Contempt of court Essays

  • Contempt Of Court Case Study

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    then the public will diminish their confidence in the administration of justice. If the courts authority is not adhered to in court administration of legal proceedings, then it reduces the chances for a fair trial for the persons involved in the case. Hence, the courts reserves the right to punish those preside or wilfully interfere with its authority. Contempt of court was instigated by the notion that the court administration must be liberated to adjudicate on those matters before it, unimpeded by

  • The Concept of Fair Trial

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    to issues of contempt of court, the sub judice rule and the code of ethics for media professionals. This essay will expound on the aforementioned issues, discuss whether or not the comments made by Speek Owt are licit and state the consequences to be faced by him and Scandal FM. The law dealing with contempt in the Caribbean jurisdictions is generally found to be at common law, except in Guyana, where there is a Contempt of Court Act. Common law offences are established by the courts over the years

  • Extent In The Courtroom

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    to be in contempt of court. Federal and state courts hold this power, that way it keeps the court in an orderly function in administering justice. There are different types of contempt of court: civil contempt and criminal contempt. Criminal contempt has two differences as well, direct and indirect criminal contempt. This helps the judge with preserving order in the court and judicial proceedings. A civil contempt is being held in contempt of court pending the performance of some court ordered act

  • Contempt Action In Family Law Essay

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    When is Contempt Action Necessary in Family Law Contempt action is necessary when a there is an intentional disobedience of a court order. Sometimes even after a court has ruled, or parties have reached an agreement that has been approved by a court of law, a person may not follow the terms of the order or judgement. These circumstances are what cause a complaint for contempt. Most family law cases that deal with a complaint for contempt are civil content complaints, but criminal contempt complaints

  • Importance Of Freedom Of Expression Essay

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    Constitution the object of the contempt law is not only to punish, it includes the power of the Courts to prevent such acts which interfere, impede or pervert administration of justice. If in a given case the appropriate Court finds infringement of such presumption by excessive prejudicial publicity by the newspapers (in general), then under inherent powers, the Courts of Record suo motu or on being approached or on report being filed before it by subordinate court can under its inherent powers under

  • Journalism Law

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    1. Why is it important to submit fair and balanced reports? Why should reporters give the right of reply in reports on council matters? How many sources should their stories have? It’s essential to present all sides of an argument fairly; giving all parties involved equal opportunity. A well-balanced reporter does not take sides when there is a dispute. They represent the interests of the readers and listeners, not the interests of the reporter’s own views, the politicians or whom the round involves

  • Jury System Essay

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    by Lord Justice Auld in his book ‘Review of the Criminal Courts of England and Wales’. Trial by jury is an ancient and democratic institution (Jury Under Attack). It will be seen later that it is a declining one, particularly DUE TO CONTEMPT OF COURT, A … Peter Carey, in his book, Media Law (2010) defines contempt of court refers to the courts ability to publish any person who interferes, in any way, with the proper functioning of the court system. The jury system provides an opportunity for the layman

  • Essay On Confidentiality

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    Over the years journalists have been jailed for failing to reveal confidential sources to the court despite being guided by code of ethics. Journalist should only reveal their confidential sources to the court if the information may harm national security or disclose is necessary to show the innocence of an accused. If a journalist reveals confidential sources without reason the result will be breach of confidentiality and limited flow of information to journalist. In this essay will discuss the

  • Leslie Tiller Essay

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    Judge Leslie Tiller and Judge Simon Skinner serve on the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, respectively. Each judge has an involved history with Minnesota’s governor, Joyce Cooper. In this paper, I address whether the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause bars Skinner and Tiller from hearing two unique cases to which Cooper is a party: the Sierra Club Case and the Cooper Corruption Case. I address each of the two cases in two

  • The Crucible Anti Communism

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    misrepresented her. Another example of this would be when Judge Danforth states "Witchcraft is an invisible crime; the witch will not confess, so the only admissible evidence can be from the victims" (Miller, 1992). This is another way of saying that the court will only accept one side of the argument, thus making it impossible for the defendant to be found innocent. The phase "the witch will not confess" (Miller, 1992) is factually incorrect as the whole inquiry is based on the idea that in the end, the

