Fact Essays

  • Facts On Cocaine

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    Cocaine is a powerful central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that heightens alertness, inhibits appetite and the need for sleep, and provides intense feelings of pleasure. It is prepared from the leaf of the Erythroxylon coca bush, which grows primarily in Peru and Bolivia. Street dealers dilute it with inert (non-psychoactive) but similar-looking substances such as cornstarch, talcum powder, and sugar, or with active drugs such as procaine and benzocaine (used as local anesthetics), or other CNS

  • Snakes, Facts and Falsehoods

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    run. The tongue of the snake is not a stinger, but actually a sensory organ. In addition, snakes are not slimy, because they do not secrete any kind of oil. Now that we have started uncovering the truth about these reptiles, we can start with some facts. In the world today, there are about 2,500 known species of snakes belonging to more than ten families. In the U.S., there are about 127 species, with thirty-eight species found within the U.S. (including five venomous Hesson, 3 ones). Most people

  • The facts of eating Poop!!!!!!!!

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    The Facts of Eating PooP Have you ever wondered what it would do to you if you ever ate your poop or someone elses. Chances are you will die a day or two after eating poop. According to the national scientists organization where they test on collage students who are looking for quick money say that after their first thirteen sets of tests they began to realize that their test subjects also refered as humen lab mice say that eating poop has a very negative effect on your body. The effects range from

  • Facts About Orthoptera

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    Facts about Orthoptera Where they live. Field crickets, the familiar black or brownish crickets are often abundant in meadows and fields. Also in dwellings or in small clusters in the ground. Tree Crickets are more often heard then seen. Usually colored green these slender crickets live in shrubs and trees. Mole Crickets can burrow rapidly through moist soil. They also can live in caves, hollow logs, beneath stones, and other dark moist places. Grasshoppers are also part of this group. They often

  • Television's Manipulation of the Facts

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    Television's Manipulation of the Facts One of the main activities that American's participate in during their free time is watching the television. Since its invention over sixty years ago, the television has been a source of enjoyment and information for the American citizen (Pember, 1981). Though what one sees on the television is not what one should always believe. Many people look at television with the "camera never lies" attitude, and are easily manipulated by this medium. People are manipulated

  • Some Myths and Facts about AIDS

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    Some Myths and Facts about AIDS Acquired Deficiency Disease is a deadly disease that has claimed many lives, both young and old, across our nation and throughout the world. Due to the lack of education concerning this disease, many myths as  to how AIDS is contracted is spread.  Contrary to what people believe, there are many precautions that can be taken to to avoid becoming infected. Furthermore, people who are already infected by the HIV virus need not suffer alone.  The purpose of this

  • Interesting Facts

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    Interesting Facts Got this from one of my daily joke emails. Thought it was interesting enough to share : 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple. Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of

  • Interesting Facts of the Crucible

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    Interesting Facts of the Crucible The Interesting Facts of The Crucible Was The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, just an “irrational fear?” (Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: Fact & Fiction Par.1). The panic of Communism during the Cold War and Senator Joseph McCarthy’s anti-communist hearings on February 3, 1953 led to this “irrational fear.” There are several major differences from the true version of the story and Miller’s version. These differences could have made the whole event much more interesting

  • Facts That Lead To Poverty: Th

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    According to the Webster’s New World Dictionary, the word “poverty'; can be defined as: 1) the condition or quality of being poor 2) deficiency; inadequacy 3) scarcity (Webster’s p.461). Generally in this essay, we will examine the facts that lead to the poverty of these third world and southern countries. The first and the most serious problem that causes by poverty are hunger, or preciously, malnutrition. We can find these kinds of problems almost all over Africa and some other underdeveloped

  • Habermas’ Between Facts and Norms: Legitimizing Power?

    3383 Words  | 7 Pages

    Habermas’ Between Facts and Norms: Legitimizing Power? ABSTRACT: To overcome the gap between norms and facts, Habermas appeals to the medium of law which gives legitimacy to the political order and provides it with its binding force. Legitimate law-making itself is generated through a procedure of public opinion and will-formation that produces communicative power. Communicative power, in turn, influences the process of social institutionalization. I will argue that the revised notion of power

  • Dreams: Nightmares The Myths & Facts About It!

