Hand grenade Essays

  • World War 1 Trench Diary Essay

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    close to dawn. Marched over the area, machine guns on them for part of it. Eight days in the Carony Trenches, fearful not easily described with words, line regiments who were relieved say, the worst we’ve ever known for new regiment to experience first hand and this is my first. Finally relieved but almost morning still restless from the hollow gunshots in the far but near

  • How Catapults Work

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    For my experiment, I plan to build a larger scale catapult that will be able to fire a round ball about the size of a soccer ball. I want the soccer ball to be able to consistently go in the hoop after numerous attempts. This will take numerous attempts to find the ride angle, and the correct number bands to use. The very first catapult was invented in about 400B.C. with the idea to try and improve the crossbow. Diodorus Siculus was the Greek philosopher who invented the catapult, and he first used

  • the things they carried

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    particular exert from the book because I think that it very much represents the story in itself. Azar said this, after Tim (supposedly) killed a Vietnamese soldier with a hand grenade. It shows that in times of war, how callous men can become. However, callousness varies, whether they chose to be apathetic, like Tim shows us after his grenade episode. Or whether they choose to be more myopic, as shown through Azar's insensitive actions (i.e. the young lady's tragic loss, the puppy, need I say more?). "The

  • Veteran interview

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    camp at night. They would set up grenades filled with half the explosive powder needed for a full blast, and they would bury them around the perimeter of their camp with their pins tied together by trip wire. Once the enemy would set foot in that perimeter and tripped the trip wire it would pull the pins to almost all the grenades. But the grenades didn’t go off right away so the jap that snuck in would just think he tripped on a branch or something. Until the grenades would finally go off and alert

  • Afghanistan

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    the brave men going to assassinate the enemy by night fall, but stopped dead in their tracks, they got picked off by the sharpshooters. No! No one ever makes it! Never! There is a constant sound of gun blasts and the sound of explosions from the grenades. The dark is lit up by the flashes of the guns against the silver clouded sky. Nobody dares to look up for more than a few seconds otherwise they will be taken out. Back a few miles from the front line, the officers make plans to attack the enemy

  • Betrayal in Blackwatch: An Overwatch Tale

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    The mercenary laughed. “I told you before Reinhardt. Such outdated virtues have no place in this world anymore. The only thing that matters is to get the job done, no matter the cost.” “Don’t bother trying to talk to him Rein,” said Tracer with venom in her voice, which socked everyone, even Reaper raised an eyebrow under his mask. “This isn’t Gabriel anymore. The Gabriel we once knew wouldn’t do the horrible things Reaper has done.” “I take it this is your coping mechanism Lena?” asked amused the

  • The Life of a Homeguard- Original Writing

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    excellent shots having used guns from an early age to shoot rabbits and squirrels and an illegal pheasant or two. There were various adventures with live ammunition over the years which gave cause for concern. Live hand grenade firing was conducted in quarries and the grenades were thrown from behind a sandbagged emplacement about five feet high at the edge of the top of the quarry. The emplacement had four walls at right angles to the front wall each about five feet long and as high as the

  • Confessions of a Sinner

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    verbally flow out of me. I had practiced over and over. I slightly dropped my hands from the stiff prayer like position, just enough to look toward my feet. Like if some how it was written on the floor and if I looked hard enough it would magically come to me. The line of children in front of me progressed forward a step, all in unison, such good kids, holy, on their way to a divine heaven, no doubt. I on the other hand held back, reluctant to take that deafening step toward my own inner hell,

  • Kiss Bow or Shake Hands

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    Kiss Bow or Shake Hands The book Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands, is written specifically with those doing international business in mind. It is essentially a guide to over sixty countries and an explanation of their society and cultural customs. Knowledge of those with whom you are doing business not only can help avoid costly blunders it can also give you an advantage when dealing with them. The authors identify that there are three main factors that effect how people act, think, and make decisions

  • "Out, Out-" by Robert Frost

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    man’s job. The connection to modern times is established through the focus on child labor. The boy is embittered at the incident, but is horrified at the prospect of losing his hand. Though a child at heart, the maturity forced upon him beyond his years enables him to see that his life would be handicapped without the hand. He eagerly pleads for it, not to cut it off as a useless part. It is for the reason that he would never be complete again that he dies, rather than the severity of his wound. He

