Debating Essays

  • How to Prepare for a Debate

    568 Words  | 2 Pages

    How to Prepare for a Debate "People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." This quote by Gilbert K. Chesterton rings true when taking into consideration any domestic argument. Debating is a method used to argue a topic between individuals or team members. Generally debating is used to maintain order while the opposed argue. Here are some helpful guidelines for the preparation of a three aside parliamentary style debate. Firstly, when preparing for a three aside parliamentary style debate

  • Film Analysis: THe Great Debaters

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    The purpose of the review assignment for the movie “The Great Debaters” was to allow students to learn how to discuss a point intelligently. When research and facts are presented calmly and logically, it is more easily understood. Changing another person’s opinion on an idea is more likely to happen when there is no conflict or disagreement. The instructor wanted the students to view the difference between aggressive and non-aggressive behavior. Nursing Problems is the current class in session

  • The Great Debaters Ethos

    716 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the inspiring movie The Great Debaters, a group of three African Americans rises to the top of the debate scene despite the handicap of being black and coming from the small town of Marshall, Texas. The debaters wouldn’t have grown throughout the story if their debate coach Professor Tolson hadn’t taught them things like facing reality and how to overcome difficult situations. Thanks to their debate coach, Professor Tolson, who despite his radical political views, empowers the debaters until they

  • Self-Discovery Through a Priest's Questions

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    Note 4 or iPhone 6.” Another example for my love for debating is during football season. My friends and I debate constantly about who has the best defense, and who is going to win the game. Most would say this is not a hobby, but if one were to see what I do in preparation for these sports events, you would have second thoughts. Additionally, I watch other people debate about these topics and use their words as quotations for evidence. Debating is, in other words, impromptu arguments that prepare

  • Women Everywhere Scholarship Essay

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    I have to go to practice twice a week, review many papers, do a weird speaking drill, and of course, practice debating with my co-debaters. Fortunately, all my hard work has paid off! At my first tournament, I won 4th place in the speaker awards and finalist team award. A huge achievement right off the bat! I was so scared that at the next tournament, I wouldn’t

  • The Debate

    1536 Words  | 4 Pages

    brief synopsis on the back page.  My novel on the subject of the end of summer school debate has lost its share of pages but the back-cover synopsis, the essence of the entire experience, is still with me. “We are about to begin our annual debating tournament,” the instructor beamed with an enthusiasm that let each of us know how happy he was that we had made it this far.  “It will be the culmination of your six weeks of learning and will count as a considerable part of your grade for the

  • Civil Rights Attorney: The First Girls Soccer Team

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    participating in speech and debate competitions to founding the first girls soccer team in my town—these experiences have shaped me into a well rounded individual who has what it takes to become a Civil Rights Attorney. For as long as I can remember debating has been prominent in my life full of oppression and constant discrimination. I first decided to join the Speech and Debate club at my school because I saw it as an opportunity to further develop my ability to craft strong arguments. In the world

  • Debating the Constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance

    1204 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Pledge of Allegiance is currently just the small amount of thirty-one words, and only two of these words are the source of much debate within our country today. This pledge has changed throughout the years, since it was published in 1892, in seemingly small ways. Yet these two words have threatened the constitutionality of the pledge itself, and have been the cause for many an argument. Why do these two small words make so many people uncomfortable in reciting the pledge? Although the words are

  • Debating the Motivating Factors for Hackers

    1230 Words  | 3 Pages

    Debating the Motivating Factors for Hackers There is no shortage to the potential motivators of hackers; however, motives can be distinguished by the various roles that hackers assume. In the reading to follow, this researcher will present an assessment of Sarah Gordon’s interview regarding various perspectives pertaining to psychological differences between cybercriminals and traditional real world criminals. Additionally, a comparison of hackers versus virus writers and the various roles of hackers

  • Debating the Impact of the Electoral College

    1416 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Electoral College is a confusing topic to most people, and its effect on how votes are represented in presidential elections. Essentially people vote and electors, people assigned to vote on the people 's behalf, and the candidate that wins the popular election in that state 's gets the the Electoral College votes for that state. The amount of votes is based on the population and the first candidate to win two hundred and seventy Electoral College votes wins. This system is debated on whether