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    human mind, it is hard for us to know why it acts a certain way, but we can always try to learn. Everyone has had a nightmare one time or another maybe when they were a child or even as an adult. But what happens when the nightmares are constant? The fact is that nightmares are more frequent in children than in adults. According to a research done by Tucker Shaw, approximately 50% of the adult population have no nightmares. The rest only remember one or two per year. 5 to 10% remember nightmares once

  • A Response to Hubbard’s essay Science, Facts, and Feminism

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    A Response to Hubbard’s essay Science, Facts, and Feminism In her essay "Science, Facts, and Feminism" Ruth Hubbard makes many claims in relating her opinions about the relationship between men and women in society as well as the role science plays in this relationship and the balance of power in the world. One of her claims states that "the pretense that science is objective, apolitical and value-neutral is profoundly political because it obscures the political role that science and technology

  • Considering All the Facts: Mistakes About Standardized Tests

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    Considering All the Facts: Mistakes About Standardized Tests There has been a lot of talk about standards for schools. Politicians have made this issue a campaign debate. Now everyone has jumped on the “bandwagon” and wants accountability of students’ education (Shafer, 2002). When there is a problem in the education system, teachers are the first to be blamed. They are left with the responsibility of proving they are teaching what needs to be taught. States as well as the federal government

  • A Comparison of Heart of Darkness and Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family

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    Heart of Darkness and Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family Knowledge Leading to Insanity in H.P. Lovecraft's "Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family" and the influence of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" "Science, alrady oppressive with its schocking revelations, will perhaps be the ultimate exterminator of our human species-if separate species we be-for its reserve of unguessed horrors could never be borne by mortal brains if loosed upon the world

  • Essay About Love in My Papa's Waltz, Facts, Night Driving, Those Winter Sundays, Digging, and Daddy

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    Love in My Papa's Waltz, Facts, Night Driving,  Those Winter Sundays, Digging, and Daddy I have elected to analyze seven poems spoken by a child to its parent. Despite a wide variety of sentiments, all share one theme: the deep and complicated love between child and parent. The first poem, "My Papa's Waltz," by Theodore Roethke (Page 18) presents a clear picture of the young man's father, from line one. "Whiskey" on the father's breath is one of many clues in appearance that mold a rough

  • Analysis of The Revolt of Mother

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    was described as having a “saintly expression of her face”(529). With that, and the fact that she acts so rude to him, especially since he’s a minister, shows that she does believe she is right under the Lords will and he is not. The author also implies this by the name she gives to the minister, Mr. Hersey. His name sounds just like the word heresy and is spelled very similar. This is another indication that, in fact, the minister is going against the Lords own will and Sarah is not. The narrator

  • Historical Truth

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    the chapter 5 of this book. First and foremost, the definition of ‘historical truth’ itself may not actually be ‘historical’ at all. This is mainly due to the fact that what has happened in the past can never be able to be fully reconstructed in the present day in order for us to completely appreciate the past’s experience. As a matter of fact, the accounts and historical texts that we have read or studied are not what really happen in the past, it is actually what the historians perceive of the past

  • philosophy

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    a persons philosophy can help them when making judgements. One can learn and understand insights to a subject or a dilemma. It can help with their formation of thoughts and ideas. Philosophy is not just about the facts. The facts are put together to make something significant. The facts don’t necessarily make up a persons way of thinking either. A way of thinking is based on what is seen and heard in the world around the viewer. When it comes to a persons thinking, the study of philosophy could help

  • The Human Experience, And John Russon's Theory Of Memory

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    which information is stored and can later be retrieved. It is considered nothing more than a chemical and sometimes physical catalyst for the mind. However, not all see memory as simply a scientific and robotic process. Some argue that memory is in fact more than just a “storage place.” One such person is John Russon. In his book, entitled The Human Experience, Russon presents new ideas and opinions about memory. Russon talks about how memory is a very personal experience. He also describes memory

  • paradigms

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    The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it. "acategories.asp?Author=Flannery+O%27Connor+%281925%2D1964%29" If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. "acategories.asp?Author=Albert+Einstein+%281879%2D1955%29" everyone since teh beginning fo time has had their own views and standards for the way that everything around them should be. these views are seemingly set in stone and unchangeable. there are many examples in the past of terrible consequences for expressing