Club 8 Essays

  • This Is Won-A-Pa-Lei Or Karana Short Story

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    This is Won-a-pa-lei, or Karana. As you may know I was left stranded on an island with my late brother Ramo, or Chief Tanyositlopai, while my sister Ulape and the rest of our tribe left to unknown land. I wish to not point fingers, but Ramo was at fault for their departure without us. He was a stubborn child who went to collect his spear quickly before they could have left. I had to go after him because what’s an older sister to do? With my parent’s death and Ulape’s obsessive crush with Nanko, she

  • Fellini's 8 1/2

    2001 Words  | 5 Pages

    “The original title of Fellini’s 8 ½ was ‘Beautiful Confusion,’ and Fellini branded his film as a comedy. Anyone who has seen 8 ½ cannot help but laugh at the eclectic and satirical humor that imbues Fellini’s work, but ultimately the feature does not come off as comic,” (Horak). While certain critics (such as Horak) argue that Federico Fellini’s 8 ½ (1963) evokes partial tragedy, one could dually aver that the film epitomizes a classical, “bathos” model; everything within the work, even the dramatic

  • Federico Fellini

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    one of the most important film directors of all time. He created multiple films that expressed the true reality of a Fascist Italy. Italy at the time was under Fascist control, which was similar to that of the Nazi take over in Germany. In his movie 8 ½ Fellini casts Marcello as the lead role, some say that Marcello was portraying a younger version of Fellini. Marcello plays the role of Guido in the film. Guido is a young man who is struggling through a sort of directors block on his recent film.

  • Momma Lowrider: Sandra Teran of Duke's Car Club

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    Momma Lowrider: Sandra Teran of Duke's Car Club On Easter Sunday of last year, the sound of gunfire, then police sirens, interrupted the music booming from the cars on South Sixth Avenue. Three people died and six were injured in two separate shootings that occurred within an hour of each other on the street crowded with cars and people (Stauffer). This event reinforced the way the public often views cruisers: as violent juveniles or gang-bangers engaging in a dangerous, vain activity. The violence

  • Anorexia and Bulimia

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    availability of the Internet has brought about a new 'culture' to which these troubled teenagers are subscribing - this 'culture' is that of the 'pro-anorexia' or 'pro-ana' movement. These clubs and groups are often given pet names, such as Ana or Anna (anorexia) and Billy or Mia (Bulimia), and supporters use e-groups and clubs to post messages of support to like minded friends who support and understand their eating habits. FOCUS In response to recent negative media attention about this growing 'society'

  • The Condition of Women During the French Revolution

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    provinces.(2) The complexity of women's roles in the French Revolution, she notes, did involve bread rioters, members of political clubs, and defenders of religious traditions, but she resists the "simple evolutionary view of a revolutionary woman," such as the politically incompatible woman whose involvement became a "serial disaster" (3) or the fanatical woman of political clubs and religion.(4) In 1789, bread rioters marched to Versailles, dried their rain-soaked clothing in the assembly hall, disrupted

  • Case Study of Callaway Golf Company

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    recreational golfers would be willing to invest in high-tech, premium-priced clubs if such clubs could improve their game by being more forgiving of a less-than-optimum swing.” (Thompson, c205) Callaway then purchased the company outright and changed the name to Callaway Hickory Stick USA and then hires Richard Helmstetter as the companies’ chief club designer. With the help of five aerospace engineers, Helmstetter developed line of clubs that was set apart form competing brands by its technological innovation

  • micheal Jackson

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    5 as the lead singer of the Jackson 5 who formed in 1964. In these early years the Jackson 5, Jackie, Jermaine,Tito,Marlon and lead singer Michael played local clubs and bars in Gary Indiana and moving further afield as there talents grew and they could compete in bigger competitions. From these early days Michael would be at the same clubs as big talented stars of there days, such as Jackie Wilson and would be learning from them even back then. In 1968 the Bobby Taylor and The Vancouvers discovered

  • Field of Dreams - The Innocence in History

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    but the game of baseball has remained remarkably constant throughout history into today. [2] Cartwright was a part of a baseball club team called the “New York Knickerbocker Base Ball Club,” and his rules were for use of only this club. Soon after, other clubs started to become interested in these rules, and they adopted them into their own ball clubs and games. “It is evident that other teams were playing a good brand of ball, for in the first baseball game on record, played in Elysian

  • Beer Pong for Dummies

    3405 Words  | 7 Pages

    Beer Pong for Dummies Throughout the many years, college students have engaged in many activities to either entertain themselves or pass endless time. These activities have ranged from sports, either intramural or varsity, to various clubs and organizations devoted to students personal interests. While these have sparked interest and lasted a long time, none has exceeded the expectations of the wonderful game of beer pong. As I began to think about ways on approaching this topic I became

