Fading Essays

  • MIMO Wireless Channel and How to Determine Its Capacity Under Different Conditions

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    quasi-orthogonal space time matrixes for large number of antenna at the transmitter and receiver antennas. There should be more research to obtain the orthogonal space time block code and quasi-orthogonal space time block code that minimize the effect of fading.

  • Fading In Extremis

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    Before delving into the content of the poem “fading in extremis,” it is important to uncover the meaning of the poem’s title—particularly the phrase “in extremis.” The phrase itself is a Latin medical term, and in the context of the poem, it means “at the point of death.” Combining the phrase with the previous word “fading” creates the heading: “fading at the brink of death.” As the translated title indicates, this poem deals with the concept of an individual—the speaker—living out his or her final

  • Fading Away

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    Fading Away "Maddie, are you sure you don't want anything more? You didn't eat much," Mrs. Whitman turned from her dishes to ask her daughter. "I'm fine. I'll eat a big lunch," Stacie said, gulping down her last bit of water. "Maybe you do. But I never see you eat much. For breakfast it's a pancake with jam. Even if you did eat all your lunch like you say you do, when it comes to dinner time, you eat like a bird. Stacie, I think you need to eat more," Mrs. Whitman told her daughter, relieved

  • Fading West Gcse

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    the success of their ninth studio album Fading West which debuted at #6 on the Billboard charts, rock and roll alumni Switchfoot gave fans a taste of their life on tour with the music/surf documentary of the same name. The film highlighted the micro process the five-piece went through to create the distinctive sound of their album, but it also left fans wanting more. Enter the release of the EP The Edge of the Earth: Unreleased Songs from the Film “Fading West.” Featuring seven songs heard in the

  • Malcolm X Ethical Fading Essay

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    Ethical fading is known as “the erosion of the ethical standard in which a person becomes used to engaging in or condoning unethical behavior.” BP and Transocean’s need to make multi-billion dollar profits blinded them to the ethical implications. The company culture’s instinct was to benefit them in every situation possible, instead of serving those who work for the company. Tendencies such as ethical fading explain the company’s culture because it helps explain

  • Our Fading Culture: The Meaning Culture Of The Philippines

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    Our Fading Culture ”Organized political system, units of government, distinguished societies, own system of writing, art, literature, music and dance, economic activities, trading system, a stable civilization and a distinct community ” (Ongsotto, 2002). The Philippines had all of those even before any colonizing countries came and ruled over our dear country. The Philippines was already a stable civilization with their own unique culture even before the Spaniards came. We already established all

  • Facebook: A Fading Social Media Fad?

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    Today’s society is centered around social media, not just for sharing photos, articles, funny videos you see online, but to keep in touch with those near and far with a push of a button. We come to a day and age where you can be anywhere on the planet and still be able to message your best friend who is sitting in their house thousands of miles away. I will admit that I love using social media because I can see what my friends are up to and keep up to date with today’s problems. Everyone from teenagers

  • Is the American Dream Changing or Fading Away?

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    In the 1920s, the American Dream was much different from what we believe the American Dream is today. Although it is changing, the American Dream is also fading and people are making their own dreams. The American Dream is the traditional social ideals of the United States and many people’s lives revolve around trying to achieve what they perceive this dream as. “Childhood was better when I was a kid.” Being a teenager that statement is used a lot in my life from grandparents and parents. The American

  • Fading Faith: An Analysis of the Victorian Period

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    The Victorian period began with the accession of Queen Victoria; when she gained power in the throne. The era can be separated into three sections: the early Victorians, the Pre-Raphaelites, and the late Victorians. Some early Victorian writers include Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Lord Tennyson Alfred, and Robert Browning. Also, the idealism of this time was utilitarian. Nature was viewed as cruel and harsh, which is the complete opposite from the Romantic period. Some key themes included evolution

  • Fading Away in Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio

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    The final sentence of Winesburg, Ohio imprints the image of the town fading away as George Willard departs for the city. In fact, to view the novel in larger units, the final chapter is conspicuously named "Departure," and for any reader who bothers to take in the table of contents page before starting the book it is fairly easy to deduce how Winesburg, Ohio will end before it even begins. The notion of escape from the town of Winesburg is common throughout the book, and the intended destination

  • Who Is Erin Hunter's Warriors Fading Echoes?

