Head and neck cancer Essays

  • Cases of Cancer During Pregnancy

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    Diagnosis of head and neck cancer during the pregnancy had an impact on gestation of delivery with the majority delivered preterm to accommodate further treatment intervention. One patient had a termination of pregnancy to undergo treatment. However all infants recovered well and there were no maternal deaths (need to confirm). Diagnosis and management of cancer prior to pregnancy did not appear to result in any adverse consequences. Head and neck cancer includes a range of cancers that originate

  • Informative Essay On Oral Cancer

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    kill you . Cancer , cancer is one of those diseases that you won't know about until you actually get checked because you have one of the symptoms of this disease . Diaz 2 “ Cancer is the second death leading disease in the united states killing 22 % of the people in this country”. Cancer can develop from genetics passed down from family members . Anyone in your family can have this disease and it can affect anyone at any time . For Example , Your great grandmothers mom died from cancer and now

  • Squamous Cell Carcinomas

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    Introduction 1.head and neck cancer Around all over the world head and neck [H&N] malignant tumors are considered a major public health disorder. Head and neck cancers represent roughly about 6% of all cancers types. Two main risk factors cause this type of cancer are tobacco and alcohol, other risk factors can participate such as prolonged sun exposure, Some strains of virus, Gender, Age, Race ,Poor Oral and dental hygiene, environmental or occupational inhalants (certain chemicals, wood dust, paint

  • Dental Hygiene Case Study

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    o Please describe a time when you performed a thorough head, neck and oral exam and the findings had a significant impact on how you proceeded with the dental hygiene process of care. Annette was performing her usual head, neck, and oral exam on a patient and she found an enlarged thyroid. She recommended to the patient that she go see her primary care physician to get a better diagnosis. The patient went to her primary care physician and was told it was probably nothing. Later the patient returned

  • Nursing Theory: Uncertainty in Illness

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    patient is presented with when undergoing a new diagnosis. Mishel’s Uncertainty of Illness Theory is a middle-range theory indicating the theory is not overly broad or narrow (Black, 2014). The theory was developed from studying men with prostate cancer who were watchfully waiting for the advancing signs of their disease (Black, 2014). The theory has three main components, which incorporate: the antecedents of uncertainty, impaired cognitive appraisal, and coping with uncertainty in illness (Neville

  • Biology Oral Cancer

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    All cancer has a genetic basis. It is triggered by mutations in the genes of a cell which then cause the cell to abnormally reproduce. Many of these gene changes are caused by random mutations when the cell is dividing. It only takes one cell mutating to cause cancer. There are no symptoms for the beginning of cancer and only five to ten percent of all cancers are caused by parents passing down genetic mutations to their children. The remaining are caused by environmental changes (Douglas). Cancer

  • Computed Tomography Essay

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    diseases, tumors, and cancer. Computed Tomography (CT), which uses radiation exposure, is one of the diagnostic imaging modalities used to detect and diagnose the medical issues previous listed and more. Computed Tomography comes with some potential health risk but also many medical diagnostic benefits. Therefore, we must ask, do the medical diagnostic benefits of computed

  • HPV and Their Relationship With an Oropharynx Cancer Among Males and Why This a New Public Health Concern

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    About 45,000 new cases of head and neck cancers are occurring every year in United States. Among them, estimated 20% are human papilloma virus (HPV) infected cancers. The tonsil, base of tongue and lingual tonsil, other potentially HPV-associated oropharynx, oral tongue, other oral cavity, larynx, and other HPV-unrelated oropharynx are all to be considered to be different part of head and neck cancer (HNC) in the study (Ryerson et al., 2008). The incidence of oropharyngeal carcinoma has been

  • Nasopharynx Essay

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    I came into this course with a lot of questions in regards to pathology, as well as patient care and how medical practitioners are affected emotionally by it. It was difficult hearing how patients are being diagnosed with cancer and even worse when they are told that they have a short time to live. I once heard in a hospital meeting, that an oncologist sees death every day and that nullifies the pain of losing a patient. I learned that this isn’t true. It is the emotional

  • Why People Smoke Essay

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    2. Investigate the short and long term health effects related smoking. You may like to create a table listing these and investigate each health effect. Long term effects Short term effects Cardio Vascular disease Smokers cough Lung cancer Blood pressure Throat cancer Heartburn Osteoporosis Chest tightness Circulation problems Bad breath Long term effects Cardio vascular disease- Cardio vascular disease is when your arteries are b... ... middle of paper ... ...the risk of health problems

