Folic acid Essays

  • Folic Acid And Pregnancy Essay

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    Folic Acid and Pregnancy WHAT IS FOLIC ACID? Folic acid is a B vitamin. Your body needs it to make new cells. Folic acid is also called folate. Folate is the form of the B vitamin that is found naturally in food. Folic acid is the manmade (synthetic) form of the B vitamin. Folic acid is added to certain foods (fortified foods) and is also available in dietary supplements, like prenatal vitamins. All women who may become pregnant or are planning to become pregnant need at least 400–800 mcg of folic

  • Folic Acid Supplementation and Pregnancy

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    the Research Proposal The purpose of this study is to analyze the preventative effects of folic acid supplementation during preconception and pregnancy in women. Folic acid supplementation is a standard recommendation among a variety of vitamins and minerals during preconception and is said to prevent congenital defects, primarily neural tube defects in children. However, various studies suggest that folic acid supplementation is not directly correlated with the prevention of neural tube defects, but

  • Folic Acid Fortification Case Study

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    Read Case 12 The Folic Acid Fortification Decision: Before and After on pages 351-363 of your text. Once you have read the case, you are to address these questions. The word limit per response is 200 words. 1. Describe the authorizing environment for folic acid fortification in the United States. Beginning the case study, we are introduced with the call from the British Medical Research Council (MRC) being informed of the significant results showing the benefits of folic acid and the reductions

  • The Midwife’s Role in Informing Pregnant Women of the Importance of Folic Acid

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    this physiological process is essential for homeostasis and ensuring equilibrium is sustained within the body as without enough food and drink the body will not function correctly (Edwards & Thomas, 2009). This essay will provide information on folic acid and its properties, its role and the midwife’s role and responsibility in informing women in the early stages of pregnancy and the importance that it has. An ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, believed that any illness that was suffered by humans

  • Pregnancy In The Mennonite Culture

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    conducted to show any relationship between the use of multivitamin and folic acid with placental abruption. The findings were quite intriguing. Compared with no use, vitamin supplement use was connected with a 26% decreased risk of abruption with the strongest reduction being when folic acid and a multivitamin were used in tandem followed by a multivitamin alone then by folic acid alone. With the data collected it suggest that folic acid and other vitamin use during pregnancy is associated with a reduced

  • The Effect of Neural Tube Defects on Healthcare

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    relationship of aluminum and silver to neural tube defects; a Case control. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, 22(3), 369-374. Ricks, D. J., Rees, C. A., Osborn, K. A., Crookston, B. T., Leaver, K., Merrill, S. B., & … Ricks, J. H. (2012). Peru’s national folic acid fortification program and its effect on neural tube defects in Lima. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 32(6), 391-398. Suarez, L., Felkner, M., Brender, J., & Canfield, M. (2012). Dieting to lose weight and occurrence of neural tube defects

  • Essay On Fortification

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    Fortification is defined as, the adding of essential vitamins and trace elements to food. One of the first foods to be fortified in the United States, was wheat flour; which is still practiced today. Although the practice is no longer revolutionary, fortification of wheat flour is one of the topics growing worldwide that not very many people know about. For that purpose, this paper touches on the origin, what affects the basis, and requirements of wheat flour fortification in the United States. The

  • Teenage Motherhood: Overcoming Challenges through Education

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    Having her own doctor, and make regular visits, are very important for her, because prenatal care is useful, for pregnant woman. She needs to take adequate folic acid, as ordered by her doctor. The folic acid intake should not exceed (400 to 800 mcg or0.4 to 0.8 mg) daily. Taking folic acid, with vitamins, helps to lower risk of birth defects. For a pregnant woman eating from major food groups are vital for the healthy development of the child. ( Kail & Cavanaugh, 2014)

  • Essay On Multivitamin

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    vitamins and multi – vitamins? The main difference is the intake of folic acid that is provided in the two. Folic acid is a form of vitamin B9 and is required for DNA replication, which carries genetic information. It also helps prevent changes to DNA that leads to cancer. Folic acid is a water- soluble vitamin, which means it cannot be stored and is the synthetic form of folate (Greenburg, Bell, Guan, & Yan-hong Yu, 2011). Folic acid works with vitamin B12 and vitamin C to aid the body in the break

  • Function And Function Of Vitamins

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    SUBMITTED TO: DR. NOSHEEN SUMITTED BY: MARIYAM ALI REG. NO. : 10237 SEMESTER: 1 MS. BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES VITAMIN & THEIR FUNCTIONS VITAMIN: Vitamins are organic compounds that are essential for the body, they are needed in small amounts to function properly. They work in a variety of ways, mostly as "helpers." Likewise, mostly of the B vitamins help the body use protein

