Commissioner Essays

  • Schindler Elevator Corp.: Case Study

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    staff and the public, the Holmes County commissioners met Monday with representatives from the Holmes County courts and sheriff's office to plan for repair of the courthouse elevator, which will shut down the lift's operation for several weeks. In February, the commissioners agreed to contract with Schindler Elevator Corp. for improvements to the elevator. Construction is set to begin on Aug. 1 and should be completed by Halloween, according to the commissioners, who met with Common Pleas Judge Robert

  • Public Meeting Observation

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    On February 17, 2014 at 9:00 a.m., I attended a New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting. The regular meetings are held twice a month at the New Hanover County Historic Courthouse, Assembly Room 301, at 24 North Third Street in Wilmington North Carolina. Commissioners in attendance were Woody White, Chairman, Beth Dawson, Vice Chair, Jonathan Barfield Jr., Thomas Wolfe, and Brian Berger was absent. Also in attendance was Chris Coudriet, County Manager, Wanda Copley, County Attorney, Shelia

  • Board Of Commissioners Meeting

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    shareholder (principal). Coller and Gregory (1999) state that if it were associated with disclosure, a large board of commissioners would have greater power to pressure management into disclosing more information regarding

  • Disadvantages of Being Muslim Women

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    LUCKNOW: M R Syeda Hameed's report on the status of Muslim women in India, entitled ``Voice of the Voiceless'', is a bold initiative, documentating in no uncertain terms the double disadvantage of being women and Muslim in India. As member of the National Commission for Women, Dr Hameed conducted public hearings from Kerala to Kashmir, Calcutta to Surat. Everywhere, it was the same story, as women spoke of community objections to sending girls to school after puberty, the dangling threat of triple

  • Texas Land Commissioner Essay

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    public land and properties owned by Texas. Along with every other position in the Texas government, the Texas Land Commissioner has their own roles, system, and issues. By doing their job, the Texas Land Commissioner can aid in maintaining the Lone Star State as the great republic that it is. Role and Power In 1836, it was established by law that there would be a Texas Land Commissioner who would "superintend, execute, and perform all acts touching or respecting the public lands of Texas” (Gammel,

  • Roosevelt's Impact as NYC Police Commissioner

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    7. Roosevelt as New York City Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt was appointed in 1895 as the president of the board of the New York City Police Commissioners, a post he held for two years. At that time the New York Police Department (NYPD) was believed to be one of the most corrupt departments in America. According to their history Roosevelt was an excellent and trustworthy leader who brought a huge change to the New York City Police Commission. He used to inspect firearms daily and even took

  • Rottman v commissioners of police for the Metropolis

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    Rottman v commissioners of police for the Metropolis “Extradition search is lawful, lords say common law power is still available” The name of the parties are (appellant) commissioner of the police of the metropolis,(respondent) Mr. Michael Rottman . The judgment has been held in the house of lords. The judges on this were- Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, Lord Hoffmann, Lord Hope of Craighead, Lord Hutton and Lord Roger of Earlsferry. The barristers and solicitors in this case were, Mr. Perry, on behalf

  • The Role Of The United Nations High Commissioner Refugees

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    The United Nations High Commissioner Refugees (UNHCR) is an international organization that works to protect and assist refugees anywhere in the world, by providing shelter, health, safeguarding individuals, assessing global needs and advocating for those populations (UNHCR, 2016). In fact, the 5 groups the UNHCR helps are refugees in Eastern of Turkey, The diaspora from Africa, refugees in South America, refugees in the Middle East and refugees from Syria (Salopek, 2015). Generally, refugees are

  • Commissioner Lin's Letter To Queen Victoria In 1839

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    cause a social problem in China, causing Commissioner Lin (Lin Zexu) to write a letter to Queen Victoria in 1839, to fix the issue. In this letter, it is present that Commissioner Lin is sinophilic, and proves that China believes they are the center of every. Context clues of the words, “the Central land” being used multiple times in ways that put China on top of the world.

