English given names Essays

  • Changing My Name

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    At first I thought about changing my name to a short one because I have a long last name that consists of eleven letters. It then crossed my mind that if I had a short name like Ali or Rita it wouldn’t be as interesting as having a long first name. People would be more concerned with my last name as opposed to my first name, which I believe is more important. Not only that, but it would also amuse me to have a first and last name that is difficult to pronounce; it would give people a challenge.

  • Essay About Vietnam Culture

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    Traditionally, Vietnamese people list their family name first, then their middle name, with their first (given) name listed last. Family members generally use different given names (first names aren 't passed down), and the name reflects some meaning. Most names can be used for either gender. Many Vietnamese immigrants in the US have adopted western customs of naming. With a death in Vietnam Culture the

  • The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot

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    Studies in the Literary Imagination. Vol 23:Issue 2. [EBSCO] Masterfile Premier 1990 Edinborough and London. “Brother and Sister” The Legend of Jubal and Other Poems. London, Blackwood 1874 Eliot, George. The Mill on the Floss. Middlesex, Penguin English Library, 1979.

  • Simon Herbers Research Paper

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    On April 26, 1921, the saying "April showers bring May flowers" was proved incorrect. On this day, Simon Herbers was born in the midst of a snow storm - needless to say, there were no May-flowers. He was a living miracle and the miraculous story of his life still continues today at the age of ninety-five. Herbers grew up on a small family-farm in Iowa that has been in his family for over four generations. His devout catholic family consisted of thirteen nuns and two priests. When a recruiting diocesan

  • Singin In The Rain: Gene Kelly's Largest Dance

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    Gene Kelly was and American actor, singer, film director, producer, dancer and choreographer who was born August 23, 1912 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States where he grew up and began his dancing career. He is the best dancer of all time as his moves are outstanding and can make the littlest dance moves into big and mouth dropping. Gene Kelly excelled at numerous things over the course of his extended career. It was obvious to see that since the age of eight, when Gene began to take dancing

  • Ernest Moncrieff

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    In Oscar Wilde’s play The Importance of Being Earnest, names hold a certain social significance. For example, the first name Ernest bears an arbitrary importance, at least in regards to the bachelorettes of the play. However, neither Jack nor Algernon was christened with this name, so, naturally, they masquerade as the imaginary character who owns the name in order to win the affections of the local bachelorettes. This act is surface level and merely changes the nomenclature of a body. Jack, in particular

  • Twister

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    Twister The movie that I watched was called Twister. It is a movie that is about the study of tornado's and a story of one of the actors lives called Joe. As a little girl, Joe's father was killed by an F-5 tornado( This is the largest size tornado possible). The movie begins with the actual death of Joe's father in 1969. After the tragedy, time is moved on to present day and into the field where Joe is with a group of scientist's called the Chaser's. Joe is presently married to a man called Bill

  • Lee Smith's novel On Agate Hill

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    wrote, “We lose our names as we lose our youth, our beauty and our lives” (163). This quote from Lee Smiths novel On Agate Hill says a lot about Mariah and her own life. She had always been treated like a ‘second citizen’, as most women were in that time period, being that men held the power of most relationships, as well as in society in general, Mariah felt as though she had been pushed around a lot but could not even speak up. When women get married, they give up their last name, almost symbolizing

  • What Should Be Taken in Consideration When Naming a Baby?

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    Names give us a sense of identification. Naming a baby is a very important step during a women’s pregnancy. It is a big decision that you and your partner must make. Not only can this step be so important and stressful but it can also be exciting. You will put a lot of thought into different names before you find the perfect one. You should take your time deciding which name will be right for your baby. Make sure when you finally figure out a name, you and your partner both like and agree on it.

  • Argumentative Essay # 2: The Bachelorette Show

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    The Bachelorette 2016 is still filming, but the spoilers for JoJo Fletcher's season are coming out like crazy. Reality Steve always does a great job of figuring out who makes it to the end and is even usually able to figure out if they end up proposed. Steve actually went to his Twitter to confirm the final four guys on The Bachelorette. It is starting to look like JoJo just might find love. The final four guys this season of The Bachelorette are Chase McNary, Robby Hayes, Luke Pell and Jordan Rodgers

