Dramatic Form Essays

  • Robert Browning and the Power of the Dramatic Monologue Form

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    Robert Browning and the Power of the Dramatic Monologue Form The dramatic monologue form, widely used by Victorian poets, allows the writer to engage more directly with his reader by placing him in the role of listener. Robert Browning utilised the form to a famously profound effect, creating a startling aspect to his poetry. In poems such as “Porphyria’s Lover,” and “My Last Duchess,” for example, Browning induces a feeling of intimacy by presenting the reader as the ‘confidant’ to the

  • The African World-view in Soyinka's Death and the King's Horseman

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    The African world-view in Soyinka's Death and the King's Horseman In his play, Death and the King's Horseman, Wole Soyinka uses certain literary forms and devices to intermix Yoruba culture and a predominantly European dramatic form to create a play easily understood by the audience, but that allows the introduction of a foreign influence. These devices include the use of a songlike quality in dialogue and the telling of stories, the use of personification and metaphor to give an exotic quality

  • Hamlet

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    Soliloquies make us understand the true feelings that someone is feeling. It unlocks the secret of the mind. What are soliloquies? “ A literary or dramatic form of discourse in which a character talks to himself or reveals his thoughts in the form of a monologue without addressing a listener”. Specific soliloquies illustrate what really goes on in Hamlet’s mind, and also other characters in the play. Hamlet is a very complicating character, and the only way we can actually understand him is through

  • Irving Kristol's Pornograpy, Obscenity, and hte Case for Censorship

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    our soci... ... middle of paper ... ...ure condition has not improved as a result of the new freedom.” Kristol shows his major claims to the reader and makes a connection through rebuttal that gives his essay meaning. Kristol also uses very dramatic statements, which help his argument claims. Despite having these major claims he fails to show support to the reader that his facts are true. He has no hard-core evidence that supports his research. Even further he fails to connect with the opposing

  • Essay on Narcissism and Metadrama in Richard II

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    Narcissism and Metadrama in Richard II Over the last thirty years, Shakespeare criticism has demonstrated a growing awareness of the self-reflexive or metadramatic elements in his works. Lionel Abel’s 1963 study, Metatheatre: A New View of Dramatic Form, provided perhaps the first significant analysis of the ways in which Shakespeare thematizes theatricality, in the broadest sense of the term, in his tragedies, comedies, and histories. In his discussion of Hamlet, he makes the observation—perhaps

  • Portrayal of Women in The Good Earth

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    that period. Paul A. Doyle, a literary critic, remarks that Buck's stories were improbable and simplistic (Chauhan, 1994, 120). He later adds: "In structure, The Good Earth uses a chronological form which proceeds at a fairly regular pace. Buck's stories take the epic rather than dramatic form, that is to say, they are chronological narratives of a piece of life, seen from one point of view, straightforward, without devices; they have no complex plots, formed of many strands skillfully twisted

  • Doctor Faustus: Dramatic Form

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    Marlowe's dramatic activity comprises six brief years, from 1587 to 1593. Yet those six years produced six splendid plays. As the writer of genuine tragedy, all his works illustrated his individualistic conception of tragedy. The classical Greek conception modified by the Renaissance spirit, the conception which portrays `the struggle between the overweening soul, typically Renaissance in its insatiable ambition, and the limitations which it seeks to overcome'. Doctor Faustus was probably written

  • Thomas Hobbes' Answer to Davenant's Preface to Gondibert

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    and 2) flattered by the praise Davenant has lauded him. These hindrances don't prevent Hobbes from detailing a general theory of poetry. He delineates the different types of poetry, discusses the poet and mode of composition, and addresses issues of form, content, and style. His ideas are based largely on his philosophy of rational thought and empirical evidence. Hobbes begins by dividing poetry into three types that correspond with the three types of philosophy and the three "regions of mankind

  • Dramatic Tension in Miller's All My Sons

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    Dramatic Tension in Miller's All My Sons This extract begins with Chris and Ann deciding how they're going to break the news to the Kellers. They start with Joe Keller, and he somewhat approves. The scene is lighthearted until Keller finds out the George is on the phone for Ann from Columbia. This drives is suspicions and gets him very protective. He begins to try and hint to Chris that Ann is here to try and convict him of the death of Larry. Chris then gets very angry with him, and Joe

  • A View From the Bridge by Arthur Miller

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    A View From the Bridge by Arthur Miller INTRODUCTION In this essay I will be exploring the Key Scene from 'A View From The Bridge', written by Arthur Miller and I will be expressing my thoughts on the importance of this scene to the play as a whole. In 1921 and 1924 the American Government passed laws which severely restricted immigration, and which made it particularly difficult for people from the south and east of Europe to enter the country. However the Depression of the 1930's

