Cultural Dimensions Essays

  • The Dimensions of Cultural Context

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    The Dimensions of Cultural Context “The cultural context in which human communication occurs is perhaps the most defining influence on human interaction. Culture provides the overall framework in which humans learn to organize their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in relation to their environment” (1). By going through the five dimensions of the cultural context of Brazil, a lot is revealed about the interesting culture, and gives a better understanding of how Brazilians live. The first dimension

  • Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Theory

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    ” (Summary of Cultural Dimensions Theory 2014). He furthermore developed his initial statement by stating “Management is not a phenomenon that can be isolated from processes taking place in society. It interacts with what happens in the family, at school, in politics, and government.” (Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions: Summary, Forum and Expert Tips 2014). Based on extensive research from 1967 to 1973, Hofstede developed the cultural dimension theory is a framework for cross-cultural management. Culture

  • Hofstede Cultural Dimensions

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    society today, we are observing a rapid increase in globalisation and economic integration. Internationalisation is now a key component for companies’ success in todays highly competitive market. My essay will discuss four Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory and discuss problems that businesses are confronted with when working across foreign borders. I have selected the New Zealand based gourmet hamburger chain Burgerfuel as my case study to relate and discuss Hofstede’s model in relating

  • Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Theory Essay

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    sociocultural factors and in doing so draw on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory in my essay. Over the last two decades, there has been growing globalization and internationalization of businesses, which has increased organization’s desire to improve their understanding about social and cultural differences between countries. The Netherlands has a large population and does not have a uniform national culture. They emphasize on the country’s cultural diversity, acceptance of differences and open-mindedness

  • Cultural Differences In Hofstede's Six Dimensions

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    Cultural Differences in Hofstede’s Six Dimensions According to Professor Geert Hofstede, dimensionalizing a culture requires a complex analysis of a multitude of categories including differing nations, regions, ethnic groups, religions, organizations, and genders. Hofstede defines culture as "the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from another". Throughout his many years of contribution as a social scientist, he has conducted arguably

  • Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory: A Framework For Cross-Cultural Communication

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    Hofstede 's cultural dimensions’ theory is a framework for cross-cultural communication, developed by Geert Hofstede. It describes the effects of a society 's culture on the values of its members, and how these values relate to behavior, using a structure derived from factor analysis. [1] In 1965 Hofstede founded the personnel research department of IBM Europe (which he managed until 1971). Between 1967 and 1973, he executed a large survey study regarding national values differences across the worldwide

  • Greet Hofstede: The Cultural Dimensions Of American Culture

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    The dimensions of culture came as a result of a research conducted by Greet Hofstede. The study investigated how culture in a workplace can be influenced by values of the people. In his view, culture is defined as the collective programming of the human brain that helps in distinguishing a group from another one. Moreover, the programming of the human mind influences the patterns, values and perspectives that define a certain community or nation. Hofstede developed a model of the national culture

  • The Cultural Dimensions Theory by Professor Geert Hofstede

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    Hofstede’s Value Dimensions According to World Speaking, after examining the actions between civilizations, Professor Geert Hofstede created the cultural dimensions theory. He constructed the model based on four primary cultural elements: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, and long-term/short-term orientation. Each of these dimensions holds a different cultural value that is common around the world. Hofstede ranked Indonesia on the first

  • Analysis of International Communication and Globalization by Ali Mohammadi

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    transnational corporations. It also implies changes in communication policies and their impact on cultural autonomy and identity not only in weaker nations but in the most powerful ones as well. It is in this context that International Communication scholars are forced to rethink their existing theories of the free flow of information, the rapid growth of information technology, and the distribution of cultural power in a new environment where boundaries have become porous. Ali Mohammadi’s International

  • Not Just a Number: Critical Numeracy for Adults

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    Withnall 1995). Rather than discussing specific ways to teach math to adults, this Digest looks at emerging perspectives on numeracy and their social, cultural, and political implications as a context for new ways of thinking about adult numeracy instruction. What Is Numeracy? Numeracy involves the functional, social, and cultural dimensions of mathematics. Numeracy is the type of math skills needed to function in everyday life, in the home, workplace, and community (Withnall 1995). Although

