Erythropoietin Essays

  • The Use of Erythropoietin by Athletes

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    The Use of Erythropoietin by Athletes Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein that is produced primarily in the kidneys in adults and, to a lesser extent, in the liver. It behaves like a hormone, regulating the level of erythropoiesis, and keeping the RBC count within a narrow range It is used widely in medicine as a treatment for a number of serious illnesses, ranging from types of anaemia, to the treatment of certain types of cancer, and also in the battle against AIDS. Unfortunately certain athletes

  • The Use of Erythropoietin EPO in Sports

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    The Use of Erythropoietin EPO in Sports The use of erythropoietin (EPO) by athletes in recent years has made the headlines of sports pages around the world. In this essay we will look at the evidence of EPO use in sport. What leads athletes to using it? We will also look at the advantages and disadvantages of its use for someone who wishes to do so. Athletes are continually seeking an added edge to attain better performances and results. Many are prepared to use pharmaceutical

  • The Physiological Advantages and Disadvantages to Athletic Sports Performance

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    erythrocyte mass is seen in athletes after months of endurance training, dishonest athletes may strive to increase their erythrocyte mass further through the illegal and unethical processes blood doping or administration of human recombinant erythropoietin (rHuEPO). The potential benefits of using such procedures are alluring to the athlete; the increase in erythrocyte mass (and so too in haemoglobin) causes a subsequent increase in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, providing an increased

  • Epogen

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    from Amgen, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. One study by Amgen was "to establish the safety and efficacy of EPOGEN in pediatric patients" (Amgen 89), the second study from FDA, was about erythropoietin, which is

  • Blood Doping Pros

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    unfair advantage not needed in sports. PEDs create many advantages deemed unfair, one of which is endurance, achieved through blood doping. Rather than increasing their endurance through training and exercising, some athletes turn to blood doping. Erythropoietin (EPO) is the most common form of blood doping. This steroid increases oxygen movement throughout the muscles to improve stamina and endurance. Blood doping boosts red blood cell numbers, which are used to transport oxygen to muscles from the lungs

  • The Pros And Cons Of EPO

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    Ryan Vu EPO (Draft) Lance Armstrong is one of the most recognized athletes of the 20th century. He is well known for his seven Tour de France victories. It is one of the most famous and rigorous cycling competitions because of its length, which is over 1,000 miles. It is a huge accomplishment to win just a single Tour de France, but his feat has never been repeated. As he rode triumphantly in his yellow jersey drinking champagne through Paris, he was glorified for his accomplishments. Many

  • Blood Doping Pros And Cons

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    unfair advantage not needed in sports. PEDs create many advantages deemed unfair, one of which is endurance, achieved through blood doping. Rather than increasing their endurance through training and exercising, athletes turn to blood doping. Erythropoietin (EPO) is the most common form of blood doping. This steroid increases oxygen movement throughout the muscles to improve stamina and endurance. Blood doping boosts red blood cell numbers, which are used to transport oxygen to muscles from the lungs

  • Taking a Look at Dialysis

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    Dialysis is used when a person’s kidneys have lost 85-95% of their functioning ability. Over 100,000 people in the US are staying alive due to kidney dialysis. Kidney dialysis is also called renal dialysis. There are two types of kidney dialysis: peritoneal and hemodialysis. Both types of dialysis remove waste, salt and extra water, which builds up in the body. Dialysis not only cleanses impurities out of the blood, it also maintains blood pressure and makes sure to keep healthy levels of sodium

  • Erythropoiin Essay

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    This essay will explain the hormone Erythropoietin, its effects and its role in the professional sporting industry. Explaining what Erythropoietin is, the process Erythropoiesis, its role in the body, its side effects vs. benefits and its role in modern sport will form the basis of this essay. By the conclusion of this essay my point of view will be that naturally occurring Erythropoietin is integral to homeostasis and synthetic Erythropoietin should only be used for specific medical conditions rather

  • Endocrine System Essay

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    thyroid gland, adrenal gland, pancreas, ovaries and testes. However, they are secondary organs part of the body system such as the kidney, liver, and heart. The kidney in particular secretes endocrine hormones such as renin and erythropoietin (EPO). Erythropoietin is a hormone that controls