  • Debating the Legality and Morality of Abortion

    1653 Words  | 4 Pages

    Marisa Guzman 12/3/14 HDCS Abortions There will always be a debate over whether or not abortion should be a legal option. It continues to divide Americans very long after the US Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade. People, identifying themselves as pro-choice, say that choosing abortion is a right that should not be limited by the government or religious authority, and it outweighs any right claimed for a fetus or an embryo. It is said that pregnant women will resort to unsafe, illegal abortions

  • Debating Free-Will: An Exploration of Perspectives

    1141 Words  | 3 Pages

    Part One, The Thesis: Free-will, the ability one has to act without the constraint of necessity or fate. It the power a person has to act at one’s discretion. Do we really have the freedom to experience what we want, when we choose? Some would say yes while some others will say no, philosophers have argued about this topic and there hasn’t been any particular conclusion yet. It is the ability a person or animal has to choose his or her course of actions. Although most philosophers suppose that the

  • Debating the Topics Monism and Vedanta

    792 Words  | 2 Pages

    Monism and Vedanta Philosophical way on humanity, for centuries philosophers have debated on a topic called Monism. Monists hold the principle that being is purely based upon one critic “category of being” this means that either the person is made up of only the body or only the mind (Morris). Because Animists, Hindus, and Buddhists believe that reality is one and that everything that exists is a functioning part of that whole which is spirit are for the most part monists. Western people for

  • Debating the Cause of Global Warming

    924 Words  | 2 Pages

    Global Warming The world is warming up. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has declared that the cause of the warming is human emission of certain gases into the atmosphere. The verdict of the IPCC is widely, but not universally, accepted. A small minority of scientists reject the finding of IPCC and propose that global warming is driven by the sun. Some also charge that IPCC is driven by a political agenda. These dissidents are beginning to get a public hearing. It is

  • Debating Same-Sex Marriages

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    From the point of view of Gallagher, marriage is to give a child a mother and a father and to raise them in the best environment possible. She argues that when men a women have a kid and are not married or stay married the family structure falls apart and then is when many bad things happen to more kids like: poverty, welfare dependence, child abuse, sexual abuse, physical illness, infant mortality, homicide, premature and promiscuous sexuality, juvenile delinquency, educational failure, conduct

  • Debating the Real Monster in Frankenstein

    1358 Words  | 3 Pages

    You Are What You Are The controversy between vengefulness and compassion is one that many debate within society. Whether seen on the news or experienced in person, I myself along with the majority of people instinctively assess whether an offender committed a crime out of honesty or true malicious intent. Further, judges are professionally employed with the duty to decide the severity of a punishment depending on the offender’s overall character. Yet even with conclusive verdicts, these decisions

  • Debating Immigration: Diversifying Power in the U.S

    1406 Words  | 3 Pages

    Population what makes a country special, all the cultures and the history combines a society within the borders of a country. The United States has the most unique and diverse population in the world. But unfortunately, the topic of immigration creates tension throughout the US. Today, immigration is one of the most popular topic of debate especially in politics. For many years the United States has been trying to come with a solution for this particular issue, but unfortunately, they haven’t found

  • Debating Morality: The Controversy of Legalized Abortion

    1917 Words  | 4 Pages

    When human life becomes an option, that is when morality kicks in and the debates start. Human life is optional when abortion is in the scene, which is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. In 1973, abortion became legal in the United States, with each state having their specific guidelines to go along with it. Most states have restrictions on the time frame in which the termination can take place, normally between the first 6-28 weeks, while some have no time restrictions (Abortion

  • Debating Shakespeare's Authenticity: A Literary Controversy

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    In recent years the "Shakespearean conspiracy theory" has created a monumental amount of controversy among the literary world. The source of this controversy lies in the single question of whether or not Shakespeare is the genuine author of his renowned plays and sonnets. Prominent authorship candidates have surfaced, including, Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. Jumana Farouksy, a writer for Times Magazine, states in her article, The Mystery of Shakespeare's Identity, that over three hundred Shakespeare

  • Debating the Achievability of the Modern American Dream

    607 Words  | 2 Pages

    While some people believe that the modern American dream is achievable because of the wealth of some people and how rich they are , others think the modern American dream is not achievable because you don’t have to be wealthy or rich to live the American dream. American Identity also have something to do with the American dream and how it makes everyone apart of the world’s society. Some people believe that the modern American dream is achievable because of the wealth of some people and how rich