Computer reservations system Essays

  • Travel Agent Career

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    destinations in the world. They, usually, provide information about customs regulations, currency exchange rates, travel advisories, required papers such as visas, passports, certificate of vaccination, etc. A travel agent has to use a variety of computer based and published information on arrival and departure of times, hotel accommodations, fares, and group discussion. These travel agents visit resorts, hotels, and restaurants to examine the cleanliness, comfort, and quality of a particular restaurant

  • Travel Agency Supply Chain

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    a website location can and will affect their supply chain. Supply Chains Let's begin by understanding what exactly a supply chain is and what it does for a company. A supply chain, or supply network as it is sometimes called, is a coordinated system of people, activities, information, organizations and resources involved in moving a product or service in a physical or virtual manner from the supplier to the customer (Wikipedia, 2007). Supply chains transform raw materials and components into

  • Role Of Travel Agents

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    The 19th century introduced the first travel agency. In the 1920’s, travel agencies became prevalent because aviation became available to the public. In the beginning, travel agents were mostly used by middle and upper class travelers who had money to spend on vacations. Most lower class families could not afford to travel. Once travel agents popular, they catered to middle class families on the lookout for a cheap but good quality holiday vacations. Air transportation in the 1930’s experienced

  • memo

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    parts. CRS (Central Reservation Systems) or so called voice channel continues to be biggest contributor. Followed by OTA (Online Travel Agents), also called wholesale and third party, that continues to increase its reservations share with increased use of digital devises. Then, the DS (Direct Sale) share, that includes the company own website that generates reservations. Finally, the GDS (Global Distribution System) that continues to increase due to the consolidation of system within this share as

  • Resource Allocation In Hotels

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    Resource Allocation in Hotels –Alternative Distribution Options The number of reservations flowing to hotels through the electronic and switchboard distribution channels – the Internet and reservation call centers – is growing steadily. Once a minor contributor of bookings, they are now primary business sources and grow more important with every passing month. This productivity growth has heightened emphasis throughout the hotel industry on using the electronic and switchboard distribution channels

  • Business Analysis: Orbitz Worldwide

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    Introduction Orbitz Worldwide is a leading global online travel company that uses innovative technology to enable leisure and business travelers to research, plan, and book a broad range of travel products. Orbitz Worldwide success is because the travel company pursues its company’s mission. Orbitz’s mission is to become one of the world’s three primary hotel distribution platforms. Specifically, to organize their activities into three functional areas: demand, supply, and retail. Orbitz has identified

  • Case Study Of Hertz's Business Strategy

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    Business-level Strategy Hertz operates its car rental business through various brands in 145 different countries. Hertz was named, for the thirteenth time, by Travel + Leisure readers as the Best Car Rental Agency (Hertz Annual Report, 2013). Hertz is one of the top companies in the car rental industry by obtaining 18.6% of the market share (IBISWorld, 2014). In addition to the leading position that Hertz has built within its industry, the focus was to add more value offerings while recreating

  • The Decline in the Need for Travel Agencies

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    Essentially travel agencies are middlemen between airlines, cruise lines, hotels, car rental, and customers. Becoming a travel agent is relatively inexpensive with startup cost starting at $15000 to $60000. (Taylor) In the past Travel Agency used to be subsidiaries until about 1997 travel agencies started to become private and publicly trading companies. Travel agents use airline, hotel, and rental car company and package together deals for customer. This package created by the travel agencies includes

  • How Tough Could It Be To Change The Year From 1999 To 2000

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    simply resetting a computer's internal clock on January 1, 2000. Computers may be smart, but their programmers weren't very farsighted. In the '60s and '70s, many businesses were looking to cut costs and because computer storage space was expensive at the time, programmers decided to cut year dates to two digits (i.e., 1969 became 69). It doesn't sound like a major error, but computers are extremely date-sensitive. Computers routinely add and subtract digits in a date to make a variety

  • Itt Trip Scheduling

    1371 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Information, Tours and Tickets (ITT) office could use a system to assist them in creating trip schedules. In this paper I will outline a plan for a Decision Support System (DSS) that will assist ITT in creating schedules for their tours. This system will also track customer surveys and hold data about all of ITTs trips. They already have some computer systems, a spread sheet program and a data base management system (DBMS) which can all be used to build a small DSS. Using the DBMS