  • A Prayer for Owen Meany

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    had believed and he feels helpless because there is nothing he can do to change the course of events in life. The death and responsibility of John’s mother’s death fell into the hands of Owen Meany and John can never accept that it was Owen’s fate to kill John’s mother. The Vietnam War was completely out of John’s hands to control being a young adult and all, and the fact that eventually the war indirectly took the life of his best friend, for this he feels helplessly responsible and angry. Into

  • Characters as Portrayed Through Themes and Images in The English Patient

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    characters and ideas which lead to a greater understanding of the novel. Likewise, the plot would have little impact upon the reader were the novel not so densely coloured with these patterns of imagery, symbol and metaphor; amongst which skin, hands, mapping and the elements are particularly important. A metaphorical idea which resonates throughout the novel, and is present in all of the characters (particularly the English patient and Caravaggio) is the concept of man as a sort of communal

  • Speech Outline

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    determination and hard work you will become the best shooter you can be. I.     In order to shoot well you must use all of your lower body. 1.     You will want to start off by keeping your feet about shoulder with apart. 2.     Place your shooting hands’ foot slightly ahead of the other foot. a.     Keeping one foot ahead of the other allows for a better guide for your upper body to follow. 3.     Then turn your hips and feet square to the rim or goal. 4.     You’ll then want to sit back and press

  • Reality Vs. Fantasy

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    definite signs to distinguish being awake from being asleep that I am quite astonished, and this astonishment almost convinces me that I am sleeping” (222). This all lead to Descartes coming up with a theory that “perhaps we do not even have these hands, or any such body at all” (223). He started questioning the existence of God as well, wondering whether or not he existed or if the heavens and earth were actuall...

  • Life as a Puritan

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    things by preachers such as Jonathon Edwards, who lit a candle of fear in their minds. If I was alive to hear Edwards preach, I'd certainly have to question myself. He preached that God holds us in his hands and he can make or break us. If God decides it so, he will let us go and we will fall from his hands to nothing but Hell. Certainly no one wants to go to Hell. So, the Puritans tried to better their lives, and go by rules or "resolutions." They believed if they followed these resolutions, even though

  • The Grains: Narrative Fiction

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    commented softly. "What are you talking about?" "You were talking about her _all_ night." Flame's eyes widened as he sat up. "Ugh," He ran his hand through his hair. "I can't help it, I'm worried." "Why?" Resha leaned back. "Well, you see," His voice trailed off as he looked away from Resha. "What happened?" Flame leaned forward with his head in his hands. "The other night when I had that nightmare, it was more than that. When we left, Cassandra was acting strange. She kept telling me she had something

  • The Rainy Day

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    I continued down the road with my hands firmly glued into my pockets as I passed two husky bikers leaning against the graffiti-ed wall of a run-down convenience store, staring at me as I pass their immaculate Harley’s With my mind drifting off, I stumbled on a rock and fell arms first onto the sidewalk. As I’m lying on the floor, I take in a deep breath to recuperate and noticed what seemed to be a brown leather wallet under a decrepit old bench. I slid my hand under the cobweb city to obtain the

  • Evaluating Portable Hand Controls

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    Evaluating Portable Hand Controls At the beginning of January, Mrs. Jones broke her right ankle, had surgery on it, and she was left with a cast that stretched up to her knee. For the next several weeks, she was at the mercy of family and friends to take her back and forth, for there is no such thing as public transportation in this little town. Feeling desperate and trapped led her to seek out another avenue to get around without having to rely on others for transportation. Having knowledge

  • Boxer's Fracture Case Study

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    was his left hand was hurting and swollen. He stated that the incident happened on 13 March, 2014. He stated that he was playing baseball and he fell over another player. When he removed his glove the pain worsened and his coach of the baseball team proceeded to realign what he thought was a jammed finger. The small finger was rotated and under the ring finger. He did not have much pain unless there was any physical activity with the finger. DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING Images of the left hand were taken in

  • The Birthmark Analysis

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    for perfection in humanity is foolish. Aylmer is a late 18th-century scientist who recently retired so he could marry his love Georgiana. Georgiana has a small birthmark on her cheek in the shape of a small hand. Most men who liked her found the birthmark attractive. Some women on the other hand said that it messed up an otherwise flawless face. Georgiana did not have a problem with it until one day, until one day Aylmer says he does not like the birthmark. He feels as though Georgiana would be perfect