Grouper Essays

  • Understanding Groupers: Tropical Fish with Commercial Value

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    1.1 Groupers Groupers are commonly distributed in tropical and warm waters in all over the world. Groupers are large-mouthed and heavy bodied fish that tend to remain in discrete areas. They have a very high market demand and sold at good price. In Malaysia, the commercial catch of Giant grouper, Epinephelus lanceolatus, can reach up to MYR100 per kilogram. Groupers are very famous and are commonly exported in live condition to many contributing countries including Chine, Japan, Taiwan and United

  • Medicare Diagnosis-Related Group Case Study

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    difficulty, or need for intervention, and it is a direct measure if the resource consumption. (Anne B. Casto) The assignment of DRG to case mix groups is done through the computer programs called groupers which are a series of steps in calculating the total DRG payment. The Medicare Administrative Contractors use groupers for calculating the MS-DRG payment for each

  • Essay On Bahamas

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    There are lots of cool animals that you can find in the Bahamas. Most of the cooler animals found here are ocean animals that can be found in the coral reefs. These coral reefs attract many cool sea creatures (Pearson). Clownfish, eel, and grouper are some of the fish attracted to the coral reefs (Pearson. Many birds can also be found here. One of these birds is also the Bahamas state bird and it is the flamingo (Pearson). There is a park in the Bahamas for the different birds to stay safe

  • Analyzing Axelrod's Prisoner’s Dilemma Tournaments

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    Nicole Christian Evolutionary Psychology Dr. Corby July 25th, 2015 Final  Robert Axelrod organized two computer tournaments based on the Prisoner’s dilemma.  Why did he do this?  What were the results of the tournaments?  What were the factors that made the computer programs successful or not?   How is this relevant to evolutionary psychology? Prisoners dilemma, is a theoretical game played between two individuals who can choose to either cooperate with one another or defect. Either choices

  • Understanding the Evolution of Diagnosis Related Groups

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    the MS-DRG. About 730 codes were removed from the list, but important codes were added such as acute disease, acute exacerbations of chronic conditions, and end-stage chronic disease (p.129). According to Sayles (2013), when assigning MS-DRGs, groupers are used to help coding and reimbursement staff to assist in proper payment for services provided, grupers are known as computer programs that assign patients to case-mix groups (p. 267). There is a four step process used to assign MS-DRGs for

  • Persuasive Essay On Lionfish

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    In the last 30 years since the lionfish first appeared in the Atlantic Ocean, they have become a destructive nuisance. The lionfish species which are native to the Pacific Rim and Indian Oceans are now invading the Atlantic and Caribbean Oceans, eating any fish that can fit into it's mouth. Scientists don’t believe the invasion will ever be completely eradicated, however if the problem is recognized there are steps that can be taken to try and contain this invasion at a manageable level. Through

  • My Personal Learning Style

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    Personal Learning Style Wow! I have a personal learning style! If I had given any thought to my learning style prior to this course, I would have said simply, “Some things are easy for me to learn, and some things are not.” Now I can say, “I am a grouper, a top-down learner, an owl, in the C-D quadrants, and my strong intelligences are linguistic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal”. What all this means, still, is some things are easy for me to learn, and some things are not. But there I go again, simplifying

  • Sharks - Rulers of the Ocean

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    surface. As we descended, all we could see was this huge tornado of fish and sharks. One kind of fish, the jack, was huge. They were about a foot and a half tall, about six inches wide and about two feet long. There were also about 8 potato groupers. The potato grouper is about a foot long to about three feet long, sometimes weighing in at over 100 pounds. There were hundreds of fish. When we were settled on our perch, the show really began. They came in from the deep blue abyss. Slicing their way

  • Unsustainable Fishing Practices: Impact on Coral Reefs

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    reefs will smother reefs as well (Hughes, 2003). Without the presence of a predator, the removal of angelfish, parrotfish and surgeon fish allows sponges to grow. Grouper fish, are damselfish's natural predator. The diminishing population of grouper fish is causing the health of coral reef environments to decline (Harris, 2009). Once the grouper fish population become victims of bycatch, damselfish populations increase. Damselfish, also known as "algae farmers", feed on algae in a coral's pockets gradually

  • Lionfish Meat Market Research

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    a lionfish cookbook being written (Morell, 2010). With this growing demand, the lionfish meat market is a viable solution to the lionfish invasion. Other suggestions have been made to teach and encourage native predators to eat lionfish, such as groupers, sharks, and eels (Hackerott et al., 2013). In fact, lionfish have been found in the stomach contents of some Atlantic and Caribbean fish, though