  • Cultural Dimensions In People Management

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    Cultural Dimensions in People Management For any international organization, it is of extremely significance to understand cultural differences and make good use of them in the global context. Through insight into a culture perspective, the article analyzes the role and impact of culture. It starts by introducing prerequisite concept of socialization and then deals with four cultural dimensions on the national level. Finally, it copes with corporate culture.  Socialization Socialization

  • Cultural Dimensions Theory Of Negotiation

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    addition to these factors, negotiations are further complicated whenever people from different cultural backgrounds are involved. Culture encompasses a person’s

  • Dr. James Banks on Multicultural Education

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    defines the meaning of multicultural education and its potential impact on society when it is truly integrated into American classrooms. In his lecture, Democracy, Diversity and Social Justice: Education in a Global Age, Banks (2006) defines the five dimensions of multicultural education that serve as a guide to school reform when trying to implement multicultural education (Banks 2010). The goal of multicultural education is to encourage students to value their own cultures and the diverse cultures of

  • Total Quality Management

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    top management held these preconceived notions regarding this method of quality management, skepticism existed at all levels within the affected organizations. This made change next to impossible. The shift to quality management is a cultural shift and cultural shifts must start from the top down. As well, the shareholder driven US economy has a need for immediate results while within the Japanese culture, every decision is based on its’ long term impacts. Although the need for change is apparent

  • Dimensions Of Intellectual Dimension

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    Occupational dimension explains person's satisfaction with his working environment, and occupational development. Physical dimension "recognizes the need of regular physical activity", which includes not only living an active life, but also leading a healthy-lifestyle with its dieting, habits and such supporting rules, as regular medical checking, personal responsibility and care and so on. Social dimension pays attention to the relationships in the community a person lives. The relation is important

  • Employee Orientation: A Strategy for Successful Corporate Culture

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    People (Employee) Orientation. People (Employee) Orientation, the second dimension, is best used when an organization’s employees feel important and valued (2011). One way that Chipotle approaches this dimension is with their restauranteur program, which values the contributions and potential of their existing employees (2014c). Additionally, they expect the people they hire or promote to hold the same values as the company. By hiring people who already believe in their values, as previously discussed

  • The International Student Experience

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    covered by Mann (2001) as the author points out that this framework of analysis is much useful to understand students’ relationship to their learning. Barnettes’ (2005) view about engagement is to focus on the curriculum design as he defines two dimensions of engagement including how the students experience the university and how the curriculum is designed to engage the students. Coates (2007) describes engagement as a general concept that includes both academic and non academic aspects of the

  • Luke's Three Dimensions of Power

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    Luke's Three Dimensions of Power "Power serves to create power. Powerlessness serves to re-enforce powerlessness"(Gaventa,1980:256). Such is the essence of the on going relationship between the Powerful and the Powerless of the Appalachian Valley where acquiescence of the repressed has become not only common practice but a way of life and a means of survival. In his novel Power and Powerlessness, John Gaventa examines the oppressive and desperate situation of the Appalachian coal miners

  • The Scale of Cyberspace

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    Geographical space, as we know it, is undergoing significant changes in its perception. It is in a state of continuous redefinition caused by the increased use of technologies that provide access to cyberspace. Although cyberspace has no physical dimensions, it is very real for the many of us who use modern technology. Whether it is the Internet, accessed through a computer or cell phones, or other private networks such as MMOGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Games), cyberspace is increasingly the site

  • The AIDS Quilt: Another Dimension

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    The AIDS Quilt: Another Dimension "Jones originally envisioned the AIDS quilt as a message that would call upon the conscience of the nation." (Sturken 186) "The AIDS quilt raises the question of the purpose of mourning. For whom do we mourn when we mourn? The foregrounding of the needs of the living and the creation of a community through the quilt point to mourning not simply as a process for remembering the dead and marking the meaning and value of their lives but also an attempt to create