Direct digital manufacturing Essays

  • Chuck Hull: Inventor of the 3d Printer

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    Chuck Hull and The 3d printer Early life and stereolithography: Chuck Hull Was born on May 12 1939. In 1983 Chuck invented stereolithography and subsequently And in 1989 founded 3D systems. Stereolithography was developed when there was no such thing as rapid prototyping/creating a concept model If you were lucky you could make a working prototype even though It took months and thousands of dollars. And while engineers were Using A computer to help them design and manufacture prototypes. There

  • 3d printers

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    state at the beginning of their invitation: “prototypes have acquired certain prominence and visibility in recent times”. (The long history of prototypes, Micheal Guggenheim,2006) In 1920s, prototyping is become very important issue in developing manufacturing technology. Paper scales, wooden or clay models are used for describe inventors ideas. These methods are sufficient for these year but recent years, people want to constitute their ideas into being faster and more exact dimension. So, In 1980s

  • Advantages Of 3D Printing

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    3D printing is known as computer modeling or alternative construction. It is a process of creating a real object from a 3D model sample. 3D printer is a professional device, which uses a method of layering to create physical objects from a digital 3D model. After creating the model in any 3D software it needs to be saved as an STL file, after what it needs to be checked in some other softwares for errors and then transmitted to the 3D printer. Throughout the course we learned some of the methods

  • The Future Of 3D Printing

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    belongs to a class of manufacturing called as additive manufacturing. This differs from traditional manufacturing which is subtractive manufacturing where goods are cut, drilled or moulded to form shapes. In additive manufacturing a 3d printer prints the entire product in laminas of 2d images. So each scan adds an extra layer of product super imposed on the previous one. This helps in creating difficult pattern which are difficult to manufacture using subtractive manufacturing as the pattern gets added

  • Additive Manufacturing: 3-D Printing Systems

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    printing, also known as additive manufacturing, emerges today. Founded in the 1980’s, the innovative printer has made massive improvements since its birth. Traditional production, also known as subtractive manufacturing, is slowly fading away as consumers and companies partake in the 3-D frenzy. Additive manufacturing is without a doubt the better production method because it ensures quick production, reduced costs, healthier environmental impacts, and major manufacturing advancements in America. To realize

  • The Ultimate Guide To The 3D Printer Filament

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    The Ultimate Guide To The 3D Printer Filament What is 3D Printing? Technology has developed to such an extent that we can now manufacture products, previously only possible with expensive machinery, practically right in our living rooms. One such approach is the ability to use a special machine called the 3D printer or the 3D printing machine to create three dimensional objects, by means of an additive process. Whereas traditional machining techniques such as cutting, drilling and milling uses a

  • SLS and FMD Manufacturing Processing

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    The manufacture industry has been developing since the industrial revolution, however with the evolution of some advanced technologies and the widespread of specialized Computed Aided Design (CAD) software, the traditional way of manufacturing products may be about to change. According to E. Sachs two needs, which are key to industrial productivity and competitiveness, are the reduction in time to market for new products and the flexible manufacture of products in small quantities [1]. A factor

  • Disadvantages Of 3D Printing

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    II. Manufacturing: 3D printing has many advantages over traditional construction methods. With the help of 3D printing, an idea can transform a designer’s computer to actual finished product or component, potentially skipping many of traditional manufacturing steps, which includes procurement of parts, creation of moulds, creation of parts using different moulds, welding metal parts together, machining to carve parts from blocks of material and final assembly. It also reduces the amount of material

  • Hellmann's Case Study: Selling Price And Sales Volumes

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    $8 for a 4-6oz jar. They are smaller niche brands that do not have the brand recognition and supply chain as Hellmann’s. We feel that we have a competitive advantage and will be able to price our products at a lower price. Based on our current manufacturing operations and variable cost, we predict that we can price Gourmet Selects for roughly $5.99 for a 9 ounce jar. This will place

  • Hellmann's Case Study: Selling Price And Sales Purmands

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    lower price. Based on our current manufacturing operations and variable cost, we predict that we can price Gourmet Selects for roughly $5.99 for a 9 ounce jar. This will place

