Distinction Essays

  • Leibniz's Distinction Between Natural and Artificial Machines

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    Leibniz's Distinction Between Natural and Artificial Machines ABSTRACT: I maintain that Leibniz's distinction between 'organic machines of nature' and the artificial machine that we produce cannot be adequately understood simply in terms of differing orders of structural complexity. It is not simply that natural machines, having been made by God, are infinitely more complex than the products of our own artifice. Instead, Leibniz's distinction is a thoroughly metaphysical one, having its root in

  • Comparative Formal Analysis; Similar on Account of Distinctions

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    Comparative Formal Analysis; Similar on Account of Distinctions The analysis of a work of art can help the viewer, and the reader of the analysis for that matter, to better understand the relationships of the physical elements of the piece. This kind of analysis can then lead the viewer or reader on the pathway of comprising a richer understanding and appreciation of the mood created through the physical criteria of form. Analyzing two works that both embody a few common characteristics can

  • Enders Game: The Parallels and Distinctions of Bean and Ender

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    Bean and Ender have many similarities that set them apart from their peers in times of peril. Their intelligence made them the most promising weapon in the war against the buggers, rating highest among the smartest children in the world. This is surprising on account of the dissimilarities of their lifestyles before they went to battle school. However, before and during battle school Bean and Ender had to cope with being small. Ender and Bean were both prodigies in their time, but ironically they

  • Class Distinctions in World War I

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    Class Distinctions in World War I Pat Barker's novel Regeneration explores the effects that World War I has on the human condition and more specifically on the condition of the British people. One particular area of exploration is the detrimental presence of class distinctions within the ranks of the British military. This issue of class distinction is addressed specifically on pages 66 and 67 of the novel through a conversation between Billy Prior and Dr. Rivers. The characters' discussion

  • The Role of Language in Creating and Reinforcing Social Distinctions Such as Class, Ethnicity, and Gender

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    The Role of Language in Creating and Reinforcing Social Distinctions Such as Class, Ethnicity, and Gender It is said in a myth that people were once trying to build a giant latter to heaven so God made them all diverse by making portions of the people look different and speak different language. The now diverse people of earth felt annoyed and human nature took its ugly toll and separation and distinctions were made, they all scatter throughout the world. God did this so that the people would

  • Class Distinctions and Internal Struggle in the Works of James Joyce

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    Class Distinctions and Internal Struggle in the Works of James Joyce In the early twentieth century, Ireland, and more specifically Dublin, was a place defined by class distinctions. There were the wealthy, worldly upper-class who owned large, stately townhouses in the luxurious neighborhoods and the less fortunate, uneducated poor who lived in any shack they could afford in the middle of the city. For the most part, the affluent class was Protestant, while the struggling workers were overwhelmingly

  • Reading Response

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    question; what is new and what is not? This concerns the class distinctions and if modernization is actually occurring. The middle class in Kathmandu is claiming its own domain through clothing and ostracizing themselves. The author deems this action as adornment he defines it by stating, “It is used to set individuals and groups apart from some and to signal sameness”. Adornment can be a class distinction but also a gender role distinction. Women practice adornment to be indifferent in their relationships

  • John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding

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    John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding In John Locke's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding", he makes a distinction between the sorts of ideas we can conceive of in the perception of objects. Locke separates these perceptions into primary and secondary qualities. Regardless of any criticism of such a distinction, it is a necessary one in that, without it, perception would be a haphazard affair. To illustrate this, an examination of Locke's definition of primary and secondary qualities

  • Boundaries in To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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    boundaries that it facilitates. The boundaries of the quiet little town of Maycomb, Alabama are constantly tested by the games that people play. In each game, distinctions evolve. The distinctions become the rules of the game, of life, and from them, different boundaries form for each new character. With each new drama, characters and distinctions change, as do the boundaries which form them. The "summertime boundary" introduces the first instance of boundaries. This serves as the area in which Calpurnia

  • Good Citizen vs. Good Man

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    man and the good citizen are not one and the same. What can be said about one cannot be necessarily said about the other. It is essential for the good man to be a good citizen. It is not, though, vital for the good citizen to be a good man. This distinction is important to make, because it helps one understand that the qualities a good man possesses far supersede those of a good citizen. A good citizen does what is best for the community, his city. As long as he is no harm to his surroundings, and