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    What if one had just learned that they had intensified hearing and sight? The apprentice, Dovepaw, in Warriors Fading Echoes, learned just that. She learns many things that happen around her camp, like a life-threatening tree about to fall. Will she get everyone out in time? Also, this novel blends the elements of tragedy, suspense, fear, adventure, and sadness. Warriors Fading Echoes, a juvenile fiction novel by Erin Hunter, is thrilling, tragic, and gives the reader a feeling of adventure; this

  • California University Education: A Fading Dream

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    Universities in California, especially UC Berkley and University of Southern California are ranked so high in the nation that foreign students yearn to study in California in order to get more chances to work in well-known companies such as Apple and Silicon Valley. The quality of schools and education people can get decides how many chances and how many possibilities to be close to success. According to Jennifer Medina, “During a 1960s renaissance, California’s public university system came to be

  • Systematic Desensitization Research Paper

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    control. Many theories of behavior modification exist today with an abundance of research to support claims, but which one is most effective? Past research provides support for the effectiveness of systematic desensitization as well as flooding and fading when used to treat phobias. (Ost, 1978, p. 379, Rudestam & Bedrosian, 1977, p. 23). Systematic desensitization is in essence Guthrie’s threshold technique. Guthrie theorized that repeatedly exposing a stimulus that elicits an unwanted response, fist

  • Streetcar Named Desire Light

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    Blanche comes across as very untrustworthy and suspicious. Her reaction to light during the story can be interpreted as her trying to hide from the truth and her past in Laurel, as well as hiding from the fact that she is aging and her beauty is fading away. Right away, Blanche is introduced with a comparison to light when Williams says “her delicate beauty must avoid a strong light. There is something about her uncertain manner, as well as her white clothes, that suggests a moth” (1779). If light

  • Foreshadowing In The Black Cat

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    animals to not also saying he is not himself. Some may argue that the color black is showing the deteriorating. Sure the color represents deteriorating and slowly fading away but the cat reflects more than the color does by itself. The color in life means with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. It says nothing about fading or anything. The cat keeps on coming back even after Pluto dies another cat comes back. The cat never leaves him alone which makes him slowly fade and

  • Essay On Navajo Religion

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    From my childhood I’ve been only popular by being the only native american in the whole elementary school, though I was born as any regular modern american. Around those years, I’ve been doing my own research of what kind of native american am I. In my search, I have only looked into a fog of confusion about myself, until my parents told me that my religion is navajo culture, which were only the basics were what I gotten out from my parents. Even so I was only interested in finding out about what

  • Comparing The Most Dangerous Game And A Rose For Emily

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    Dangerous Game” and “A Rose for Emily” both show the flaws and dangers in society. Modernism is a literary style that emerged after WWII. It started in Europe then went into America in the late 1920’s, it shows the universal truth, trust in authorities fading, reaction to war, and it questions humanity. “The Most Dangerous Game” was written in 1924, and “A Rose for Emily” was written in 1930, both very close to the start of modernism. In the story “The Most Dangerous Game” Rainsford is involved in a

  • Lord of the Flies: The Beast Within Us All

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    this chaotic meeting to signal the deterioration of civilization. The narrator describes the frenzied meeting as “The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.”(98) In this quotation, Golding uses diction to show that society is fading. He uses words like “understandable” and “lawful” to remind the reader that this is a miniature version of adult society. The adult society is greatly dependent on communication. Using this knowledge and the use of diction, G... ... middle of paper

  • Analysis Of A Farm Picture By Walt Whitman

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    countdown to one’s life fading away in the final days. Whitman’s poem has a universal emotional tie to each reader, including myself and my own journey through life and future goals.     The first line, “THROUGH the ample open door of the peaceful country barn”, is an expression

  • Setting, Symbolism and Oppression of Women in The Yellow Wallpaper

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    young woman feels, and her hallucinations of the wallpaper pattern indicates her transition to insanity. Wallpaper symbolism is used throughout the story the pattern representing the strangling nature of the imprisoning oppression, the fading yellow color showing the fading away of the young woman, and the hovering smell representing the deadly insanity to which she succumbs. Like the darkness that quickly consumes, the imprisoning loneliness of oppression swallows its victim down into the abyss of insanity