Dramatic Techniques Essays

  • Use of Dramatic Techniques in Cartwright's Road and Kane's Blasted

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    Use of Dramatic Techniques in Cartwright's Road and Kane's Blasted In this essay I shall concentrate on the plays 'Road' by Jim Cartwright and 'Blasted' by Sarah Kane with specific reference to use of language and structure of dialogue as examples of dramatic techniques. My explanation of dramatic techniques is perhaps akin to Brecht's opinion regarding this theme: '...The strong centralisation of the story, a momentum that draws the separate parts into a common relationship

  • Dramatic Techniques in Loarca´s Blood Wedding

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    When Lorca wrote Blood Wedding he carefully thought about the dramatic techniques. Lorca uses off stage music, stage directions, verse, symbolism, scenes and acts and imagery to entertain the audience and to make his play feel poetry. Lorca used music as a way of discouraging his audience from the expectations of realism. Lorca said, “The use of music allows me to make the scene less realistic, and do away with the audience’s impression that what is going on is ‘really happening,’ permitting me to

  • Analysis of Act Three Scene Five of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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    and Juliet, I will now focus on how effective Shakespeare dramatic techniques are in on Act Three, Scene five. In this scene, we the audience observe a critical turning point in the play. The characters, Romeo and Juliet have now married and are now in love with each other than ever. Whilst on the balcony, overcome by love, Romeo declares that he will stay with Juliet, regardless of the consequences. Shakespeare uses dramatic language to create a powerful impact on us, the readers. This

  • Analytical Essay on "The Fire On The Snow"

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    positions the audience to sympathize with the tragic death of the heroes in the play by reinforcing the main discourses of both personal and national sacrifices of ordinary men. Many dramatic techniques were used to enhance the audience’s awareness of the struggles that the men had been through. One of the major techniques is Stewart’ positioning of the audience involved the use of lyric verse to assist the audience to create the visual and auditory imagery and to feel the harsh atmosphere that the play

  • Exposure of Mistreatment of Australian Aborigines in 'No Sugar' by Jack Davis

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    mistreated from since western culture first settled, and for many years after that. It is the main purpose of stage dramas to bring issues, such as the one mentioned above, and ideas about these issues to life through dramatic performances and the use of a number of various techniques. No Sugar, a revisionist text written by Jack Davis in 1985, is one of these stage dramas. Jack Davis brings issues and even expresses his own ideas about issues such as the injustices of Aboriginal treatment during the

  • The Destruction of Innocence in Shakespeare's Othello

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    unaffected by the cynical questioning and deceit which characterizes the worldly. Shakespeare portrays naivety and innocence principally, but not exclusively, through the characterization of Desdemona and Othello, and through a whole range of dramatic techniques: their language, behavior, their interaction with other characters, the imagery applied to them etc. The portrayal of the qualities is a complex one which is significant in the following ways. Firstly, the vulnerability of innocence and naivety

  • In act four of The Crucible, Arthur miller shows the varying views of

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    In act four of The Crucible, Arthur miller shows the varying views of justice of the characters How does Arthur Miller use a range of dramatic techniques in Act 4 to conclude his exploration of the theme of justice? In act four of ‘‘The Crucible’’, Arthur Miller shows a turning point for some of the characters and that they have an unfair and incorrect viewpoint of justice. In order to understand this, we need to look at how harshly John Proctor comes about to be judged by his wife and

  • Dramatic Techniques In Blood Brothers

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    being this play. Blood brothers has many significant themes a few examples of the important themes are betrayal, family, power and various others. We explored these themes using different dramatic techniques for example cross-cutting, narration and use of levels. Throughout the exam the use of these dramatic techniques created more depth to our understanding of the play. In the first task, we were asked to create a series of still images which captured the essence of the plot within Blood Brothers. Our

  • Willy Russell's Use of Dramatic Techniques

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    or opera, and that’s the reason why she enrolled on the course in the first place. She explains that she didn’t believe the University would accept her and the audience can see that she’s scared of what it might mean. Willy Russell’s uses dramatic techniques such as speech directions in order to help the actor impersonate the character and send the right message across so the audience would react the way he planned. Russell uses speech directions to shows Rita’s personality, according to the speech

  • A Dramatic Crime Technique: The Story Of Savoie

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    SAVOIE is a dramatic crime thriller. The goal is clear: find the killers and the stakes are high. The idea of a detective investigating two murders isn’t new to the industry, but detective and mystery stories are timeless. They have a faithful fan base, as everyone loves a good murder mystery. The story is driven by themes about second chances, redemption, and justice. However, to be successful with a tried and true concept, they should offer the audience something new or refreshing to excite the

