed falsehood or deception spread by the means of the conventional print, broadcasting news media, or through Internet-based online networking. Fake news is composed and distributed with the expectation to delude, keeping in mind the end goal to pick up fiscally or politically misrepresented, or patently false headlines that are good enough to gain consideration and grab attention. Fake news uses striking headlines.

  • Atlantic Fraud Case Summary

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    Issue Based on the fact pattern above and the law governing fraud, did the Defendants, O’Hara, Mayama, and Tomahai, commit a fraud (or fraud in the inducement) upon Atlantic? Rule This case involves the law on fraud. Legally, fraud involves any act that induces a party to enter into a commercial transaction after relying on information that is not true. Fraud involves untrue statement that the maker has knowledge that it is untrue and misleading but goes ahead in highlighting it to the innocent

  • The Sokal Hoax

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    The Sokal Hoax In Fall of 1994, New York University theoretical physicist, Alan Sokal, submitted an essay to Social Text, the leading journal in the field of cultural studies. This essay, entitled "Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity," pretended to be a scholarly article about the "postmodern" philosophical and political implications of the twentieth century physical theories. However, as Sokal later revealed in the journal Lingua Franca, his

  • Ghost Are a Hoax

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    believe someone who claims to be scientific, but instead come to your own conclusions based on real evidence, and not fabrications. Ghosts and hauntings are simply a romantic notion. Works Cited Norman Wilner Special to the, Star. "The great ghost hoax." Toronto Star (Canada) n.d.: Newspaper Source. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. "Paranormal." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. Radford, Ben. "Ghost-Hunting Mistakes: Science and Pseudoscience in Ghost Investigations." CSI. Skeptical Inquirer

  • Essay On Tasaday Hoax

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    and children were discovered. By many people it was believed that these people could help us understand more about our past. However there were also many people who believed that the Tasaday were a hoax. The Tasaday are a tribe that have inspired much controversy over the years and are probably a hoax. There is a lot of evidence that indicates that the Tasaday are fake; there is also a lot of evidence that suggests they are real. The Tasaday, who were supposedly isolated for 150 years, have no hunting

  • Titanic Hoax Essay

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    dictionary a hoax is a deception and the act of accepting something false and to be genuine. One must be aware of historic fallacies and to do that an individual must conduct extensive research and should explore both sides of the argument. Furthermore, the Titanic was a luxurious ship that was designed on July 29th 1908 and was damaged and eventually sunk by an iceberg on April 15, 1912. But was it really the Titanic that plummeted into the deep sea or was it its twin ship the Olympic? This hoax will

  • Moon Landing Hoax

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    Moon Landing Hoax John F. Kennedy once said, "No nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in this race for space...We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard”. The main motive for this quote was to ensure that the United States wanted to beat out the Soviets in the space race. Ever since the Soviets tried to advance on the moon, the United States wanted to be the first successful

  • Global Warming is a Hoax

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    if ten percent of America were to go green, it still would not save the planet, but ten percent could get the government’s attention to pass laws making everyone go green. (11) To start my response, I am of a personal belief that global warming is a hoax. Over the course of my education, many of the arguments for global warming have been disproven to me. My father and grandfather, as well as my Apologia science textbooks have given me information contrary to the idea of global warming. Therefore,

  • Moon Landing Hoax

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    spellbinding journey has always interested the world as it is not a day-to-day exploration and is a once in a lifetime opportunity. For the past years there has been a heated debate on whether this expedition actually took place or if it was just a huge hoax. Eventhough reaching the moon is a great achievement, would NASA fake such an important milestone in human history just to beat the Soviet Union? On July 20, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin allegedly walked on the moon. Some, believe

  • The Language Hoax Summary

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    think, sometime referred to as Whorfianism, also known as linguistic relativity is an idea that has gained popular interest leading the belief that there has to be as many different worldviews as there are languages spoken. In the book, The Language Hoax, presented by John McWhorter, a credited linguist, contradicts the Whorfianism view by establishing his “manifesto” against the Whorfian position. McWhorter has a distinct goal to not only show the Whorfian flaws but also to establish it’s political

  • The Devil's Hoax Essay

    1981 Words  | 4 Pages

    Evolution, otherwise sometimes called the “Devil’s hoax,” is a controversial topic that ignites a rather substantial reaction, particularly in Christian religious communities. Through the years, the heated debate over whether God or evolution is right has become a major breaking point for people of faith. Evolution suggests that God didn’t miraculously place humans in their present form on Earth and that the Bible isn’t the ultimate scientific truth. In this world, science is pitted against religious

  • Is Global Warming a Hoax?

    995 Words  | 2 Pages

    Is global warming a hoax? Anyone who listens to the news for sure very often comes across a news anchor stating how the Earth’s climate is changing. Global warming is a term that creates fear among many. But with all the open and uncensored media out there how do we know that this is not a lie or cover-up? So what does global warming actually mean and is it really true? If global warming is such a big deal why are we taking our time to act? The climate of the Earth has been changing way before the

  • Beasts Of The Southern Wild Analysis

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    More than 150 years have passed since the peak of the romantic era. The world has inconceivably reached heights unknown seemingly at the expense of nature. The very paper that this has been written on has come at the killing of countless trees. It seems that in the war between the genius against the noble savage, the scientist against the romantic, man against nature, those who believe in nature have lost all the battles. However war is not always starkly clear. The complex relation between man

  • Astrology: Real or Hoax?

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    Introduction Most of people outlooks on paranormal activity have come from movies and books (Ghare, 2007). Their outlook makes them question whether or not paranormal activity exist (Ghare, 2007). Modern technology has provided evidence that supports the existence of paranormal activity (Ghare, 2007). Paranormal activity is the ability to see, hear, or communicate with someone who has passed. (Children Experiencing Paranormal Activity, 2014). Paranormal activity also means that a phenomenon that

  • The Sandy Hook Crime Or A Hoax?

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    there have been many odd behaviors sand evidence that the shooting was a hoax. People believe that this tragic event was planned and an acted on the behalf by the government so people would be persuaded to believe that guns are the real problem in this society. The people that believe that this was a conspiracy are known as the Sandy Hook Truther Movement. The Sandy Hook truther’s motives are to show why this conspiracy was a hoax. The truther’s goal is to prove that those children were never killed