  • Gwen Stefani Scandal

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    Now that it has been shared that Gavin Rossdale allegedly cheated on Gwen Stefani with the nanny, a lot of information about his scandal is coming out. Now In Touch Weekly is sharing that Gwen is actually blaming herself for everything that happened and feels like it was her fault he cheated on her. They were married for 13 years before their entire relationship fell apart. Gwen is moving on and dating Blake Shelton now, but that doesn't mean she is totally over what happened with her husband. Gwen

  • And The Children Will Know Their Name: Naming in Song of Solomon

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    Morrison finds names and naming very important in her novel Song of Solomon. Declaring the importance of names from the start, the epigraph to the novel reads “The fathers may soar / and the Children may know their Names” (Morrison). When first reading the novel people may be surprised by the large quantity and obscurity of characters names. Names like “Milkman”, “Guitar” and “Empire State” sound odd and meaningless but as readers explore the novel they see the importance of these name and how they

  • Daughters of the Dust and Mama Day

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    to those of the Willow Springs of Naylor’s novel. Although nearly a century spans between them, these two people nevertheless share many traits. Many of the residents of Willow Springs answer to a nickname given them as a child; similarly, Viola Peazant reminisces about the nicknames given to children in Ibo Landing. Members of both communities, generations from Africa and steeped in “modernity,” still come to the traditional herbalist for help in matters of the body and spirit: Eula uses Nana’s

  • The play A Memory of Lizzie is a fictional look at the childhood years

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    The play “A Memory of Lizzie” is a fictional look at the childhood years of the infamous murderess Lizzie Bordon The Memory of Lizzie Bordon The play “A Memory of Lizzie” is a fictional look at the childhood years of the infamous murderess Lizzie Bordon. Set in America the late eighteen hundreds, the play takes place in an average middle class neighbourhood in Massachusetts at that time. The play takes place in an average suburban school, and the characters are (or at least the children

  • Black Holes: A Narrative Fiction

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    Aziarah wouldn't require assistance. Kyle recognised that as he viewed how she managed to maintain her smile, and an expression of warmth and sexual interest, even as the youth brazenly turned to his friends and indicated that he'd found himself some pussy to wreck. What a man. The Army veterans own countenance lit up momentarily with amusement at the though the guy had no idea that the only pussy that evening, and one to take it rough, would be himself. Kyle hadn't heard the question, but it was

  • Definition Essay: Why I Choose My Name

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    first name which would be Lacee, Lacee will speak her mind, if anyone messes with my family or friends I will destroy them. I’m known for a quick temper, being loyal, and supportive of others around me. The meaning of Lacee explains how I actually am. The reason it explains me is because I don’t let people hurt my family or friends and I also a quick temper however I will be there for anyone that needs me. One of the reason my parents choose the name Lacee was because it was the only name they could

  • Review of "The Clockwork Three" by Matthew J. Kirby

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    For my book report, I will be doing a book called “The Clockwork Three” by Matthew J. Kirby. It was first published in 2010. This story occurs in the early twentieth century in New York City. The main characters are Giuseppe, Hannah, and Frederick. Giuseppe is an eleven-year-old boy who parents had died and he was soon was kidnapped. He was taken away from his family in Italy to New York City when that happened. Hannah is a twelve-year-old girl who loved school, but had to quit and become a maid

  • Gatsby Alternate Ending

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    The End of Brad It was November 23, 2016. The weather was kinda chilly, I mean it was fall. Jake and Logan were to meet up at around 5ish. They were both going to a Post Malone concert. Jake and Logan are your typical teenage brothers. Both fresh out of highschool and them thinking they were invinceable was the usual. Tonight, however, that perception would change. It was about 5 o’Clock when Jake showed up to the USANA Amphitheatre in Salt Lake City, Utah. Jake looked around for

  • Wally

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    to drink and toward the end of an evening the bottle had met his lips way too many times. Old hippy ways faded to history for everyone else but Walt. Elmer didn’t like his real name. He liked being called by his middle name, Walter, because of the relentless teasing that went on in his childhood. Elmer shared the same name as the famous Warner Brothers cartoon character, Elmer Fudd. The small circle of friends which Wally and myself were a part of gave him several nicknames. Two stood out the most

  • Chinese Culture in Naming

    791 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is the name? The name is a word used for identification. Through two words—a family name and a given name, a personal name identifies a specific, unique and identifiable individual person. Countries name people using their own customs, which are determined by history, society and culture. Some people believe that naming is simply choosing some words to make a good meaning. But Cindy Chang’s article “Chinese names blend traditions, drama” ,which was published in the Los Angeles Times, reveals