  • Dramatic Techniques in Shirley Valentine by Willy Russell

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    Dramatic Techniques in Shirley Valentine by Willy Russell How do the dramatic techniques use in the play help the audience to understand the importance of Shirley’s transformation? You should refer to the significance of the play’s social and historical (settings, attitudes to women SHIRLEY VALENTINE Task: How do the dramatic techniques use in the play help the audience to understand the importance of Shirley’s transformation? You should refer to the significance of the play’s social

  • Louis de Bernieres's Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

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    Louis de Bernieres's Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Louis de Bernieres uses three principal techniques to portray the effects of war so powerfully in his book. These techniques are the powerful narrative, strong pictorial language, and black humour. Above all, the message is conveyed in the narrative, especially when Louis De Bernieres graphically describes the war’s impact on the soldiers who are fighting for their country. At first, the soldiers are united in their fight against the enemy

  • Act 5 sc 3 and Act 3 sc 3 in Shakespeare's Coriolanus

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    .. ... middle of paper ... ...to this insult immediately which allows Martius to see what he has become. The irony in the scene ultimately makes Coriolanus tragedy apparent. This is due to Coriolanus gradually giving in to the persuasive techniques of his mother. He had previously said that he would not be turned from his target; this gives Aufidius his reason to murder Coriolanus completing his tragedy fully. There is a long pause and Coriolanus is defeated. He holds his mothers hand and

  • Essay On Inherit The Wind: Character Development Of Matthew And Sarah Brady

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    speech of love and questioning, he loudly states, "I will make them understand. I will make them listen." The scene once again peaks in volume, but this peak is followed by a dramatic shift to Sarah's quiet, comforting voice and Matthew's whimpering. The dramatic volume shift makes the conclusion of the scene more dramatic as Matthew repeats, "Mother, they laughed at me," and Sarah comforts, It's OK, baby." Sarah assumes a motherly role as a caretaker and comforter while Matthew is reduced to

  • Analysis of the Last Scene of Film Frankenstein by Kenneth Branagh

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    this final scene. This final scene of the film contrasts with the dramatic scene of the death of Elizabeth where the fire and the fast and heavily scored music increases the drama. The darkness of the building placed with the orangey-yellow glare of the fire as Elizabeth runs through the Frankenstein mansion towards the camera creates a commotion and increases the excitement. The scene suddenly changes from this dramatic scene to a lacklustre landscape of the Arctic; the light change alters

  • Dramatic Tension in the Trial Scene of The Merchant of Venice

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    How does Shakespeare create dramatic interest for the audience in the trial scene, Act 4 scene 1 in ‘The Merchant of Venice’? In the trial scene (act 4 scene 1), Shakespeare uses many different dramatic techniques to make the tension in the court room rise and build. He also uses dramatic irony and many other techniques to engage an audience in this particular scene in the play. These techniques would work have worked on an Elizabethan audience or a modern day audience. Although, these two eras

  • Ballet: marriage between dynamic technique and dramatic storytelling

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    “The ballet is the supreme theatrical form of poetry”. The ballet Giselle successfully embodies common features of romantic poetry without the use of words, but appealing to the senses which ran high among the romantics during romanticism. As a matter of fact, romantics had a blind faith in their intuition, instincts, feelings, emotions and senses; they considered them to be a guide for wisdom and conduct as well as the route to salvation for civilization. Even though literature and ballet use different

  • Priestley's use of dramatic techniques to create tension in An Inspector Calls

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    Examine Priestley's use of dramatic techniques to create tension in the play. Priestly was a socialist writer, and 'An Inspector Calls' is one of the plays in which he tried to display his socialist ideals in. The play was written in the 1940's, a little after the end of the Second World War, and it was first performed in 1946, in Russia, then later in England. Priestly had served in World War 1, and the terrible scenes he saw lead to him having socialist views. He was inspired by other

  • Character Analysis of the Elder Mrs. Winning of Flower Garden

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    for the character Helen Winning in the story "Flower Garden" by Shirley Jackson. The static, intrinsic traits of the Elder Mrs. Winning, which are influential to the outcome of the story, are developed in detail by Jackson's use of description and dramatic scenes. The elder Mrs. Winning is characterized as a woman with an authoritative, domineering personality who is unyielding in her convictions. The elder Mrs. Winning is a sovereign matriarch in her household. After a morning breakfast, as the

  • A View From the Bridge by Arthur Miller

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    A View From the Bridge by Arthur Miller INTRODUCTION In this essay I will be exploring the Key Scene from 'A View From The Bridge', written by Arthur Miller and I will be expressing my thoughts on the importance of this scene to the play as a whole. In 1921 and 1924 the American Government passed laws which severely restricted immigration, and which made it particularly difficult for people from the south and east of Europe to enter the country. However the Depression of the 1930's