  • Essay On Vitamin B12

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    6.) Stimulates Absorption of Folic Acid - Folic acid is important for the synthesis of red blood cells in the body. Without Vitamin B12, folic acid can't be regenerated in the body and becomes trapped in a metabolically useless form. For correct regeneration and absorption of folic acid, one needs to get enough amount of Vitamin B12. Both Vitamin B12 and folic acid are dependent on each other, as deficiency of Vitamin B12 is followed by a deficiency of folic acid, and vice versa. 7.) Weight reduction

  • Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase

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    Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase also known as MTHFR is a gene that is essential for healthy development. This gene produces an enzyme that aids in the absorption of folate, as well as other vitamins and minerals. An MTHFR gene mutation however can cause serious issues. This mutation will prevent one from obtaining the nutrients they need from the foods they eat. The effects of MTHFR mutation, such as living with severe inflammation, irritable bowel

  • B Vitamins Essay

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    niacin causes pellagra; symptoms can include eczema, intestinal and stomach distress, depression, headache, thinning of the hair, and excess saliva production. Anemia may occur, although this is probably due to an accompanying deficiency in folic acid (see Folic Acid, below). Even mildly high doses of niacin can cause hot flushing of the face and shoulders, headache, itchiness, and stomach problems. Some report heart disturbances and temporarily lowered blood pressure. Large doses may produce ulcers

  • Vitamins

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    reproductive systems healthy including fertility and sperm production. The vitamin B complex is probably one of the most essential groups of vitamins to our health. There are twelve B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, choline, folic acid, inositol, and PABA. These vitamins together are responsible for helping enzymes releas... ... middle of paper ... ...tlesey, MJ; Deschenes, MR. "Dietary supplements and improved anaerobic exercise". International Journal of Sports Nutrition

  • Preconception Education for Women Over Forty

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    Teaching Plan for Healthy People 2020, MICH-16.1 Preconception education for women over forty years old The community health problem identified by Healthy People 2020 (2013) indicates a need for education that “increases the proportion of women delivering a live birth who discussed preconception health with a health care worker prior to pregnancy” (p. 3). My teaching plan will focus on women over 40 years old. The focus of preconception care has evolved over time. Preconception care had focused

  • Essay On Microbial Production Of Vitamins

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    Microbial production of vitamins- To fulfill the increasing worldwide demand and to reduce the cost of vitamins different group of researchers are using different microorganisms for the production of vitamins like vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin B2 and vitamin D. Here in this review I have mentioned some of them which are producing good yield of vitamins. Vitamin B12- Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) is having great worldwide demand due to its important role in growth and metabolism of the living cell. J

  • The Importance of Exercise and Nutrition During Pregnancy

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    Everyone knows that a healthy pregnancy requires special care. A healthy diet accompanied by moderate exercise is very important as it will cause the fetus has a great development and thus a pregnancy will be much better, but staying healthy during pregnancy depends on you, so it's crucial to arm yourself with information about the many ways to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible. A healthy diet is very important because the deficiency of some nutrients can cause various adverse effects

  • Steps Towards a Natural Pregnancy

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    synthetic pre-natal vitamin after the first exam. Although it is good to get a jump start on getting the proper nutrition, there are many vitamins that are especially important during the time frame when few women realize they are pregnant yet. Folic acid is one of the B vitamins that a woman should be consuming in adequate amounts before ever getting pregnant. A diet rich in leafy greens vegetables especially raw spinach, beans, dried sulfate-free fruits and nuts will provide an adequate supply

  • Spinach Spinach

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    fresh, steamed, or quickly boiled. When preparing spinach, you should always cook it as opposed to eating to raw because most leafy greens like spinach contain something called oxilic acid. Oxilic acid affects the body's calcium absorption but cooking your spinach can help you eliminate the effects of the oxilic acid. Therefore, it's better to cook the spinach and eat it instead of adding it to a salad raw. In addition to this, there are tons of vitamins and nutrients present in cooked spinach. Spinach

  • Winter Food Essay

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    Foods that are seasonal have better style, surface, and flavor than artificially produced food that journeys thousands of mls to attain the supermarket foods. Foods that are chilled and transported lose taste at every step of the true way, i.e. during chilling, during transport and on being stored in warehouses. These could even be injected or artificially ready to meet up with the demand for that food. And winter season is not exclusive. Listed below are Foods For Children In Winter Banana: A berries