Dextromethorphan Essays

  • Coughing At Night Essay

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    Title: How can proper cures help get rid of coughing at night? Keywords: coughing at night Description: For a healthy body and a sufficient amount of energy, a good night’s sleep is essential. If you’re having trouble with coughing at night, these remedies can help you get back to sleep. How coughing can be a serious issue As the seasons change and winter switches into spring, allergens fill the air. During this time of year, many people who have occasional hypersensitivities to pollen and dust

  • Dextromethorphan Research Paper

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    What Is Dextromethorphan? Dextromethorphan is a drug that is designed to alleviate cough caused by influenza and the common cold. It is approved for patients who are over the age of four. It is extremely important for people to avoid giving this medication to people who are under the age of four. Young children may experience life-threatening side effects if they take this medication. Dextromethorphan works by affecting the chemicals in the brain that triggers coughing. However, it is important

  • Use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in a Vicks NyQuil Advertisement

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    Use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in a Vicks NyQuil Advertisement Advertisements often employ many different methods of persuading a potential consumer. The vast majority of persuasive methods can be classified into three modes. These modes are ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos makes an appeal of character or personality. Pathos makes an appeal to the emotions. And logos appeals to reason or logic. This fascinating system of classification, first invented by Aristotle, remains valid even today.

  • WILL PHUQ: The Arylcyclohexylamine

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    WILL PHUQ - 'KETAMINE-RELATED: THE ARYLCYCLOHEXYLAMINES' Ketamine numbers many relatives in the arylcyclohexylamine class (of which it is itself a member), although not all are dissociative in effect, or indeed pharmacologically active. Arylcyclohexylamines are useful tools for chemists and pharmacologists, due to their application in research on NMDA receptors, dopamine reuptake inhibitors, and opioid receptors. Other (unrelated) chemical classes with dissociative effect include Adamantane/ memantine

  • paper

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    drugs. There are many over the counter drugs that are being abused. The top three abused over the counter drugs are dextromethorphan, pain relievers, and diet pills. Dextromethorphan is an active drug found in over a hundred over the counter sleeping medicines such as Robitussin and NyQuil. One in every ten teens abuse cough medicine to get high. Medicines mixed with dextromethorphan are easy to find, affordable, and one hundred percent legal. Getting hands on the dangerous drug is often as easy as

  • Pseduobulbar affect

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  • The Pseudobulbar Effect

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    antiarrhythmic quinidine, will have greatly increased metabolism of dextromethorphan, a substrate of 2D6. Interestingly, this mechanism is used in the treatment of pseudobulbar affect, a symptom associated with numerous neurological conditions. In treating this disorder, the therapeutic agent dextromethorphan, often used as a cough suppressant, is paired with the inhibiting quinidine to allow for greater amounts of dextromethorphan to build up within the body. Pseudobulbar affect (also known as PBA)

  • Bees Persuasive Essay

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    used for medical and nutritional benefits. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists honey as demulcent, which is a substance that relives irritation in your mouth or throat by forming a protective film. Research shows that honey works well as a dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in over the counter cough medications, to soothe cough and related sleeping difficulties due to upper respiratory tract infection in

  • Nuedexta Case Studies

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    Nuedexta® for Pseudobulbar Affect in an ALS Patient Pseudobulbar Affect (PBA) is a neurological condition that causes the patient to experience inappropriate and uncontrollable laughing and crying, which is an exaggeration of the emotions experienced or, in some instances, totally unrelated to the patient’s emotions. Episodes, which can last from seconds to several minutes, are often mistaken for mood disorders and can be disruptive to daily living (Mayo, 2017). Approximately 43 to 49 percent of

  • Deadly Trend: Over The Counter Drugs

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    effect. “Many of these products are widely available and can be purchased at supermarkets, drugstores, and convenience stores. Many OTC drugs that are intended to treat headaches, sinus pressure, or cold/flu symptoms contain the active ingredient dextromethorphan (DXM) and are the ones that teens are using to get high” (“Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse”). Although the percentage on teens abusing illegal drugs has decreased in the past years, over-the-counter drugs (OTC) abusers have increased in abundance

