Cough Essays

  • Whooping Cough

    818 Words  | 2 Pages

    Whooping Cough These days whooping cough, also known as Pertussis, is not a serious disease because there are vaccinations available to prevent its occurrence. However, when I was five years old a vaccination was available but neither my siblings nor myself had been vaccinated against it and due to its highly contagious nature, I contracted whooping cough from my older sisters. Both of my older sisters had whooping cough, but they were lucky and managed to get well fairly quickly. Unfortunately

  • Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    The bacterium Bordetella Pertussis causes Pertussis also known as the whooping-cough. This is an extremely contagious respiratory tract infection which causes the lining of the air way to become inflamed and damaged. This leads to an excess production of mucous which irritates the respiratory tract and causes the cough element of the disease. Pertussis can cause other serious illnesses and is usually spread through coughing or sneezing while in close contact with other people who then breathe in

  • Cough Cough

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cough. Sniffle. Sneeze. Sniffle. Shuffling papers. The clicking of the keys on the keyboard. I know these sounds all too well. The chairs in the waiting rooms are awful. You’d think they would have put a little thought into the chairs. It’s like sitting on a bunch of Legos. Sometimes they have this really weird material on them that makes a scratchy noise when you move on it. But finally, after endless waiting and playing every game known to man, they call my name. “Ms. Harper?” They never get my

  • Dextromethorphan Research Paper

    793 Words  | 2 Pages

    designed to alleviate cough caused by influenza and the common cold. It is approved for patients who are over the age of four. It is extremely important for people to avoid giving this medication to people who are under the age of four. Young children may experience life-threatening side effects if they take this medication. Dextromethorphan works by affecting the chemicals in the brain that triggers coughing. However, it is important to note that this medication will not treat a cough that is caused by

  • DXM vs. a religion we call the media: the day the world shat its pants

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    half-a-bottle of cough syrup and I end up with this ingenious poem. Go figure” “Well I suppose I’ll give it a try.” DAY TWO “Dude, look at this painting I did because of the cough syrup.” “See dude, I told you. It makes you smarter.” “Totally.” Then they tell two friends And they tell two friends And they tell two friends And so on And so on GENERATIONS LATER Soon word gets around to big names Big names tell the right people The right people turn DXM into a pill designed, Not to prevent coughs, But to

  • Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legal

    864 Words  | 2 Pages

    obesity and heart disease.”( This explains that people who keep on using marijuana for years can eventually get diseases that cause persistent coughs and gum infections. This also causes longer term consequences like increased risk of cancer and other diseases. Another quote is, “Chronic marijuana use is connected with what, in popular culture, has been called slacker behavior – increased risk

  • Why My Mother Is Special?

    1137 Words  | 3 Pages

    As I 've grown up, I 've viewed my mom in very different ways. Talking to my niece this weekend, I asked her about her mom. She said, "My mom is special because..." and then she followed it was some really cute reasons that I have long forgotten. I realized that her viewpoint of her mom was very serious to her, and she had some extremely different opinions of why her mother was special than I did. Her responses made me think that as we grow up, we view our mom in very different ways, but she always

  • The Common Cold

    2029 Words  | 5 Pages

    inflammation of the nasal tissues, resulting in over production of mucus to trap the virus, and coughing. there are two different kinds or types of coughs that are common with colds. The first, is the less common dry hacking cough, these kinds are more likely to keep you up at night and just plainly annoy you than do any thing else. The other more common type of cough is the kind whose purpose is to expel mucus and or phlegm. These help to combat the cold by helping to expel the mucus that has the virus trapped

  • Symptoms and Treatment of Bronchitis

    841 Words  | 2 Pages

    soreness under breast bone, irritated by coughing. First they have a dry cough then the cough later brings up green and yellow mucus. The cough may persist to 4 to 6 weeks. Chronic bronchitis is produced by other chronic problems: sinusitis, smoking, TB, etc. The Bronchi becomes thick, inelastic, and accumulate mucus and pus in lower part of lungs instead of bringing discharges up and out. The result is chronic cough, shortness of breath, sometimes spasm, and frequent infection. In acute

  • Coughing At Night Essay

    674 Words  | 2 Pages

    wheezing that accompanies the change of season. Another issue that happens when winter rolls around again is the constant use of stuffy, drying indoor heating. Coughing and wheezing throughout the day are irritating, but it’s easy to take a cough medicine or pop a cough drop. Coughing while you’re attempting to rest is even more bothersome. Experts say it’s best to get between 7-10 hours of sleep each night to restore your body and keep your brain performing optimally. But many people experience annoying