  • Research Paper-Capstone

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    people are diagnosed with oral cancer in the US per year. Oral cancer is a cancer that is more common in people over the age of 45, but can occur at any age. Oral cancer can develop in any part of the mouth. “... Oral cancer- it is cancer that occurs in any part of the mouth; on the tongue’s surface, in the lips, inside the cheek, in the gums, in the roof and floor of the mouth, in the tonsils, and also the salivary glands”.(Salomon and Esposito; Dental Partners) Oral cancer, although devastating and

  • Thyroid Cancer

    1977 Words  | 4 Pages

    hormones are essential for the function of every cell in the body. They help regulate growth and the rate of chemical reactions in the body. Thyroid hormones also help children grow and develop. The thyroid gland is located in the lower part of the neck, below the Adam's apple, wrapped around the trachea. It has the shape of a butterfly with two lobes attached to one another by a middle part called the isthmus. The thyroid uses iodine, a mineral found in some foods and in iodized salt, to make its

  • Vena Cava Syndrome Case Study

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    vena cava syndrome can occur. In Dr. Bob Johnston's case (a smoker of 37 years) lung cancer could be the cause. At first, Johnston's symptoms were assumed to be allergies. He was familiar with the headache, stuffiness and congestion during the spring season. As a result, his physician prescribed a higher dose of antihistamines to counteract the irritants. The patient blamed his weight gain, feeling unwell, head fullness and facial swelling on the new dosage of antihistamine medication. Johnston

  • Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) is the 8th and 13th most common malignancy in the world for males and females, respectively, with the majority of malignancies of the upper aero-digestive tract being oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) (Warnakulasuriya, 2009; Scully and Bagan, 2009; Nicole et al., 2010). The highest incidence of OSCC is found in India due to the increased preponderance of habits like chewing tobacco, betel quid and areca-nut which are the most important risk factors

  • Skin Cancer

    1539 Words  | 4 Pages

    Skin Cancer Skin cancer is a disease that can affect any one. Skin cancer includes many types that can be classified as severe or superficial. Consequently, treatement of skin cancer depends on the degree of severity a person has. In the following paper, we will shed lights on the types of skin cancer and its causes. Finally, we will investigate how to treat the different types of cancer and how to avoid it. Skin cancer is a term used to describe cancer in skin tisssues. The skin is made of

  • Soft Tissue Sarcoma Research Paper

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    are not common. Sarcomas may be found in the trunk, internal organs, head and neck area, and the back area of the abdominal cavity. There are approximately 50 different types of soft tissue sarcomas that can occur in the body. Symptoms of bone and soft-tissue sarcomas are lumps, pain in stomach or digestive tract, swelling in the area of pain, weight loss and exhaustion and pain will increase as the cancer spreads (National Cancer Institute). Rhabdomyosarcoma are sarcomas that develop from the connective

  • How Has Cancer Changed My Life

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    in eight deaths in the world are due to cancer? To make this more comprehensible, the number of deaths caused by cancer is greater than caused by AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. Along with the idea that this disease does not have a definite cure is a mind-staggering concept to grasp. If not caught in time, cancer means guaranteed death. These types of thoughts were floating around my head when my mother had told me that my father had mouth cancer. Often times, I continue to have vivid

  • lung cancer

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    cells happy and help to maintain homeostasis. There are many carcinogens that cause cancer leading to the lungs not to doing their job. Sometimes the cancer spreads and causes metastases. The patient’s medical diagnosis is malignant neoplasm of the bronchus and lung brain metastases. The lungs are two large sacs within the human body that optimize gas exchange between the air breathed and the blood. (Lung cancer, 2013) The lungs take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The lungs are made of spongy

  • Argumentative Essay On Radiation Therapy

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    Radiation therapy has been an incredible tool in effectively ridding people of cancer. Children make up an immense part of that community, and the process can carry challenges that these children are not equipped to deal with. Radiation therapy is an effective form of cancer treatment but can convey a heavy toll upon a child; is the treatment comprehensible and do the risks outweigh the benefits? Many aspects of a child’s life can impact the type and the amount of treatment they are able to receive

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma Essay

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    Basal Cell Carcinoma often abbreviated as (BCC) is the most frequently appearing form of skin cancer. They are also referred to as Basal Cell Cancer. It was discovered along the way as skin cancer was being treated as different types with no specific period. The BCCs’ are uncontrolled growths that normally arise in the skin’s basal cells. These cells lie in the deepest layer of the epidermis which is the outermost layer of the skin. BCC’s are normally caused by a combination of two things; one is