  • Tourette's Syndrome Essay

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    rates in suppressing tics. A variety of neuroleptics are available but some are more effective than others. Haloperidol and Pimozide are more effective. Aside from neuroleptics, patients can take stimulant medications such as methylphenidate and dextromethorphan. These can lessen ADHD symptoms in people with Tourette's without the side effect of increased tics. If medication isn't a preferred method, then a patient can go through behavioral treatments such as awareness training in competitive response

  • Pros And Cons Of Self-Medication

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    Self-care can be defined as primary health resource in health care system. It involves the health activity, health decision of individual and include self medication, self-treatment , social support in illness and first aid in everyday life 12. Now a day there is a increasing trend for self medication in developing countries. Craving for medicines and self-medication has been part of mankind from one generation to another. People had a concept of medicine should be used of any sickness or any sort

  • Taking a Look Inside Hallucinogens

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    It began with naturally occurring hallucinogens, such as the peyote cactus plant and wild mushrooms. Now there are man made drugs that have the same or more intense affects. These include lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), MDMA (ecstasy), and dextromethorphan (DMX, often found in cough syrup). Within this essay, I will cover the history, production, and affects of hallucinogenic drugs. Peyote, a naturally produced plant, has been used as a hallucinogen since as early as 200 AD. It was originally used

  • Ecstasy Research Paper

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    Ecstasy (MDMA) is a highly illegal psychoactive drug that is known by many different, harmless sounding, street names including Adam, Clarity, Disco Biscuit, E, Eve, Go, Lover’s Speed, Mandy, Molly and X. What Ecstasy is actually comprised of however, is the very dangerous 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA. The psychoactive drug itself was originally created in the 1900s as a compound to synthesize other drugs. In the 1970s some psychiatrists began experimenting with Ecstasy during physchotherepy

  • Robert Earl Davis Jr- DJ Screw

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    Robert Earl Davis, Jr.; better known as DJ Screw; was a southern hip-hop pioneer. DJ Screw was said to have been the originator of the "chopped and screwed" musical style that sweep the hip-hop world during the 90's. Just as he was about to break into national stardom in the hip hop industry, DJ Screw was found dead in the bathroom of his recording studio on November 16, 2000 at the age of 29. "The Harris County medical examiner confirmed suspicion that (DJ) Screw had overdosed on a combination of

  • A Career As A Retail Pharmacist

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    Retail pharmacy is a very crucial aspect of the healthcare system in the United States and the world in general. The last point of call where patients see a healthcare professional is the pharmacy and the pharmacist has a duty to the patient in the area of their safety and wellbeing. The work a pharmacist does in the field of retail pharmacy is seen by most part of the general public as “counting pills into a bottle and labeling it, sometimes leaving the computer screen to tell the patient to take

  • La Raza Unida Party Analysis

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    The La Raza Unida Party began in the 1960’s as a social movement in the small South Texas town of Crystal City. Although Mexican Americans made up the majority of the population at 85% they had very little clout within the political landscape, which was dominated by Anglos. The Mexican Americans experienced no political representation and many were denied the right to vote because they didn’t speak or read English and many could not afford the poll taxes. The discrimination experienced by the

  • Tramadol Drug Fact Sheet

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    Tramadol Drug Fact Sheet This paper, while not intended as a comprehensive report of every fact about the analgesic drug Tramadol, will provide an in-depth review of all pertinent information. Tramadol Description Tramadol is a pain reliever used to treat moderate to severe pain. Classification of Tramadol falls under the opiate analgesic category (NIH 2013). To get a prescription of Tramadol you would need to be in moderate to severe-acute pain similar to that following surgery, or chronic pain

  • Drugs Abuse: Trading Health for Euphoria

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    Ecstasy is chemically known as MDMA or Methyline Dioxymethamphetamine (WWW1). Similar to other amphetamine derivatives, Ecstasy is a stimulant to the central nervous system. Ecstasy was first synthesized in 1914 in Germany and was distributed as an alternative to the appetite suppressant, MDA (WWW2). As people became more knowledgeable about the euphoric effects of this drug, the demand for it became larger and larger. In the 1960's, Ecstasy was characterized as the "love drug". It was also used