Computational complexity theory Essays

  • Increasing Size Of Data Size

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    Over the last so many years, a large amount of data has become available like a large amount of collections of photos, genetic information, and network traffic statistics, modern technologies and cheap storage facilities have made it possible to collect huge datasets. But can we effectively use all this data? The ever increasing sizes of the datasets make it imperative to design new algorithms capable of shifting through this data with extreme efficiency. Figure 1.1 The challenges include

  • Application for Master Degree in Theory and Computational Science

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    move ahead in the future, I strongly desire for a program that would help me build a comprehensive foundation in the field of Computer Science. Within this field, I have developed a deep interest in the area of Theory and Computational Science. More specifically I find algorithms and theory of computation the most appealing areas due to their application in solving many real world problems. My undergraduate course in the field of Electronics Engineering has given me a comprehensive exposure to all

  • Computational Complexity and Philosophical Dualism

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    Computational Complexity and Philosophical Dualism ABSTRACT: I examine some recent controversies involving the possibility of mechanical simulation of mathematical intuition. The first part is concerned with a presentation of the Lucas-Penrose position and recapitulates some basic logical conceptual machinery (Gödel's proof, Hilbert's Tenth Problem and Turing's Halting Problem). The second part is devoted to a presentation of the main outlines of Complexity Theory as well as to the introduction

  • COP 3530, Discrete Data Structures and Algorithms, Summer 1999, Homework 1

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    Class Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms Summer-C Semester 1999 - M WRF 2nd Period CSE/E119, Section 7344 Homework #1 -- Solutions (in blue type) Note: There have been many questions about this homework assignment. Thus, clarifications are posted below in red type. When you answer these questions, bear in mind that each one only counts four points out of 1000 total points for the course. Thus, each one should have a concise answer. No need to write a dissertation. * Question 1. Suppose

  • Bubble Algorithm Essay

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    Course: ALGORITHM. Assignment#1.1 Q- Discuss the Complexity of Bubble Sort algorithm COMPLEXITY OF BUBBLE_SORTS ALGORITHM: If we talk about the complexity of Bubble sort. Then for bubble sort our pseudo code is, Procedure Bubble sort (a1, a2 . . . an) This is an arithmetic series. for i=1 to n-1 for j=1 to n-1 if aj>aj+1 then interchange aj and aj+1 Let, we have the following list, { 1 –11 50 6 8 –1} Using Bubble Sort in increasing order After first pass {-11 1 6 8 –1 50} (In this step

  • Algorithm Research - Quicksort

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    quickly as possible, using as little memory as possible. To measure or classify an algorithm according to these two criteria, we measure the algorithm’s computational complexity. The computational complexity of a sorting algorithm is it’s worst, average and best behavior. Sorting algorithms are generally classified by their computational complexity of element comparisons, against the size of the list. This is represented with what is known as ‘Big O notation’, for example where the ideal behavior

  • The Development of Modern Architecture

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    development of computational approaches in architecture and the contemporary forms of spatial design intelligence, some new architectural design theories emerged to make differences between architects and control designing processes. These theories are almost employed in all designing realms, from architecture to urban design to provide fields of ideas and solutions that privilege by complexity. Most of these theories are oriented to relay on understanding and using computational methods to generate

  • Computational Linguistics

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    Computational Linguistics Computational linguistics is a discipline between linguistics and computer science which is concerned with the computational aspects of the human language. This area of computer science overlaps with the field of Artificial Intelligence. Basically, computational linguistics is a series of programs that interprets human speech into words and actions. There are a couple of different areas of computational linguistics and those areas are theoretical computational linguistics

  • Ernesto Estrada Essay

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    Ernesto Estrada is a Cuban mathematical scientist whose main study is the sub-structural molecular design for complex networks. He is presently a full professor and Chair in Complexity Sciences, at the Institute of Complexity Sciences, which is in Glasgow, United Kingdom. He is also the chair in the Department of Physics, and the Department of Mathematics. He also chairs two departments at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom (Curriculum Vitae). Ernesto was born