  • The Invasive Indo Pacific Lionfish

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    The Invasive Indo-Pacific Lionfish Known as Pterois Volitans in the animal kingdom, also called the red lionfish, is a sight to behold in the tropical waters as they swim like an underwater butterfly in the sea. In waters not native to their origin, as they are from the Pacific and have predators that will have them for a snack. Invasive to the Caribbean Sea they have rapidly reached the Gulf of Mexico and far south, spreading to parts of South America. The lionfish has become a persistent pest that’s

  • Cuban Food In Cuba

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    Cuba is a country that has a cuisine filled with an abundance of flavors and influences of the origins of its citizens and people that came by the island over the centuries. Filled with fruit trees and the perfect land for raising animals and growing vegetables, Cuban cuisine is unique and vast. A staple in a Cuban’s diet is, of course, their coffee. Internationally known for the strength and flavor of Cuban coffee it has made its way into many people’s morning routines. Breakfast, or desayuno, isn’t

  • Short Story: Brandon Clodfelter

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    On Saturday, September 9th, 2017, at 2034 hours, I was dispatched to 3217 Grouper Rd in reference to a domestic violence incident that had just occurred. Upon my arrival, I heard several people yelling at each other from outside of the door. As I entered the house, I notice a man standing next to the couch with blood on his hands and running down the side of the left temple. The man was then identified as Brandon Clodfelter. At this time I detained Brandon and as I moved to the first bedroom

  • Expatriate Interview Essay

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    Expatriate Interview 1. Introduction This article attempts to analyze the impacts on a Chinese expatriate Arthur Lu who had experienced a different culture in Thailand, and to critically criticize how the cultural differences influence individuals expatriating overseas in a broader dimension. Particularly, the article specifically demonstrates the culture shocks Lu learnt in Thailand as well as some aspects of how he adopted to the Thai culture. In addition, the section of reflection provides the

  • Persuasive Essay On Shark Water

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    Shark scales, or dentricles, are roughened and will scrape if felt to wrong way, much like sandpaper. The true purpose for this is unknown, although it is thought the shape increases streamlined properties. Sharks have two pairs of fins and four singular fins, all of which are used for swimming or balance. The rear pelvic fins in males are lengthened to aid in reproduction. The oil in the shark’s liver adds buoyancy, due to the lack of a swim bladder. The gills are protected by gill arches and slits

  • Fishing Essay

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    Fishing has been used for ages for many things like food, sport, and just for amusement of the chase; because of this, many different techniques have been developed from the centuries fishing been constructed. Also fishing can be a purpose for life just like what Henry David Thoreau said “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after”. Everyone has issues in their life and fishing can help with it in many forms. Over all the years love of fishing has

  • Biscayne National Park Research Paper

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    Schaus' swallowtail butterfly and Florida semaphore cactus thrive here. Furthermore, the park preserves rare marine habitat and nursery environments that hold diverse native fishery resources and support perfect fishing for spiny lobster, snapper-grouper complex, tarpon and bonefish. In addition to the variety of animal species, the park is home to hundreds of plant species including several endangered species. One example is the mangroves; the park protects one of the longest continuous stretches

  • Coastal Bar & Grill

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    agave nectar glazed roasted sweet potatoes, and a choice of fresh vegetables. Despite our central Florida location, we are only just over an hours drive from the Atlantic Ocean, and an hour and a half from the Gulf of Mexico allowing us to sell fresh Grouper at market prices. Another guest favourite, that we have received acclaim for on Yelp is our homemade jumbo lump meat crab cakes with remoulade sauce. They are so good that if you closed your eyes you could imagine that you were dining on the Boardwalk

  • Movie Review: The Documentary Gideon's Army

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    The documentary Gideons Army was an eye opening experience which showcases our justice system. Although I have always heard that the justice system is broken I never understood the details until now. The challenges that public defenders face with the resources provided is bordering unconstitutional, in my opinion. When the sixth amendment was created, I don’t believe its intent was to deprive council of time and resources to be “effective representation”. When 12 million citizens are arrested each

  • Shark Finning: Should the Practice Be Banned?

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    Shark Finning: Should the Practice Be Banned? Ten rows of razor sharp teeth, a jagged fin, rapid swimming speeds, and a vicious bite—it’s easy to understand why so many humans are afraid of the kings of the ocean. Sharks are an apex predator in the ocean, yet their numbers are dropping more and more every day. Why is such a dominant species being depleted, you ask? Humans. On average, humans kill 3 sharks every second. This is stunning compared to the mere ten humans sharks mistakenly kill each