  • Tivo Case Study

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    Introduction TiVo was incorporated in 1997 they intended to create an interactive television system that developed the idea of recording digital video on a hard disk. TiVo allowed consumers to watch their T.V shows when they wanted to watch them by recording, playing back, and pausing live television. TiVo has now bundled its services with many companies, but at one point Direct T.V accounted for 70% of TiVo's costumers. Effective marketing and innovation have made TiVo the best known DVR in the industry

  • Matsushita Case Study

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    for the establishment of Panasonic microwave oven. These are the major products of Matsushita that facing supply chain issues and develop supply strategy to gain expected outcomes. On the other hand, Sony products are electronic consumable goods. Digital cameras and camcorders are the potential products of Sony in the china market place. Advance consumer electronics and global leader in the technological product lines. The innovative products

  • Environment Effects of 3D Printing

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    Environment Effects of 3D printing Imagine a world where low-cost productions are created at home with a push of a button. You can create you very own personalized designs with out the need of the manufacturing factories. As manufacturing goes digital, the fundamental of economy will change new technologies will be explored as we roll into the third greatest industrial revolution. As society evolves the economy will shift, allowing people to produce their very own products from home. Using three-dimensional

  • The Impact of Digital Signal Processing

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    great number of applications for Digital Signal Processing and in order to better understand why DSP has such a large impact on multiple aspects of society, it helps to better understand the wide variety of applications it can be used for. Here we will briefly look into the following applications of Digital Signal Processing and their uses; speech and audio compression, communications, biomedical signal processing and applications in the automobile manufacturing industry. Li Tan [1] goes into detail

  • Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC Malaysia)

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    government and administrative capital of Malaysia where the concept of electronic government. Cyberjaya become an intelligent city because have multimedia industries, R&D centres, a Multimedia University and operational headquarters to direct their worldwide manufacturing and trading activities through multimedia technology. Besides, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) is committed to dr... ... middle of paper ... ...evelop with the growth environment for Malaysian ICT SMEs to transform themselves

  • Industry Analysis: Kia Motors

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    Crossover for the common man. AutoWeek, 59(21), 27. Retrieved from Hammonds, D. (2010, January 15). Detroit auto show proves which carmakers will be the strongest in the near future. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA), Retrieved from (2010, March 31). Kia Rolls Home With Nielsen’s Top Auto

  • A Brief Note On Mega Environmental Factors

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    com/management/principles-of-management/631/external-environment-mega-or-general-environment.html International Element:- It includes the developments in countries outside an organization’s home country that have the potential impact to the organization. International factors far beyond the direct influence of a particular organization can have profound effects on its ability to operate successfully. Sociocultural Factors:-

  • Dell Computers Strategy

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    personal digital assistants (PDAs), software, computer peripherals, and more. They design, build and customize products and services to satisfy a range of customer requirements: from the server, storage and Premier Services needs of the largest global corporations, to those of consumers at home. According to the Fortune 500 2006 list, Dell ranks as the 25th-largest company in the United States by revenue. Dell Inc. has realized that the most efficient path to the customer is through a direct relationship

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Electronic Communication

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    (MMS) 3 Entertainment 3 Examples of situations outside my experience 4 People with disabilities: 4 Finding a (council) house: 4 Affects of electronic communication on organisations: 4 IT and manufacturing 5 IT and commerce 5 Banking 6 Affects on people who do not have access to electronic communication: 6 Digital Divide 6 Disabilities 7 People who do not wish to have access to electronic communication: 7 The Amish 7 Introduction In this task I am going to write a report on the effects

  • Swot Analysis Of Dell Computers

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    needs, and provide the most effective computing solutions to meet those needs. Today, Dell is enhancing and broadening the fundamental competitive advantages of the direct model by increasingly applying the efficiencies of the Internet to its entire business. Company revenue for the last four quarters totaled $19.9 billion. Through the direct business model, Dell offers in-person relationships with corporate and institutional customers; telephone and Internet purchasing (the latter now exceeding $18 million