  • Performance Enhancing Drugs Research Paper

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    Research Project Outcome Topic Question: What are the effects of performance enhancing drugs and why are they popular amongst athletes? Performance-enhancing drugs are commonly used amongst athletes who compete in sports. These substances enhance the performance of the user, which makes them to be stronger, faster and allows them recover from training quicker than an average person. These drugs are illegal in competitive sports and are considered cheating by many people. There have been number

  • Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports

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    recovery from exercise. (“Drugs”) There are three different types of performance enhancing drugs. Anabolic Steroids, Human growth hormone, and Erythropoietin. Anabolic steroids are a synthetic form of human testosterone taken for those who seek muscle growth and strength. (“Drugs”) Human Growth Hormone (HGH) stimulates growth of the whole body. (“Drugs”) Erythropoietin (EPO) increases endurance. (“Drugs”)

  • Polycythaemia Essay

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    What are the Prospects for Genetic Therapies for Polycythaemia? Polycythaemia is a blood disorder defined as an increase in blood erythrocyte concentration. Absolute polycythaemia is where this increase is caused by greater erythrocyte production, determined by measuring the haematocrit level, with one study showing that 83% of sufferers have a haematocrit level of >55%. This should not be confused with relative polycythaemia, caused by a decrease in blood plasma volume often secondary to hypertension

  • Pressure to Win Gives Way to Performance Enhancing Drugs

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    The use of performance enhancing drugs has become more and more common due to the pressure to win. The majority of serious athletes know the competitive urge to be victorious can be intense and often rely on performance enhancing drugs to succeed. There are many types of performance enhancing drugs out there such as anabolic steroids, androstenedione, gonadotropin, and erythoropoietin. Performance enhancing drugs are tempting to athletes because it give athletes a forceful feelings and it helps athletes

  • Why Do Professional Athletes Use Steroids?

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    by the 1970s. As new methods of doping were developed, the number of substances that had to be tested for increased. By the 1970s, tests were able to detect the presence of anabolic steroids, which were used heavily by weight lifters. Tests for erythropoietin-based blood doping were not implemented at the Olympic Games until

  • COPD: A Case Study

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    1. Wheezing occurs with COPD as the airways become more inflamed via the immune and inflammatory responses, smooth bronchial muscles contract, and congestion with increased mucus production causes turbulent airflow. This turbulent airflow will be heard on exhalation because of the narrowed and mucus logged airways (Mitchell, 2015). The increased mucus production occurs when inflammation causes hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the goblet cells (Brashier & Kodgule, 2012). 2. The feeling of fullness

  • Drug Testing in The Olympics

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    the six to one ratio and still participate in the games with the contenders that don't take anabolic steroids. They can't really discourage this because this is still following the guidelines. Another category is EPO, which stands for Erythropoietin. Erythropoietin regulates red blood cell production. The red blood cells deliver the oxygen to the muscles and organs of the body. EPO is mostly used by the long distance runners because of its endurance enhancing qualities.

  • Should Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Banned Persuasive Essay

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    Stop The Dope The use of performance enhancing drugs pose several threats to an athletes health, gives athletes an unfair advantage, and can bring a lost of spirit and integrity for the sporting event and athlete. In athletics there is a code for the use of steroids and other performance enhancing drugs referred to as the World Anti-Doping Code. This code is enforced by the World Anti-Doping Agency and reads: The code bans a substance or procedure if it meets any two of these criteria: 1) it

  • Anemia Disorder

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    time. Poor diet, abnormal hormone levels, some chronic diseases and pregnancy can bring about an anemic condition. A diet that is lacking iron, folic acid, or vitamin B12 can also contribute to the cause of anemia. The body requires the hormone erythropoietin to produce red blood cells. This hormone stimulates bone

  • Gene Doping

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    altered to increase performance. Germline gene doping is the genetic manipulation of a gamete to have superior genes for traits such as muscle growth to produce a child with superior traits. The most probable targets for gene doping are Myostatin, Erythropoietin (EPO), Insulin-like growth factor 1 and vascular endothelial growth factor. Scientists know of roughly 187 gene sequences that are tied to physical activity and athleticism. Gene Doping serves to alter how these genes are expressed and to what