  • Native American Policy: The Board Of Indian Commissioners

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    The Board of Indian Commissioners was a committee that advised the United States federal government on Native American policy. The committee also had the purpose to inspect the supplies that were delivered to Indian reservations to ensure that the government fulfilled the treat obligations to tribes. The committee was established by congress on April 10th, 1869, and authorized the President of the United States to organize a board of ten or less people to oversee all aspect of Native American policy

  • Rowe V Electoral Commissioner Case Study

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    This paper discusses about the recent case, Rowe v Electoral Commissioner [2010] 273 ALR 1 (hereafter Rowe), related with the notions of representative government and representative democracy. Through the discussion of the case, this paper also analyses its significance in Australia. Representative Government & Representative Democracy The notion of representative government distinguishes from the notion of representative democracy. McHugh J in Theophanous said that representative democracy describes

  • Law and Order in London in Late Nineteenth Century

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    Law and Order in London in Late Nineteenth Century The British police force came to being in the late eighteenth century. By 1800 there were only 2 police forces in the whole of Britain, both of which were in London. One was the Bow street runners, which was set up in 1749 and the other, was the Thames River police force, which by then was only 2 years old. The main turning point for policing as far as London is concerned came in 1829 when 'Sir Robert Peel', the home secretary of the time

  • Regina V Commissioner Of Police For The Metro Case Summary

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    INSTITUTIONS CASE NOTE Regina v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, Ex Parte Rottman UKHL 20 (2002) 2A.C. 692 s.r.n:130355977 Regina v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, Ex Parte Rottman 16 th May 2002. Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, Lord Hoffman, Lord Hope of Craighead, Lord Hutton and Lord Rodger of Earlsferry. Procedural history: On appeal from a Divisional Court of the Queen’s Decision to the House of Lords. The judicial review against the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis

  • The Right to Asylum: The Edward Snowden Case

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    Links to use General Information: More General information: For the case study: [Intentional Page Break] Work: FROSHMUN 2014 (Allison will float throughout the sections) READ TO DISCOVER What is the right to asylum? What is the history and current condition of this issue? What role does your country play in this issue? What steps should

  • The Somalian Refugee Crisis

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    The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees announced, “Somalia's drought and refugee crisis is the most severe humanitarian emergency in the world, (UNHCR, 2011). Although estimates vary, about 800,000 people have left Somalia seeking asylum. Most now reside in refugee camps in bordering Kenya and Ethiopia. Many trek for days with little or food to seek safety and assistance in refugee camps only to find conditions that are no better. Host nations and humanitarian organizations cannot support

  • Refugee Crisis Research Paper

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    The Refugee Crisis is Everyone’s Crisis The United States admitted approximately 85,000 refugees in 2016. (Willingham) This, however, pales in comparison to the 65.3 million people forcibly displaced worldwide. (UNCHR) The refugee crisis the United States faces today is extremely controversial. Refugees should not only be allowed, but also be welcomed into the United States. It is actually safe to let them in, but it also makes America more cultured and it brings the refugees to safety. In fact

  • Social Transformation Essay

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    In relation to social transformation I have gathered materials that focusses on programs provided for ‘refugees’ living in New Zealand. The purpose of my findings are based on the societies support for ‘refugees’ in terms of human security and directions of life before settling in their new destination. There are stories about ‘refugees’ that need to be shared and stories that need to be forgotten, because it can produce controversy within the society or the universe. But where can these ‘refugees’

  • Refugees´ Rights to Life

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    Introduction The term refugee has been used a lot lately on news and other media outlets. As Americans when we hear or think about a refugee, we always think of others. We think of the misplaced Syrians and the children of war in Africa, we think of refugees from Afghanistan and those migrating here from MiddlEast fearing prosecution of their oppressed governments; hardly ever we give a thought of such term in association with an American. It does not accrue to us that stronger nations have fallen

  • Literary Elements Ilustrated in Chinua Achebe's Poem, Refugee Mother and Child and in Kassabova's Refugees

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    In the poem Refugee mother and child written by Chinua Achebe and Refugees written by Kapka Kassabova, an important idea of loss is conveyed by using interesting language techniques such as simile, alliteration and metaphor. They both link to the idea of the abstract loss and Achebe, itself, links to physical loss. As the catholic dominated province of Biafra attempted independence from the Muslim dominated central state the civil war broke in 1967. Achebe writes from a 3rd person perspective

  • Argumentative Essay On Refugees

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    In this piece, I will argue that the social factors and attitudes surrounding the distinction of asylum seekers and official refugees, are constructed and exploited by the Australian Government, to improve their political and economic position over the nation. The Government uses nationalism and assimilation to maintain their power to shape the culture and normality of Australian society. They achieve this by influencing society through the media, to fear 'illegal ' asylum seekers, but accept those