  • Symbolism in Sam Shepard's The Buried Child

    1541 Words  | 4 Pages

    Middle America family. However, this is far from being the truth. The play begins with Dodge (in his seventies) sounding as if he is close to death. He has a hacking cough, which gives the impression that he is extremely ill. Shepherd is alluding to the fact that Dodge is not merely sick physically, but also mentally. The cough is a way to show this sickness in a way where people can see the progression of his illness throughout the play. The introduction of Tilden, Dodge’s son, is quite bizarre;

  • Effects On NyQuill

    959 Words  | 2 Pages

    cause excitability in children. This is not to be taken if you have heart disease, asthma, emphysema, thyroid disease, diabetes, glaucoma, high blood pressure, breathing problems, excessive phlegm (mucus), chronic bronchitis, persistent or chronic cough, cough associated with smoking, and difficulty in urination due to enlargement of the prostate gland. Nyquil is also not to be taken if you consume more then 3 alcoholic drinks every day. Acetaminophen may cause serious liver damage. This is a medicine

  • Man of the House

    1174 Words  | 3 Pages

    Character Analysis of The little boy from “The Man of the House” by Frank O’Connor The story opens with the boy, whom to this point had ignored his mothers coughs, drops everything to rush to her aid as she “collapsed into a little wicker armchair, holding her side”. (O’Connor 206) As he watched his mother struggle trying to light the fire he told her, “Go back to bed and Ill light the fire”. (206) Now to this point, as the reader, I am unsure of the age of the boy, but I get the impression that

  • The Beggar and the Bitch

    2058 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Beggar and the Bitch The blocks of concrete sidewalk in between two rusty, red brick buildings prickle my skin. I lay out my piece of brown corrugated cardboard and am comforted by its smoothness. It provides insulation on a breezy summer night. I curl up, cramped, in the fetal position; my limbs grow limp as my eyelids weigh down over two chocolate eyes. I can feel my fuzzy black dreadlocks falling down the nape of my neck and into the collar of my thin cotton t-shirt. I pull my white tube

  • Whooping Cough Essay

    1687 Words  | 4 Pages

    Whooping cough is a vaccine-preventable disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis. Despite having an available vaccine, cases of whooping cough in the United States and around the world have steadily increased since the 1980s, especially among infant and adolescent age groups. In recent years, 2012 had the highest number of cases since 1955. The number of cases have since decreased however, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) noted a 15% increase

  • Pertussis Or Whooping Cough

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pertussis, also known as “whooping cough,” is a highly contagious disease that affects the respiratory system. This disease is caused by the the bacterium, ​Bordatel​la pertussis, which transfers from person to person through air droplets. Coughing, sneezing, or coming close into contact with an infected person can be very dangerous ­­ it is likely to infect a healthy person. Once ​Bord​ atella pertussis enters a person’s system, it sticks itself to the cilia in one’s respiratory system. Because

  • The Whooping Cough Pertussis

    570 Words  | 2 Pages

    According to the Website Medicine Net, Whooping Cough (pertussis) is an acute, highly contagious respiratory infection that is initiated by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Furthermore, Whooping Cough routinely sways infants and young children but can be stopped by immunization with the pertussis vaccine. Additionally from my research in Seattle Times it states that California had more than 9,000 situations, including 10 deaths. Washington has had 10 times the cases reported in 2011, and so has

  • Whooping Cough Research Paper

    539 Words  | 2 Pages

    Whooping cough, also known as Pertussis, is called the “whooping cough” because after people with this infectious disease cough severely, they gasp for air which sounds similar to a whooping sound. People afflicted with this disease often find have trouble breathing, eating, or sleeping because they have to cough so much. People may cough so severely that their face may turn purple or red. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after being infected with whooping cough, around

  • An Analysis of Extraordinary Little Cough

    1430 Words  | 3 Pages

    An Analysis of Extraordinary Little Cough The text written by Dylan Thomas is an interesting semi-autobiographical one, that may seem to be a simple piece of prose at a first glance,  but goes a lot deeper,  by playing with the language,  and cultural peculiarities. One of the things that distinguishes this text from a lot of his others,  is the fact that it is partially written in a narrative form.  The author takes two roles in this piece of prose.  Some of the time he takes on the role

  • Understanding Pertussis: The Whooping Cough Disease

    1670 Words  | 4 Pages

    communicable disease in which we must be aware of, it is exceedingly contagious. The main sign that one portrays when this disease is present is uncontained aggressive coughing, which can lead to difficulty in breathing to some individuals. Whooping cough is also another name for pertussis mainly because a whooping sound is heard when the patient tries to breath. Pertussis, is an upper respiratory infection caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria. Common cold like symptoms occur about a week after