  • Fostering Language Development in Schools

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    library center, dramatic play center, and the block center including an explanation of how these three areas support language acquisition. As a child enters a classroom they should be surrounded by literacy in every learning center around the room. “A learning center is a defined space where materials are organized in such a way that children learn without the teacher's constant presence and direction.” (Cited Landry, et al., 2014, pg. 12) These areas consist of blocks, dramatic play, music, toys

  • Analysis of the Pastures of Heaven

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    Heaven. This book describes the lives of multiple families and life in a town called the Pastures of Heaven. One family in particular, the Munroe’s, seems to be involved in all families living on the Pastures of Heaven. The Munroe family serves as a dramatic foil character to the rest of the families since, wherever they are, the lovely Pastures of Heaven turn into chaos. In chapter three, Edward “Shark” Wicks is the father of the most beautiful girl in town; he is extremely protective over his daughter

  • Character Analysis of the Elder Mrs. Winning of Flower Garden

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    for the character Helen Winning in the story "Flower Garden" by Shirley Jackson. The static, intrinsic traits of the Elder Mrs. Winning, which are influential to the outcome of the story, are developed in detail by Jackson's use of description and dramatic scenes. The elder Mrs. Winning is characterized as a woman with an authoritative, domineering personality who is unyielding in her convictions. The elder Mrs. Winning is a sovereign matriarch in her household. After a morning breakfast, as the

  • Louis de Bernieres's Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

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    He destroys the idea that some people have about war being an exciting and honourable opportunity to defend one’s nation. Louis de Bernieres portrays the reality of war in a dramatic and effective way through various techniques, but the most notable of these are strong language, black humour, and above all the dramatic mental and physical decay of characters within the narrative.

  • How Does Jane Austen Use Dramatic Irony In Emma

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    in much suspense. The narrator does so using a specific tone which does not allow the reader to outright understand what is to come, or in many cases what is meant at the scene. Evidently, though under the surface, this fact creates the aspect of dramatic irony throughout the novel. It is known, that being a wealthy, mostly bored, and influential individual, Emma wished to set people up and potentially wed them. Being an orphan from a young age and living with her passive father, Emma almost always

  • Analysis of the Last Scene of Film Frankenstein by Kenneth Branagh

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    this final scene. This final scene of the film contrasts with the dramatic scene of the death of Elizabeth where the fire and the fast and heavily scored music increases the drama. The darkness of the building placed with the orangey-yellow glare of the fire as Elizabeth runs through the Frankenstein mansion towards the camera creates a commotion and increases the excitement. The scene suddenly changes from this dramatic scene to a lacklustre landscape of the Arctic; the light change alters

  • Act 5 sc 3 and Act 3 sc 3 in Shakespeare's Coriolanus

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    A tragedy typically deals with the downfall of an important character, in a serious play, via a fatal flaw. The audience would feel upset for the character as his weakness is not his fault and his in his nature. A tragedy has an unhappy ending or ongoing poignant events and during Act 5 sc3 and Act 3 sc3 in Shakespeare?s Coriolanus many of these take place. Coriolanus? weakness is his honesty. As we see later others know how to manipulate this which in turn brings him to his demise. Although he

  • Analysis of the Film Thelma and Louise

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    1. Definition of the catalyst of the film “Thelma and Louise” The catalyst moment in the screenplay is when Louise shoots Harlan. The incident, when Harlan is assaulting Thelma, set the first dramatic moment. This major event is the twist that provokes the action to escalate to the next act. In outrageous behavior, with suppressed feelings about her past, Louise relapses. She defends her friend, and at the same time, reacts to the memories of abuse she suffered, consequently, making justice for both

  • Essay On Inherit The Wind: Character Development Of Matthew And Sarah Brady

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    speech of love and questioning, he loudly states, "I will make them understand. I will make them listen." The scene once again peaks in volume, but this peak is followed by a dramatic shift to Sarah's quiet, comforting voice and Matthew's whimpering. The dramatic volume shift makes the conclusion of the scene more dramatic as Matthew repeats, "Mother, they laughed at me," and Sarah comforts, It's OK, baby." Sarah assumes a motherly role as a caretaker and comforter while Matthew is reduced to

  • Miss Elizabeth's Mode Analysis

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    Throughout the book, Elizabeth, words, thoughts, and concerns are mainly addressed towards her husband Tony. One example of dramatic mode is a simple line when Elizabeth states “Well, its Tony,” starting to vent to Miss Clara about her problems. Another example of dramatic mode is when Elizabeth states “Tony, he’s completely unaware,” explaining to Miss Clara how her husband is starting to be absent from their daughter’s life. Epic mode only