  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

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    Abstract:  This paper is about the ethics of giving computers decision-making capacities.  Some possible roles of decision-making computers are articulated, along with the effects of placing computers in such positions.  The essential ingredients to creating an effective decision-making computer are discussed. Kevin Bowyer, author of Ethics In Computing, advances a question as the only ethical dilemma unique to the field of computing.  (Bowyer 3)  He asks:  "how much decision-making should be

  • Online Marketing in Sri Lanka

    3702 Words  | 8 Pages

    times. Kotlar defines online marketing as “marketing conducted through interactive online computer systems, which link consumers with sellers electronically”. (Kotlar et al, 1997) A company engaging in online marketing can use methods ranging from hosting an informative web site to taking orders over the internet to having a fully integrated Customer Relationship Management and Order Management system over the internet. The internet is considered as the engine of bringing phenomenal changes

  • what happened at Kmart

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    rejected any use of technology that could benefit them. For example, while Kmart had the capability to collect data for forecasting, it did not. Rather management still developed the forecasts themselves. Additionally, a proposal to integrate computer systems in distribution was rejected because management thought it too costly. The technology lag in the distribution centers was so bad that reorders were often based on hand tracking. Kmart’s supply chain management contributed to their problems. The

  • School Clothes

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    School Clothes I strongly believe that children should come with an instruction manual in different languages, after all, even the most complicated computer system or VCR has a manual in three to four languages, or more. Granted, sometimes we can't understand the instructions, but we have them and sometimes even a toll-free help line. Now some people would say their own parent would be the help-line but not always does that work out. Our own parents advice can be, shall I say, out-dated; for example

  • Netscape Analysis Report

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    Clark and Marc Andreessen. They released their first browser products free to Internet users in September 1994. Jim Clark is chairman of Netscape Communications Corporation. Before founding the company, Clark was the chairman of Silicon Graphics, a computer hardware manufacturer he founded in 1982. Marc Andreessen is vice president of technology for Netscape Communications. He helped develop the original graphical World Wide Web browser, Mosaic, while he was at the University Of Illinois at Urbana/Champlain

  • Nanotechnology

    1956 Words  | 4 Pages

    Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is the development of atoms in a certain object. Nanotechnology has become very popular in the past few years. It is a way to rebuild the systems of life. To make systems move faster than ever before. Nanometer is about 10 times the size of an atom. Each of these has a huge effect on a system. Still there are questions out there that keep people wondering how important nanotechnology is to us. Many wonder how will it affect them and if we should continue this research

  • Hackers vs. Crackers

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    behind a computer with sinister plans for his attack flowing through the keystrokes of his fingers. You probably think of a techno-criminal defacing websites, shutting down computer systems, stealing money or confidential information-basically a threat to society. But these descriptions may describe someone else enterely. Many in the computer community contend that this criminal description defines crackers. Hackers, on the other hand, are actually people who enjoy learning how computer systems work

  • Technology in Education with DynaVox Systems

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    Technology in Education with DynaVox Systems There have always been implications in the way a teacher can teach a student. You have your perfect students who seem to know more than you, the bad student who doesn’t want to learn, and then you have your student with a disability. These students try hard to succeed, but without the proper equipment, are unable to do so. This comes into play especially with students who are unable to speak. There were many ways in the past to help people who couldn’t

  • Artificial Intelligence

    978 Words  | 2 Pages

    Artificial Intelligence Computers are everywhere today. It would be impossible to go your entire life without using a computer. Cars, ATMs, and TVs we use everyday, and all contain computers. It is for this reason that computers and their software have to become more intelligent to make our lives easier and computers more accessible. Intelligent computer systems can and do benefit us all; however people have constantly warned that making computers too intelligent can be to our disadvantage

  • Optical Mice

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    Optical Mice School of Polytechnic Studies Department of Industrial & Engineering Technology COMPUTER PERIPHERALS A mouse is a device, or computer peripheral, lets a user control a cursor that allows data to be manipulated without having to use complicated keyboard commands. The mouse, though probably named mouse because of its appearance, was originally called an X0Y Position Indicator. Douglas Englebart, who worked for Stanford Research Institute, in 1963, invented the mouse, as we know