  • Turing: Concept of Computation

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    'f'. As 'computer' names a nonnatural kind, almost everyone agrees that a computational interpretation of this sort is necessary for something to be a computer. But because everything in the universe satisfies at least one (mathematical) function, it is the sufficiency of such interpretations that is the problem. If, as anticomputationalists are fond of pointing out, computationalists are wedded to the view that a computational interpretation is sufficient for something to be a computer, then everything

  • Developmental Psychology Theoretical Approaches

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    Overview Four theoretical approaches to cognitive development Piaget’s theory Information processing theories Core knowledge theories Sociocultural theories (Vygotsky) General Themes Nature and nurture Continuity vs. discontinuity Active vs passive child Nurture (environment, learning) John Locke (1632-1704) –Infant’s mind as “tabula rasa” Behaviorism (e.g. Watson, Skinner) Nurture (environment, learning) 'A child's mind is a blank book. During

  • History Of Computer Science

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    as lawyers and doctors. Computer science deals with “the theoretical foundations” of information and computation, together with practical techniques for the implementation and application of these foundations. Computer science is the study of the theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the basis for the design and use of computers. It is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications and the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization

  • Mind And Machine

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    applications of Artificial Intelligence, both now and in the future. Strong AI Thesis Strong AI Thesis, according to Searle, can be described in four basic propositions. Proposition one categorizes human thought as the result of computational processes. Given enough computational power, memory, inputs, etc., machines will be able to think, if you believe this proposition. Proposition two, in essence, relegates the human mind to the software bin. Proponents of this proposition believe that humans just

  • The Nature Of The Mind: The Computational Theory Of Mind

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    philosophers have enquired into the nature of the mind, and specifically the mysteries of intelligence and consciousness. (O’Brien 2017) One of these mysteries is how a material object, the brain, can produce thoughts and rational reasoning. The Computational Theory of Mind (CTM) was devised in response to this problem, and suggests that the brain is quite literally a computer, and that thinking is essentially computation. (BOOK) This idea was first theorised by philosopher Hilary Putnam, but was later

  • Proposal of a New Sorting Algorithm

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    Abstract—Computational problems have significance from the early civilizations. These problems and solutions are used for the study of universe. Numbers and symbols have been used for different fields e.g. mathematics, statistics. After the emergence of computers the number and objects needs to be arranged in a particular order i.e. ascending and descending orders. The ordering of these numbers is generally referred to as sorting. Sorting gained a lot of importance in computer sciences and its applications

  • The Importance Of Technology In Teaching And Learning

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    - Introduction: The ultimate aim of the education is not only to acquire knowledge but also to apply the knowledge in practice and ideally throughout all aspects of life. However, the complexity is the nature of real-world problems that students will face in their future practices. In such situations, technology can be adopted in Teaching and Learning (T&L) process in order to address complex and real-world problems. Technology-enhanced learning utilises the Information Communication and Technology

  • Data Stream Mining Addresses Research Issues Addressed by the Data Mining Community

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    formalization Mining of data streams is required to be formalized within a theory of data stream computation. This formalization would facilitate the design and development of algorithms based on a concrete mathematical foundation. Approximation techniques and statistical learning theory represent the potential basis for such a theory. Approximation techniques could provide the solution, and using statistical learning theory would provide the loss function of the mining problem. The above issues represent

  • History Of Automata Essay

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    pioneer of automata theory Turing Machine: The goal

  • Cognitive Science and Its Link to Artificial Intelligence

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    has lead to related fields of cognitive neurology, or cognitive neuro-psychology, wherein neurologists study the brain biology behind these cognitive human functions. This paper, however, will not discuss that element of cognition because of its complexity and breadth. Instead, language and problem solving will be highlighted and discussed as two important cognitive functions of humans, and will conclude by discussing the connection between the human mind and artificial intelligence. Language

  • Artificial Intelligence: The Types Of Artificial Intelligence Factors

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    Research about Artificial Intelligence Factors “For many centuries, one of the goals of humankind has been to develop machines. We envisioned these machines as performing all cumbersome and tedious tasks so that we might enjoy a more fruitful life” (Artificial Neural System 1). The Artificial Intelligence has brought a revolution and elevated technology to a very advanced level. The AI is also a part of Computer Science that add a smart brain by reactions and explanations to machines. Scientists