  • How To Listen In Sonny's Blues By James Baldwin

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    understand the narrator's heightened degree of perception as it unfolds in "Sonny's Blues", it is necessary to begin with a thorough discussion of hearing and listening in general, and then as they relate to the story. First, one must understand the distinction between hearing and listening. Hearing is simply the reception of sound waves by the ears. This may happen unconsciously, as is usually the case with soft background noise such as the whoosh of air through heating ducts or the distant murmur of

  • Problem Based Learning

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    of these distinctions is the reliance on problems to drive the curriculum. The problems do not test skills; they only assist in development of the skills themselves. The problems are not normal problems; the answers will not be able to be solved until the students themselves do more work. The second distinction is that the problems should not mean to have only one solution, and as new information is gathered, perception of the problem and thus the solution changes. The third distinction, a very important

  • Fichte's Subjective Idealism

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    Fichte's Subjective Idealism With a dramatic dialectic style, Fichte expounds his subjective idealism which seriously undermines claims of an external world and which ultimately borders on solipsism. Beginning with the question of Free Will, Fichte concludes that there is none before engaging a mysterious Spirit in a philosophical dialogue over the nature of Fichte's knowledge. In the end, Fichte curses the Spirit for revealing the grim truth: "all reality is transformed into a fabulous dream

  • Immanuel Kant

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    a pair of crucial distinctions among the judgments we do actually make. The first distinction separates a priori from a posteriori judgments by reference to the origin of our knowledge of them. A priori judgments are statements for which there is no appeal to experience in order to dertermine what is true and false. A posteriori judgments, on the other hand, are statements in which experience determines how we discover the truth or falsity of the statement. Thus, this distinction also marks the difference

  • George Herbert Mead: The Self, ''Me'' and ''I''

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    affirmations and performatives which cannot be explained within the philosophy of language. Only philosophical anthropology can explain their feature of "impossibleness," and a distinction between unreflective and reflective consciousness is central to the explanation. Particularly important here is G. H. Mead's distinction between two aspects of the self: the "I" and the "me." Each of the four kinds of impossible descriptions distinguished has its own contrary opposite. These are, in turn, logical

  • Euthanasia Essay: Assisted Suicide

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    voluntary euthanasia is morally acceptable (at least, in principle). Daniel Callahan, on the other hand, in his "When Self-Determination Runs Amok," counters that the traditional pro-(active) euthanasia arguments concerning self-determination, the distinction between killing and allowing to die, and the skepticism about harmful consequences for society, are flawed. I do not think Callahan's reasoning establishes that euthanasia is indeed morally wrong and legally impossible, and I will attempt to show

  • John Stuart Mill and the Ends of Sport

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    book over an exciting ballgame, John Stuart Mill’s distinction in Utilitarianism between higher and lower pleasures offers a useful framework for thinking about contemporary sport. This first became apparent while teaching Utilitarianism to undergraduates, whose interest is often piqued by using Mill’s distinction to rank popular sports such as baseball, football and basketball. This paper explores more seriously the relevance of Mill’s distinction for thinking about sport, focusing specifically on

  • Pygmalion

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    class friends that they believe him and start talking in the same way. On the way out the door Clara imitates the silly nonsense and laughs as she says goodbye. Alfred Doolittle is another character in the play that doesn’t really show a class distinction. When you first see Alfred in Act II he is a trash man. “He is an elderly but vigorous dustman , clad in the costume of his profession, including a hat with a back brim covering his neck and shoulders,” states Shaw (the author of Pygmalion). While

  • Early Humans and the Environment

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    today like having our hands free, and increased mobility. As humans progressed along their history they earned the distinction of “homo sapiens”. This title was conferred as the brain casing increased in size indicating the developmental process of human thought. Our ability for abstract thought has given us the ability to effect the places where we live. Today we have the distinction of “homo sapiens sapiens”, and we are spectators of the ever more rapid pace of human development. The environment

  • John Dewey's Criticisms of Traditional Philosophy

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    essence of Dewey’s criticisms are found in a few key distinctions. Therefore, I cover the history of philosophy with blanket criticisms of the blanket categories of "classical" and of "modern" thought. For Dewey, the fundamental error characteristic of both Greek and Modern thinking is the artificial bifurcation of our thoughts, feelings and actions from the natural world. As I see it, the heart of this metaphysical mistake is captured by the distinctions he draws between the "instrumental" and "consummatory