Pseduobulbar affect

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PBA is also known as Pseudobulbar Affect is a neurological condition that occurs in the brain, which has many symptoms that can be misdiagnosed, unfortunately it is incurable but there are medicines that can help. PBA is a condition which affects about 2 million people in America, some people do not even know they have it. The prefix pseudo means false,and the suffix bulbar refers to the brain stem, the word affect describes the person’s emotions. The symptoms of PBA are uncontrollable laughter and/ or crying. One of the diseases that can be misdiagnosed with PBA is depression. People with PBA act as if they have depression because of frequency of crying, they do not because there are certain factors that can distinguish people with PBA and a person without PBA.
Unfortunately, the origin of PBA is unknown. the symptoms of PBA are uncontrollable laughter and/or crying at any given moment of the day. For example, a person could be watching a hilarious television show, but start crying hysterically when someone tells a joke. Another example, can include a person who is at a funeral, but starts laughing when him/her sees the body. PBA differs from depression because a person with PBA has sudden outburst of crying while a person who has depression is always depressed. Another factor that contributes to the difference between PBA and depression is that PBA is caused by the disruption between the brain signals due to brain trauma or a neurologic condition. When a person is having an episode of PBA, what they are feeling on the inside does not match their episode, for example, a man interviewed for ABC news stated “The outward expression did not match what was going on inside.”, Diehl noticed that he had PBA when he was at his ...

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