  • Journalist's Privilege to Keep the Identity of His or Her Sources Secret

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    across the country, and every single day courts convene to determine who was the guilt or innocence of the people involved with the crimes. Courts require evidence and testimonies to convict an individual of a crime. The American Justice System is normally a successful system however; there are times when the system has difficulties operating to its fullest. Many of these difficulties occur when courts interact with media, specifically journalists. The court can often use information released by journalists

  • the title of Vijay Tendulkars SILENCE THE COURT IS IN SESSION

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    SILENCE THE COURT IS IN SESSION 1) TITLE- The original title of the play is SHANTATA! COURT CHALU AHE. The words of the title are very common in law courts where the honourable judges pronounce the words to bring back order and decorum if the parties concerned or the mob present in the court become unruly or create chaos and commotion. In other words the very words SILENCE THE COURT IS IN SESSION indicate the absolute authority of the judge in the court room to decide upon the manners of others.

  • Acc213 Assignment 1 Essay

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    considered is ‘sub judice’–or it is sometimes referred to as being “active” or “pending,” as with the arresting of a man in this case. Up until this point, no court has been sitting to hear the case, because no culprit has been identified. However, once a suspect is identified and apprehended it is clear the case will come before a judge and the court process will begin. The law then takes immediate steps to try to ensure that this legal process is not interfered with, and that the accused has the right

  • Should The UK Constitution Be Held Under The Royal Prerogative?

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    It has been established by the courts that the creation of new prerogative powers cannot be done. In the case of BBC v Johns [1965] it was held that the Crown cannot extend the scope of the existing prerogative. However it was held by the courts that it may be possible to adapt existing prerogatives to new situations. The case of R v Secretary of state for the Home Department, ex parte

  • Prejudice In Court Cases

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    Under Contempt of Court Act 1981, once cases are ‘active’, ‘anything published which creates a substantial risk that the course of justice will be seriously prejudiced or impeded will be a contempt of court’ (, n.d.). Prejudice can be some publication which might make the judge or jury biased to the prosecutor or the defendant. Impediment here means creating an obstruction to fair trial (, n.d.). In other words, if the case becomes active, contempt affects what can

  • Reporter's Privilege Analysis

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    INTRODUCTION Many may argue, that reporter’s privilege is a cop out that reporters utilize in order to be held to a higher standard when it comes to sharing valuable and confidential information. Reporter’s privilege is like a safety law. It ensures that classified information as well as confidential identities will be kept anonymous. It instills confidence and reassurance in the minds of people who are willing to risk their lives in order to speak their truth. Without this law, people would feel

  • Shield Law Essay

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    Explainer: The Shield Laws of Australia and New Zealand – A Comparison Shield Laws are designed to protect journalists in Court from charges of contempt if they refuse to reveal their confidential sources. However, depending on where you live certain Internet journalists and bloggers are precluded from this protection, Alexandra Davies explains Shield Laws – What are they? When a journalist is required to reveal confidential sources who supply them with information which that they published in

  • Corruption & Destruction by Power

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    “Seventy-two condemned to hang by my signature” (Miller 1133). Similarly, his power and influence prevent him from hearing a defense in the witch trials, even when offered a proper defense by Giles Corey, Danforth calls for Giles’ arrest for being in contempt of the court. Additionally, Judges Danforth further show his incompetence by refusing to postpone the hangings of John and Rebecca by outright denying Reverend Parris’ request. Danforth claims “Postponement now speaks a floundering on my part” this shows

  • The Trial Of The Court

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    INTRODUCTION I visited Isleworth Crown Court on 8th April 2015. At First, there were two assistant who gave us the Court’s timetable and explained what cases would be trialled at different courts. Also, they explained where the jury, people in public gallery, defendant and claimant should sit. Before the Court starts Her Honour Judge gave a presentation in terms of her rule, how the Court proceed and how the cases are considered in the Court. She stated that any defendant has the right for fair

  • Aussie Underdog Analysis

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    The Aussie “underdog” theme is one of the most overused genres of Australian film and television. Whilst it is overused, some of the messages that are conveyed are both extremely motivational and providers of false hope. Take for instance the three films: “The Castle”, “Crackerjack” and “Ned Kelly”. Three classic Australian films that all follow the tried and tested formula of the Aussie “underdog” to differing extents. All three of these films can provide great levels of motivation whilst also promoting