  • Problems with Iran

    3797 Words  | 8 Pages

    $2,500 in 1978. From 1970-77 the gross national product was reported to increase to an annual rate of 7.8% ("Iran" 896). As a result of this thriving economy, the income gap rapidly widened. Exclusive homes, extravagant restaurants, and night clubs and streets loaded with expensive automobiles served as daily reminders of a growing income spread. This created a perfect environment for many conflicts to arise between the classes. Iran's elite class consisted of wealthy land owners, intelligencia

  • The Central Business District of Kidderminster

    5290 Words  | 11 Pages

    The Central Business District of Kidderminster Introduction ============ For my GCSE fieldwork we were required to visit the central Business District (CBD for short) of a town or a city. The town that I will investigate is called Kidderminster, and is located in Central England, near the Wyre Forest District in the countryside of Worcestershire on the Stour River. Kidderminster is just 19 miles south of Birmingham. It has a very industrial history and is known as the origin of the

  • Eminem

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    Eminem In “like Eminem says, why all the fuss?” featured in The Age journalist Shaun Carney defends Eminem and his lyrics. Carny stresses that Eminem winning the category should not be so controversial when Mathers is clearly depicting a role. His contention through out the article is to convince the reader to refrain from reaching to eminem, as a parody. Carny effectively seeks the neutral role during the story. He leans neither way. Carny signifies specific word choice and language devices to

  • Government Subsidized Housing Research

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    taxpayers because the money running the government assisted programs comes out of tax dollars. Alternatives and remedies need to be thought out. Often, families are moving into subsidized housing to better the home they were living in (Husock). Section 8 vouchers allow ... ... middle of paper ... ... Bibliography: Bibliography “The New Look of Subsidized Housing.” Nation’s Business Nov. 1983: 20+. Infotrac: Expanded Academic ASAP. Online. 15 Feb. 2000. Gramer, Clare. “Subsidized Housing Lacking

  • Chicago’s Cabrini-Green Housing Project

    1551 Words  | 4 Pages

    Chicago’s Cabrini-Green public housing project is notorious in the United States for being the most impoverished and crime-ridden public housing development ever established. Originally established as inexpensive housing in the 1940’s, it soon became a vast complex of unsightly concrete low and high-rise apartment structures. Originally touted as a giant step forward in the development of public housing, it quickly changed from a racially and economically diverse housing complex to a predominantly

  • Homelessness in Long Island, New York

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    The problem I am going to discuss is homelessness in Long Island. What is homelessness and who defines it? Homelessness is a person lacking adequate shelter or otherwise residing below the minimal standard of what is considered a safe dwelling. The federal definition of homeless is an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence (HUD, 2011). Homelessness is not just a problem in big cities like New York or Los Angeles, but rather it is a global epidemic affecting small

  • Factors Influencing the Buying Behavior of Financial Management Students According to their Weekly Allowance

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    This study discusses the “Factors that influence the buying behavior of financial management students according to their weekly allowance. This paper started by defining the financial management and the meaning of buying behavior. It also tells the buying behavior of Asian and Filipino people and discusses the factors that will influence the buying behavior. The survey is all about the possible factors that can affect the buying behavior. At the next part of the study was the result of the conducted

  • No Child Left Behind Act

    833 Words  | 2 Pages

    Page 1 Symbolism in Robert Frost This poetry analysis essay is about symbolism in Robert Frost’s poetry. The essay is titled “Symbolism in Robert Frost” and the poems under discussion are “The Road Not Taken” and “Birches”. Fisrt I will start with the poem titled “The Road Not Taken” and provide three short quotes from this poem and one quote from “Birches.” I will also provide three possible interpretations of their meaning. The following is a quote from the poem titled “The Road Not

  • Character Analysis: Touching Spirit Bear

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    Transformation of a person starts from the inside, if successful it starts to show on the outside. In the novel Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, Cole Matthews, a fifteen-year-old delinquent is in trouble for his biggest mistake yet, hurting Peter Driscal which causes him pain and trauma all because Peter had turned Cole in for robbing a store. The Circle of Justice offers another option instead of sending him to prison. Cole can be sent to an isolated island and try to survive a whole year

  • Essay About Father Dying

    777 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jonathan is a young adult who does not know what to think for reason that his father is sick in a hospital bed...dying. Dying is an alarming and touchy topic to talk about, but with the presence of loved ones, it does not have to be so bad. . Family members are shocked and saddened, being surrounded by loved ones comforts people, and the approach one takes to dealing with the situation can relieve a large amount of the patient’s emotional strain. I completely agree with Jonathan saying at the beginning